I'm not in the habit of writing reviews - in the past I've written some Amazon reviews for stuff I've bought and had in mind to write reviews more-often but haven't done so - occasionally I write a Google review usually to complain about something but somehow it seems my reviews have not posted, although accepted, or posted and then disappeared - since I write Google reviews very sparingly I haven't been able to detect a pattern but my last Google review was a bit-negative about a local Chipotle and if I can remember correctly it got posted but then it seemed to disappear a day or two later so IDK what is going on and if Google is manipulating reviews?
Back when Yelp first came out around 2006, I wrote restaurant reviews of our local eateries. It seemed a lot of people were just trying to get badges next to their name, get the most likes, or review the most places. Actually writing reviews that were useful went to the wayside as people chased clout. After about a year or two, I got bored with Yelp and have only logged on a few times since.
I also write reviews of books I have read on Amazon to help people decide if a given book is worth taking the time to read. I probably review 6 to 12 books per year.
I review hotels I've stayed at on Hotels.com. I write probably 6 to 8 reviews per year.
I have friends that write reviews of escorts and craft beers online.
Yes back in the day when Priceline and Hotwire were more of a mystery than a sure thing, there were 2 message boards that (what I would assume) was mostly business travelers reviewing hotels. This was essential information because the Embassy Suites on the west side of Cleveland may be a dump but the Marriott one exit down the road in another Priceline “zone” may be a gem, and they’re both the same price, same star rating.
I also used to be active on TERB (Toronto Escort Review Board) and MERB (Montreal) for the spas and strip clubs, but I got sick of the hassles of crossing the border so those trips became far and few between. After all the only way I can get good pussy is to pay for it, at least according to Blahblahblah23.
I've written more than a few Google reviews of eateries and other businesses. Only when I get amazing service or an amazing product. I don't bother leaving negative reviews
I would review restuarants, bikini coffee shops, and even strip clubs on Yelp, check them out, I use the same screen name.
After a while, I wanted more intel on COI clubs which lead me to TUSCL.
Later, I did stripper reviews on bonein.com which was for me a waste of time, as to gain access to the real Intel (who does what and for how much) the powts that ran the sight had to feel you were making a good contribution to the sight.
They also had a lot of stupid rules and deleted four of my reviews without giving me a chance to fix them.
One member wrote at least 40 reviews and still did not have access to the good stuff, I realized I probably had better Intel already and after the fourth deletion I told them to delete my account.
cristobal... i had over 200 reviews on bonedin... some were deleated by johnny patrol /california and eventually i fucked up with one girl and lost all privileges... haven’t been allowed any access for a couple years now. but because of the info back in 2014 i was introduced to tj...
as to other non strip club sites i have contributed to ... old car and modified cat sites, an old house site, old highway sites,such as the ridge route us 99, us 66, bmw site, mercedes 6.3 site, even a railroad site or two. even a couple trucking sites. bottom line... i ain’t got much of a life.
I tried yelp, tripadvisor, and that sort of thing. I've also reviewed some items on Home Depot or Amazon. The thing with those reviews is that I need to be pretty worked up (good or bad) to feel like it is worth my while. Writing about strip clubs is just fun, though.
I also write reviews of books I have read on Amazon to help people decide if a given book is worth taking the time to read. I probably review 6 to 12 books per year.
I review hotels I've stayed at on Hotels.com. I write probably 6 to 8 reviews per year.
I have friends that write reviews of escorts and craft beers online.
I also used to be active on TERB (Toronto Escort Review Board) and MERB (Montreal) for the spas and strip clubs, but I got sick of the hassles of crossing the border so those trips became far and few between. After all the only way I can get good pussy is to pay for it, at least according to Blahblahblah23.
Writing strip club reviews is part of the fun of clubbing.
After a while, I wanted more intel on COI clubs which lead me to TUSCL.
Later, I did stripper reviews on bonein.com which was for me a waste of time, as to gain access to the real Intel (who does what and for how much) the powts that ran the sight had to feel you were making a good contribution to the sight.
They also had a lot of stupid rules and deleted four of my reviews without giving me a chance to fix them.
One member wrote at least 40 reviews and still did not have access to the good stuff, I realized I probably had better Intel already and after the fourth deletion I told them to delete my account.