For those of you who made a visit to HK recently
What percentage of the girls were wearing masks? I feel like it would be kinda awkward to ask them to take off their mask before I decide to take them upstairs, yet I don't wanna find out I committed to an unattractive girl who I thought was attractive when she was wearing a mask. I'm very adamant about strictly going with a girl with baby face. I'm not so picky about their body type as long as every part of their body is natural. So, yea. Are majority of girls now maskless in the club?
I was reminded of this at the mall today. When I see a gal I estimate to be between the ages of 18-55, in my mind, I rate her on my fuck and suck scale:
A. I would fuck her and the whole 9 yards.
B. I would only eat her out.
C. I would only get a blow job from her.
D. I would let her suck my dick if she asked nicely.
E. I wouldn't fuck her with Charlie Sheen's dick and Ron Jeremy pushing.
But with many wearing masks, my scale has been off-kilter during this pandemic.