
Stimulus money finally washing out of the system

Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
Monday, April 19, 2021 2:33 AM
It would seem that the stimulus money is finally washing out of the system at some clubs, at least if recent trends hold. Opportunities are opening back up that dried up for a while, with girls showing back up in the clubs who had not worked over the last few weeks. It took longer than I thought, but there it is. Anyone else experiencing the same thing now?


  • Papi_Chulo
    3 years ago
    I haven't been in the clubs to notice, but I'm not 100%-convinced the Dems are not gonna try to buy more votes (what's a couple of trillion among friends/likely-voters), and come out w/ more stimulus "in the name of equity" - I also feel that as long as enhanced-unemployment-benefits are in place this may still be a headwind for dancers getting back on the pole - one would assume all these benefits will come to an end sooner-than-later but I would not be shocked if there is still more left to come in the future.
  • rickdugan
    3 years ago
    Papi, I think that problem that a lot of these girls ran into in tapping into enhanced unemployment is that they were required to prove that they lost income. Since many of those girls were not exactly reporting their real income to begin with and are not getting 1099s, I'm not sure how many of them were actually able to tap into it. My opportunities were fantastic going into the holidays and even decent after until those lump sum checks came out a few weeks ago, then suddenly a bunch of girls were MIA. But over the past week things have really improved.
  • Actionbx
    3 years ago
    I figure around June or July once all the lump sum stimulus and refunds are dried up that business will pick up. I like going in around the end or the first of the month knowing that car note, rent, or mortgage is due. That’s when you’ll get a good deal.
  • Papi_Chulo
    3 years ago
    Hard to know how many dancers file-taxes and how many don't - not hard to assume many don't - I'm no tax-expert and not having kids I'm not up to speed as how particular dancers are better off (filing or not filing) - I imagine that are dancers for whom filing taxes is an advantage and do so, and for those that it's not and don't file - all things being equal (filing/not-filing), stimulus checks def don't encourage dancers back in the clubs (especially the ones with a couple of kids where they get mo'money)
  • docsavage
    3 years ago
    I've been noticing under staffing in the clubs with a shortage of dancers but many of the customers haven't started coming back so it's hard to tell how much of girls staying away is because of lack of customers and how much is due to the stimulus checks. The stimulus money may be a big factor because I've seen the same employee shortages happening elsewhere. I went to a barbershop last week that normally has several barbers but they only had two that day. While I was getting my haircut I watched three people come in and try unsuccessfully to get appointments for that day. The same day I took my car to get repaired and they told me only one technician showed up for work. You've got the stimulus checks, you have people getting extra money for each child, you have the three hundred dollar a week federal subsidy for those still unemployed, and you have people being able to skip paying rent since there is a moratorium on evictions. Until this all ends, if it ever does, there will be labor shortages throughout the economy and that includes strip clubs.
  • shailynn
    3 years ago
    ^^^ yep the best example of this is I have a relative that has this unemployed nitwit that does odd jobs for him. He’s on welfare and has 4 or 5 kids. I think my relative was telling me this guy has made over $14k the past year in stimulus money alone and he hasn’t answered his phone in the past 6 months when my relative calls for work. In my business I’ve seen a bump in sales every time the checks hit except for this last time. I may not agree with issuing them anymore but it’s hard for me to complain if it’s helping my bottom line at work. My customers are business and THEY ALL complain about not being able to find workers.
  • NinaBambina
    3 years ago
    I'm trying to hold off for a while to give my vaccine some time to work. I know I "should" wait until two weeks after my second shot, but that doesn't seem realistic as I've only danced a few times this year (wow) and need to go back... I have researched the efficacy of one shot and it looks like I should have a somewhat decent amount of protection even before my second shot so I will probably go back in a week or so. Once I'm fully vaccinated I will work a lot for a few months and then retire completely this summer. I don't have kids yet, so I only got the one stimulus check. 1400 only stretches so far and isn't enough to keep me out of work. I miss the days when I could go make that in a night.
  • twentyfive
    3 years ago
    I retired in September , there have been labor shortages in the construction industry for years, the easy availability of government money certainly has had some effect, but that’s too simplistic, especially since friends in the restaurant industry have complained of the same problems. Don’t know how this will shake out, but my guess is too much of an emphasis is placed on industries that are less labor intensive and not enough attention is paid to other forms of employment that can become lucrative careers with abundant opportunities because they aren’t sexy.
  • Dolfan
    3 years ago
    The stimulus money might be washing out of the strip club system, but its still in the larger economy. Meaning, the guys who got their checks and immediately either made it rain at the club or called up a girl for some OTC have blown their cash & the girls who got it have blown it too. But, I feel like there are still those out there making it last. Its just a feeling, not tied to extensive studies or anything, but I feel there are a lot of jobs out there people don't want. Food service for sure. Some are hesitant to work for health reasons, some are just lazy and don't have an immediate need for the cash. Those that haven't been paying rent or utilities see no reason to start now.
  • BumHip
    3 years ago
    Why do mongers think that a $1400 check is going to satisfy a stripper for more than a couple days? The real hustlers make that in a day. To think that they are staying away because of a one time, good days worth of work stimulus check is keeping them away is not realistic. Think about it, how long would you be able to take off with one days pay in your hot little hand?
  • Sgtsnowman
    3 years ago
    There was A LOT more money than just that stimulus check floating around if you've been working the welfare system and keeping your earnings off the books. I've seen unemployed tweekers in my area showing up in new ford mustangs. It turns out that other benefit programs were also bumped (depending on the state you live in) especially if your claimed income is below the poverty line and you have children. Stimulus check is just what you guys are familiar with because you don't live on the benefits system. The question is how many states reduced their pandemic extras now that many of them are opening back up.
  • Dolfan
    3 years ago
    You're missing the point SnD. No one thinks the girl got her check & is taking off work. The theory is that the clubs customers were extra flush with their checks and many of them spent large portions of it in the club, resulting in a significant flood of cash into girls pockets. We see the same thing around tax time, there may be a few single moms gaming the tax system to get large refunds but mostly its girls getting big chunks of many guys refund checks.
  • iknowbetter
    3 years ago
    I doubt that too many strippers received unemployment or stimulus benefits since most of their income is paid in cash. However, I still have several decently employees unwilling to return to work since they are still making more on state unemployment + federal unemployment + federal stimulus $ than they make by working for me. Definitely a disincentive to return to available jobs.
  • iknowbetter
    3 years ago
    Full disclosure- I have 2 kids in college who both collected stimulus $ based on their part time and summer incomes, despite the fact that they are full time students, and 100% supported by me. One kid also collected unemployment last year because the restaurant she worked at closed due to COVID. It didn’t seem to matter that she was going to quit anyhow to return to school. This felt like abuse of the system, but the govt sent them the $ and they didn’t send it back. Don’t worry, I still paid in several times more $ into the system than they received back out.
  • rickdugan
    3 years ago
    As an update: finally the single mothers are showing back up to my favorite clubs in greater numbers. Hallelujah, Hallelujah. This includes some old favorites who no doubt rode it out for months on the stimulus money and lump sum Earned Income Tax Credit rebates. But now all of that largesse is finally washing away. And yes, most of these single mother dancers file tax returns because of the lump sum EITC rebate they receive each year, which means that they got the stimulus too for themselves and their kids. But many of them likely didn't qualify for enhanced unemployment because they dramatically under-report their earnings each year. Imagine one of these girls having two kids and getting the max EITC of $6k plus another $4.2k in stimulus. $10k can hold some of these gals for a while, but not forever. I guess "forever" has finally arrived. Good times.
  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    3 years ago
    Im seeing lots of girls. Clubs are banking off of house fees since there are so few customers. At least not consistent ones
  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    3 years ago
    Even if they get unemployment. Either pua or edd if they have employee status. They declare the minimum amount to the irs so they don't qualify for much. And the $300 boost is nothing. Unemployment is a few extra bucks but you can't live off of it in a major city.
  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    3 years ago
    Girls i know haven't been dancing because of high house fees. Too many girls working. Not many customers.
  • Papi_Chulo
    3 years ago
    Rent (and other bills) moratorium may also play a role in dancers not rushing back to the clubs
  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    3 years ago
    You guys are trying to portray strippers as lazy slackers. You're greatly underestimating their greed and need to live beyond their means.
  • Salty.Nutz
    3 years ago
    Youre pretty dumb^^^ if a stripper qualifies for the stimulus it means she makes less then 75K. if she does not report all her income the only place she can spend it is at the grocery store, casinos, and mall. she wont be able to buy big ticket items like a house and sometimes a house without being flagged. for example stripper does not report all her income and is about to purshase a house. right before closing she makes a 35K deposit for the closing costs. what do you think happens next? youre dumb, you never had any money
  • skibum609
    3 years ago
    My last 10-15 experiences show a better dancer/customer ratio than before Covid. I've been getting unmaksed (both ways) lap dances since 5/23/2020. The 6 foot rule in reality is within 6 ft for 15 minutes. News conveniently leaves out part 2.
  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    3 years ago
    Salty.nutz ....girls have family cosign or pay someone to cosign for an apartment for example. Getting a new car isn't a problem especially with a trade in. They're not out there buying houses. But they're leasing luxury Apts. Buying up designer shit. Bbls lip fillers etc. Plus coke and weed aren't cheap. Girls in big cities love living nigga rich. You're a fuckibg idiot if you think having money means they're buying houses or setting up stock portfolios.
  • Papi_Chulo
    3 years ago
    “… You guys are trying to portray strippers as lazy slackers. You're greatly underestimating their greed and need to live beyond their means. …” A lot of dancers def hustle for their $$$ - but just as many have atrocious work-ethic and why there are so many that spend a lot of the time in the club just interacting w/ their phones, or hiding in the dressing-room, or hanging w/ other dancers and ignoring custies – many dancers stop hustling if they’ve made enough for the day/week; and many disappear from the club if they have a regular OTC – i.e. if they are able to get by for now w/ all the current gov giveaways, many will likely choose to live off of that if they can until that dries up and they don’t have a choice (just like when a regular OTC dries up; etc) - at the end of the day one would assume not all dancers are in the same-boat w.r.t. their finances and how many are doing-well-enough from gov payments and how many are not
  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    3 years ago
    Doing the least work to get your bag is a part of the hustle. The lazy ones are obvious though. But I think the generalization being made in the thread is Classist and tries to put dancers down.
  • rickdugan
    3 years ago
    ===> "Youre pretty dumb^^^ if a stripper qualifies for the stimulus it means she makes less then 75K. if she does not report all her income the only place she can spend it is at the grocery store, casinos, and mall. she wont be able to buy big ticket items like a house and sometimes a house without being flagged." Salty, how many strippers do you know that even own houses? And the ones that do often have a partner with a vanilla job. Btw you do know that over 5% of the population still does not have a bank account, right? For this reason, almost any expense can be paid in cash, including rent, utilities, cell phone bills, car payments, etc., etc. Utility companies and cell phone providers often contract with a number of places to accept cash payments and/or have their own retail outlets. Car loans can be paid directly at bank branches. Many independent landlords will happily accept cash. And for any expense that cannot be paid by check, money orders or bank checks work just fine. A girl can get her bills paid with a wad of cash simply by spending a couple hours out making a few stops.
  • rickdugan
    3 years ago
    ===> "You guys are trying to portray strippers as lazy slackers. You're greatly underestimating their greed and need to live beyond their means." Some do indeed work the minimum they can get away with. But obviously this is not universal or it would have been even worse during the height of the government cash blowout. I know some girls who were showing up even though they got paid, but that wasn't the majority of them. For some I don't think it's laziness as much as emotional limits and the stresses of the job. But the reasons why some don't show up when they are flush really don't matter. All that matters is when the government mortgages our kids' future to pay strippers large sums of money not to work, the strip club experience suffers as a result. But finally the imbalance is righting itself. Over the past 3-5 days, things have improved dramatically in my local clubs. Booya!
  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    3 years ago
    Most dancers didn't qualify for much and the stimulus payments were nothing. Not even rent money in a large city. Clubs are filling for the simple fact that they're reopening
  • Salty.Nutz
    3 years ago
    "They're not out there buying houses. But they're leasing luxury Apts. Buying up designer shit. Bbls lip fillers etc. Plus coke and weed aren't cheap." Exactly, who else lives like this??? Drug dealers....because its hard to launder money..no assests. "how many strippers do you know that even own houses? And the ones that do often have a partner with a vanilla job." not many, if they do its because of their other W2 job, doing hair, realestate, lashes, bar maids lol. And if you drinking heavy, do weed its not like you want to show up to work the next. people that dont make it have a substance abuse problem. Half of all jobs is just showing up on time, the other half is looking good while doing your job
  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    3 years ago
    Its a hard job. Also when they look lazy in a club its often coz customers aren't tipping
  • twentyfive
    3 years ago
    ^ what’s so hard about drinking and dancing you know Icee just when I think you can’t get any stupider you manage to exceed my expectations
  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    3 years ago
    Hustling and making a big isn't easy. She's competing with every girl there. Has to make house fee and tip out before actually making any money. Dealing with customers. A lot goes into it
  • twentyfive
    3 years ago
    Easier than digging ditches or working a shift at Mickey D’s
  • datinman
    3 years ago
    "A lot goes into it." lol. Was that an intentional double entendre?
  • twentyfive
    3 years ago
    Hustling is hard work LOLOL
  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    3 years ago
    20fag pretending to like you so you give3 them money is hard work
  • twentyfive
    3 years ago
    Hustling is what people do when they don’t want to work PhatBoy
  • rickdugan
    3 years ago
    Right, why should a 20-something girl balk at the notion of guys old enough to be her grandpa leering at her and treating her like a piece of meat, at least the ones who don't reject her outright and/or give her shit? What should be so hard about any of that? Sheesh.
  • twentyfive
    3 years ago
    ^ always trolling what a dipshit.
  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    3 years ago
    Rick is right
  • twentyfive
    3 years ago
    ^ Crickets
  • rickdugan
    3 years ago
    25 is clinging to his fantasy world where his old wrinkly body is actually firm, his cigar smoke makes him seem cool rather than stinky and the gals are just super lucky to have his attention. It's also why he feels morally justified in writing snarky messages to naked girls young enough to be his granddaughter. If he abandoned his alternate fantasy reality now, where strippers live on easy street and love his company, then he'd have to face everything that he really is. I think we all know THAT ain't happening. 😉
  • twentyfive
    3 years ago
    ^ Says the guy who avoids meeting others for fear of being exposed for the fraud he really is. RickiBoi you really need to give it a rest we’re all familiar with your chickenshit hidden behind a keyboard antics, and while you’re on the way out the door take that other know-it-all, fool, phat boy hell with you.
  • rickdugan
    3 years ago
  • docsavage
    3 years ago
    Some dancers like older more mature acting men. There are not a lot of dancers like that but they do exist. If you are an old guy, like me, it can be a bit of a struggle finding these girls in a club but you can find them because they will be just a little bit friendlier than the other dancers and that will be the signal that you found such a girl. It's been mostly older guys who have been frightened away from strip clubbing for fear of catching a disease that is more likely to be deadly for them. That means the dancers who like or do better with older customers have had a harder time making money. I feel like they have responded to that by staying off work longer or quitting completely. I'm running across fewer dancers now who seem to be making an attempt to be friendly to me and seeing more dancers hanging out with and being friendlier to the young guys instead.
  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    3 years ago
    They just want your money
  • docsavage
    3 years ago
    "They just want your money." I know they just want my money because none of them have ever volunteered to hang out with me for free, let alone have unpaid for sex. I'm twice their age so I don't expect that anyway. However, I do think they like some customers a little more than others. Or, maybe to be more accurate, they dislike all customers but they dislike some less than others. Some girls think guys their age are immature. Some girls think guys their age are disrespectful or rude, at least compared to older guys. Other girls think just the opposite and think it's the old guys who are rude and disrespectful. There is no such thing as a typical stripper and every girl is different. That means if the customer mix changes the numbers of the type of customer a particular dancer tolerates better or dislikes less may increase or decrease. The girls are acting like they like everyone but a lot of them are not very good actors so their true feelings come through and that influences their ability to sell dances in cases where they can't cover up their dislike or revulsion towards a particular type of customer. A dancer who can tolerate the old guys normally makes good money but if there are fewer old guys, for example them staying out of clubs to avoid a disease they are more likely to die from, that type of dancer will make less money and will therefore be more likely to quit.
  • twentyfive
    3 years ago
    @doc savage I’m sure there are plenty of dancers that don’t care for older customers but no salesperson is ever successful at a sales job unless they genuinely like their customers, this narrative being promoted by a few losers that need to salve their egos by saying the dancers are repulsed by older guys are just blowing smoke out of their ass, they don’t know what the fuck they’re talking about. As far as hanging out with you for free does your doctor hang out with you or your mechanic do they hang out with you, how about the cashier at the supermarket do they hang out with you, or do you think they hate or are repulsed by you, please don’t buy into the losers narrative. Most salespeople that are successful like the people they are selling to, or their customers will pick up those vibes and find other ways to get the product or service they want from people that don’t dislike them.
  • Papi_Chulo
    3 years ago
    As I’ve posted in the past; strip-clubs are bizarro-world and in many ways the opposite of the “real world” – in a strip-club a handsome 20-something guy may often get ignored in a club whereas the 50+ y/o guy may get immediate attention from the girls – I started SCing somewhat semi-regularly when I was 30 (and I tended to look young for my age back then); and when I first started I’d hit the more upscale clubs – there were many times when dancers would walk right past me as if I wasn’t even there and throw themselves at the 50/60+ y/o guy the table over like he was Mr Universe – and I’ve noticed that as I’ve gotten older (now 51) the more attention I often get in the club. Similarly – being into chocolate I hit mostly black clubs – although not always the case or the case at every black club; I feel I often get more attention at the black-clubs than most of the black-custies – I assume the dancers make the calculus that I’m not there to just hang-out and I’m likely there to spend to get my chocolate-fix – now if I go to a regular black nightclub or bar I would not get nearly the same attention/priority; just like a 50+ y/o “strip club stud” likely would get little to no play at a nightclub w/ similarly hot young women – most dancers know, or learn, where their bread is buttered. There are def women that are genuinely attracted to older guys (as long as he looks halfway decent) – tastes in the opposite sex are all over the place as we all should know – I myself, even as a teen, was way more attracted to older women (30s and 40s) than early-20s-girls – not saying I didn’t find early-20s girls attractive, I did, I was just more intrigued/attracted-to older women – even today at 51 I still prefer dancers in their late-20s thru early 40s (as long as they look good) vs late-teens/early-20s (I’m being that I’m into ebonies, there are ebonies in their 30s and even early-40s that have great bods; per my tastes - and the best fucks I've had has been w/ women in their 30s to early-40s; they fucked w/ gusto and either better-knew how to please a man or put more emphasis on it. But IMO, 9 times out of 10 a dancer is showing extra attention to a 50+ guy, it’s about the $$$ - i.e. when she really wants to get fucked-good or she’s at home masturbating; I doubt she’s thinking about the old guy at the club – my 2-cents.
  • casino
    3 years ago
    The stimulus money is gone, friends. The enhanced unemployment and rent moratorium are still keeping dancers out of the clubs. Expect a drastic increase in sex workers similar to 08-09 in September when benefits begin to run out.
  • rl27
    3 years ago
    It's the same as when I bought my house right around the end of the tax rebates you could get for buying a new house as part of the stimulus package meant to prop up the housing industry at the start of the first Obama Administration. The real estate agent I had kept saying, "try to buy a house soon, before the tax incentives drop." I told her, "If I find one, I'll buy one, but likely the prices would drop after." Sure enough during the stimulus, housing prices has slowly creeped up around 15 to 20% over their pre-stimulus prices, and within a month had actually dropped down below their pre-housing crisis prices.
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