
Nicespice’s flight school lesson didn’t turn out so well

They never tell you what you need to know.
In the Skies Over Denver, a Terrifying Crash


This is what happened when she tried to do a barrel roll on what was only her 3rd lesson.

Amazing nobody was hurt.


  • skibum609
    3 years ago
    The Cirrus is a great plane. My youngest brother owns a GTS. Expensive planes though and by that I mean unbelievably.
  • twentyfive
    3 years ago
    That’s what happens when you give Crazy Joe the controls and let him dive bomb crappers
  • misterorange
    3 years ago
    A parachute for the plane? Damn. Sounds like James Bond stuff.
  • nicespice
    3 years ago
    Oh goodness, Colorado has had enough tragedies lately. Good thing it was averted
  • georgmicrodong
    3 years ago
    Still turned out better than your attempt at humor.
  • minnow
    3 years ago
    Watch the "blancolirio" channel on You Tube where he dissects this accident including ATC tapes. That Metroliner pilot is proof that ignorance can be bliss. His radio transmissions sound like a walk in the park, being unaware of the severity of the damage until he taxied to parking, shut down, and got out of airplane. Good thing that was a cargo flight, I don't think some passengers would have fared well.

    Skibum, sounds like your brother is doing very well to own an airplane going for at least high 6 figures.
  • shailynn
    3 years ago
    George of all my jokes hit, I’d have a bigger platform to perform them on than a strip club message board 💩
  • Cashman1234
    3 years ago
    This is why you don’t use a hookah when piloting a plane!

    Where are those parachutes for the commercial airliners?
  • skibum609
    3 years ago
    Minnow he is doing great. He lives the old "american dream" of housing project to Palm Beach. The 37' Intrepid hanging from the davits on the intercoastal is a lot of fun too.
  • 48-Cowboy
    3 years ago
    ^ Lmfao! Sounds like your brother was successful! Good thing someone in your family will be able to tale care of you if your socialist security doesn't work out. I bet your brother is busy getting work instead of bragging about his socialist security
  • skibum609
    3 years ago
    My brother is actually taking a golf lesson so when we play over the next 2 weeks he can pretend he lives in a universe where I don't have to give him 6 a side. Not sure what you mean by "socialist security" but then again I have always had trouble understanding morons when they use words with more than 3 letters in them. Yee haw cow pie.
  • ime
    3 years ago
    Hell of a safety feature.
  • ATACdawg
    3 years ago
    They've actually been available as options or for retrofit for about 15 or 20 years. The cool thing here is that it was standard equipment on the plane that had to deploy it.
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