Ohio guys (mostly Cleveland area) with info on what clubs are best for dancers?

Who the fuck is Ninabambina?
I will be working in the Cleveland area a bit this summer. I'd like to find a club where I can make good money. I've danced at super upscale clubs as well as neighborhood bar types and both kinds are fine with me as long as they have customers because as long as there are customers I will make money. So the quality of the physical club isn't so important. Please give me your suggestions with as many details as you'd like to give regarding these clubs. I don't do urban clubs just as a heads up. Just looking for the busiest clubs with decent vip set-ups. Thanks. 😊
All are decent clubs and would not be considered "urban". Christies would be the most "upscale" while TCH has a more laid back neighborhood feel to it.
The Flats area has a similar feel to downtown D near Greektown and Tigers Stadium. Casino, Baseball Stadium and bars. Same type of crowd.
LOL - I guess @DickyDoo didn't read the OP carefully where she says she's looking for a place to dance meaning she's a dancer - rare that a dancer comes on here looking for extras LOL
That's a good question. From reviews to seems like they are pretty low contact but I've heard girls say otherwise. Can't be worse than Detroit in that department, though. I'm gonna check out a couple as a customer. I have plenty of time to make up my mind, I won't be working there until early July.
Seems Christie’s or Hustler are the most popular, or Crazy Horse for a smaller environment.
There is also apparently a law that there must be 4 articles of clothing. Shoes+Panties+something else that isn’t taken off. Many choose socks or arm bands as the 4th article of clothing. Panties must go to the top of the butt crack and be at least an inch wide in the back.
1. There are wonderful places in Cleveland and Detroit, and hell holes as well. IMO, the cool areas are "cooler" in Detroit and the rough areas are "rougher" in Detroit as well. I know Michigan people hate Ohio people and vice versa but they really aren't that different. Detroit and Cleveland both have a blue-collar mentality, similar midwest accents and shitty football and currently shitty basketball teams as well.
2. I find it easier to get around in Cleveland than Detroit. I always joked that some city planner got a good deal on concrete because in Detroit where they needed 1 road they went ahead and built 3 making everything confusing as shit. One thing to note, running around Detroit I always felt you can go what ever speed you want on I75-94-96. You can't do that when you're on I90-71-77-80 and 480 in Cleveland.
2. As for clubs and a bunch of people throwing their 2 cents in that have never even stepped foot in a club in Ohio in their life, listen to what Longball is saying. I have been to Christies (and its former iterations) several times and the other clubs only a few times, because when in Cleveland I always just go to Christies. Christies has dances on the floor which IME can get pretty high mileage. They do have private VIPs where extras have been known to occur but you're dropping some serious money. In Detroit it is expected, in Cleveland it's a rare surprise.
I know one of the last times I was there, there was this weird law where dancers had to put clear pasties over their nipples while on stage after midnight, but they didn't have to have them on during lapdances. This was due to some weird "city" ordinance and this was way before we even know what COVID was. I also know at one time some dancers were allowed to dance nude on stage before midnight as well, although less than half took their bottoms off at least when I was there.
Read my somewhat recent review of Crazy Horse - Miles.
@ Meat - AZ AZ AZ.... have you ever actually been to either City?
For the record I like Michigan / Detroit people just fine and even have lots of good yinzer friends from Picksburg too..... why can't we all just get along?
Also, I get the impression meat is posting just to stir the pot lol
I wonder if garters could count. That's what I keep my money on with a rubber band. I could wear one on each thigh.
Question regarding attire: were the girls there all in dresses/gowns, or were there some wearing bikinis and/or lingerie sets? I ask because a girl who worked there years ago told me there was a dress code (gowns) but that it might not still be in effect. When I've looked at what social media pics I could find, it didn't seem like that dress code was still endorced as I saw girls in two piece lingerie sets etc.
Best money:
Downtown, Christies and Hustler as mentioned can be cut throat on weekends
east side: bedford for crazy horse
south: Christies brunswick - lots of regulars and younger crowd on weekends. maybe the least amount of dance drama in the area... management changes all the time so if not your scene this week try next week.
airport: I stay away from there the last few years. Every place I'd stop in was want a be drug dealers and strung out dances. maybe thing have changed, but I work in that neighborhood and is an area in decline.
Why would you not include Diamonds?