Have you or would you ever try a "live in FWB"? (Sharing my experience)

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PS: I don't mean to offend anyone. I am only asking since you guys give insightful answers.

What do I mean?
I don't mean a 'live in gf" where the woman and you are in a monogamous relationship. Rather when the woman is your FWB and stays at your house/apartment for a limited time. For instance, during a summer. Of course, she would have her room. Then you guys would do activities/hook up on the weekends as part of your "arrangement" but pretty much live independent lives. She would live rent-free and the only two rules would be the weekend activities and she can't bring guests to the house/apartment(You'll be surprised but there some places where no guests are allowed anyway.)

My own experience
I believe this has been the best relationship/arrangement, I have ever gotten into. I was living in a big city on the East Coast in a two-bedroom apartment. My roommate had moved out and I was renting through a company. The company randomly assigns roommates so they assigned this woman who was doing a master's degree at the local university. After a few weeks, she told me that she had delved into Sugar dating. We came to the agreement that I could cover her rent(which was minimal, she was staying in a small room) and she would be my "FWB" over the weekends.

I want to specify the I wasn't a "creepy landlord" telling her, "hook up with me now"...etc. Rather, she more of my roommate/companion who I did fun activities with like eating sushi, watching movies, or going to the park. Bear in mind that some weeks, she was gone for a few days or one time, I brought another woman home and she was even there. Or when her university friends ask her who I was, she said, 'It's my roommate."

I believe the type of "arrangement" might not be for everyone. You would need to have sort of "maturity to pull it off. People who don't get attach easily might have a higher chance of success. I never what she was doing in her private life(likely seeing her old bf) nor did she ask me what I was doing, I was seeing another woman. The advance of this type of "arrangement' it was that it was 'sure thing" the good things would happen. For instance, I went with my friends to pick up women and we ended up empty-handed. However, instead, of going to my apartment alone, she was there and we ended up watching movies and hooking up.

I do think it can work both ways since she was stressed out about her studies. Overall, I had such a great time that I plan on doing this again.

What do you guys think?


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Just curious what the age difference was in your case.
avatar for Beat100
4 years ago
We were around the same age.
I believe San Jose Guy did this with a goat once and it worked out well, until the goat ate his keyboard.
You're not talking about fwb you're talking about her paying rent by fucking you
avatar for wiffle shwaffle
wiffle shwaffle
4 years ago
In most FWB situations I've been in, one of us developed feelings of jealousy. I also like to be the exclusive FWB because I'm worried about STDs.

In your situation, I would suggest writing something out for her to sign if you own the home. This will cover your ass in case she breaks something or for insurance reasons or whatever. Don't put in there the agreement for no rent for sex obviously, but just a general housing agreement. It would benefit her as well if she were trying to get State aid or something, too.

If this does happen for you, I would suggest you both sit down and talk about expectations for the "relationship/FWB" and what is/is not okay. And also please realize she doesn't owe you all of her time - especially if she's in school. And I would hope she would realize the same about you.

*I just reread your post and saw that it's past tense, but I'm too lazy to change my wording above.
To me you are not describing a FWB relationship but as long as both are agreable to the arrangement, good for you.

We are all wired differently but the experience you described does not sound appealing at all.

The rules you set seem too controlling to me (having to be your sex partner every weekend and no else is allowed over).

Having a hot girl live in your house as a back up plan for when you strike out at the club seems like too much potential drama and not as much fun sexually as it may seem.
Live in -FWB sounds stupid to me, live in defeats the entire purpose of having a FWB
Do what you like I wouldn’t
I ahveTried some version of this with strippers a few times. It never lasted very long - at most a few weeks. Typically, I find out why they can't find a place or roommate...and I end up asking them to leave - after a final shag, of course.

I do have one Sugar baby who is based in New York (I live in LA). When she visits LA (usually with a gig as an assistant to celebs), I often let her stay in my spare bedroom for 3-7 days, no cost. She will throw down with me at least 2 or three times while she's there. Good times. But I'd never let it go more than a week.
Arrg... hit the wrong button. The 1st sentence should start with "I have tried some version..."
avatar for Iknowbetter
4 years ago
You’re both about the same age...She’s staying at your place rent free..She looks good enough to hook up with on a regular basis... you enjoy hanging out together and doing other activities. This is not FWB. You’re in a relationship.
Sounds you have a roommate who lives for free and whom you fuck on occasion.
Its kinda fucked up when you have to exchange sex for free rent and make it a formal agreement
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