Parler: Rat-finking to the FBI

Parler explains 'free speech' to angry users after sharing Capitol riot posts with the FBI
"One major point Parler focuses on [in] its letter is that the company "referred violent content and incitement from Parler's platform over 50 times before January 6th" as well as "specific threads of violence" relating to events being planned at the Capitol on Jan. 6.
The reaction to the news that Parler "colluded" with the FBI in order to report violent content was so strong on the right wing platform, the company was compelled to release a statement addressing those outraged users.
In doing so, Parler found itself un-ironically explaining the First Amendment to its user base filled with members who declare themselves to be "Constitutionalists" and "Free Speech" advocates.
"Some users have raised questions about the practice of referring violent or inciting content to law enforcement," begins Parler's latest statement. "The First Amendment does not protect violence inciting speech, nor the planning of violent acts. Such content violates Parler's TOS. Any violent content shared with law enforcement was posted publicly and brought to our attention primarily via user reporting. And, as it is posted publicly, it can properly be referred to law enforcement by anyone. Parler remains steadfast in protecting your right to free speech."
Of course, this type of speech that Parler says violates its rules is the same type of speech that social networks like Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube say violates their rules. The whole appeal of Parler to its conservative userbase is that the platform supposedly differs from the others on that. "
Love this shit --- better than anything made up by Alex Jones or Tucker Carlson
last commentNormal conservatives couldn’t give a rip about Parler. Sounds like you would love being the meat in a Cuomo brothers sandwich.
I have to give parler credit for quickly cashing in on the gullible
Is this why we haven’t heard from Dave_Anderson for 3 days?
The Trump rioters are upset that they are being arrested for merely storming our capitol, stealing and destroying government property, and assaulting and killing police officers. They think they're being denied free speech when they are not allowed to overthrow our democracy. Hopefully, 20 years behind bars will teach them something about our constitution.
Only a complete moron buys into the "overthrow our democracy" talking point. If those protestors had killed everyone in the place and then burned the building to the ground, do you think that would have resulted in an "overthrow of our democracy?" No. So why do you speak of simple criminal mischief as if it was a legitimate coup attempt?
Obviously what they did was wrong and they should be punished accordingly for whatever they did - vandalism, theft, B&E, assault... whatever. But there was no attempted overthrow. It's like if you threw a tin can at a garbage truck and I accuse you of trying to put the entire garbage company out of business. It's not even a rational thought.
By the way, the police officer's cause of death has not been released, but the story of him being beaten to death with a fire extinguisher (which the media went crazy with) was found to be completely false.
Criminal mischief what fucking planet do you live on, that was full blown criminal assault and more.
Okay, Mr. Technicality. I'm not a lawyer, so call it what you want. But obviously you missed the whole point about "overthrow democracy."
I missed no fucking points and until we can find something to agree on like maybe the moon is made out of green cheese, or Elvis is still alive and working in a 7-11 somewhere, you are delusional, to think what I saw on January 6 was nothing less than disgusting and a baldfaced attempt to overturn a duly held election, your feeble attempts to rewrite what actually happened only serve to infuriate me and many others.
@mistorange they can call it an insurrection as much as they want, same way Democrats Men can call themself men just words that don't mean anything. Yeah those darn "insurretionists" who were let in by the capitol police walked around and took pictures.
So, I was out at dinner with my old battalion commander – literally outside, because dining inside apparently is super deadly if you live under blue tyranny – and we were laughing at this whole “Muh Insurrekshun” nonsense. What happened January 6 was no “insurrection” in any meaningful sense of the word, especially not to those who survived the riots of 2020, and not to us either. See, I was my old battalion commander’s assistant operations officer and I was riding with him in his HUMVEE driving through Los Angeles as it burned in April 1992.
That was a riot. What happened on Capitol Hill was a few dudes dressed like Conan the Fauxbarian acting like fools and occasionally fighting with the cops while a few hundred other dudes took selfies in the Rotunda.
We were in the 3rd Battalion, 160th Infantry, the first combat arms unit on the street during the LA Riot, a riot brought to you by Maxine Waters and other idiots, by the way. There was burning and looting and dozens we can say with absolute certainty were murdered by the LA rioters, unlike at the Capitol. It lasted for days. You wouldn’t know it from Rep. Stolen Cower, who seems to claim she suffered PTSD from being at the far end of the same ZIP code as the bruhaha, but what happened on January 6 was no “insurrection,” and Republicans need to stop playing along with the Establishment talking point that it was.
The idea of an “insurrection” is to delegitimize all resistance to the garbage Establishment’s reign of error, and to play along is to give credence to its lie and to empower its propaganda. You have done nothing wrong by rejecting the Establishment narrative. You have done nothing wrong by protesting what you see as a flawed election and a corrupt ruling class. You have a right to protest anything you want, and you don’t need their permission.
Dissent is patriotic. Or did that end when it became inconvenient?
They hype the happening because they want to make you afraid to speak up. They want to try to make it impossible for you to live in this society if you do not parrot the party line. They won’t say it that way. They will try to wrap themselves in the same flag they were calling a symbol of white supremacy last year to try to seize some sort of moral high ground and shut you up. Like they give a damn about the Constitution. This tiresome “insurrection” and “sedition” palaver is just a ham-handed attempt to turn 74 million Americans – almost none of whom wear Thor drag – into enemies of mom and apple pie, which is weird because they usually hate traditional family structures and non-kale foods.
This kind of baloney is par for the course for the Democrats. They’re going to call you an “insurrectionist” today and a “racist” tomorrow and some other hogwash after that, so who cares what they say? But what does grate are the Republicans who go along with this bogus framing, and it’s sometimes unclear how much of the reason is just the usual GOPe pol stupidity and how much is the usual GOPe contempt for the GOP base.
Yeah, we get that it was scary to have knuckleheads running rampant through the Capitol. Blame the knuckleheads. Don’t blame the other 74 million people who supported President Trump. And quit playing along with the ridiculous idea that January 6 was Fort Sumpter x 9/11 to the Pearl Harborth power.
It was not. This foaming-mouthed performative overreaction is all cynical performance art, and this goofy impeachment is just a senatorial Toobin Zoomin’.
Now, I also had the chance to see the wreckage of a real insurrection when I was in Kosovo with the Army after the fighting ended. An insurrection means ruins and mass graves, not some dude in a horn hat wandering around the House as a police officer asks him to chill. Don’t let them define insurrection down to mean “Anything conservatives do.”
Nor was this incident some sort of “attack on Our Democracy where our freedom hung on by a thread.” The drama queenery might play on MSNBCNN, but it just makes the base despise the Republican Party even more – which is hard – when that crap comes from our own people. You are not downplaying what actually happened by characterizing it accurately and without the kind of breathless exaggeration the Democrat demagogues delight in. The Democrats’ cat’s paws spent six months burning down the cities and this overwrought handwringing only draws attention to the discrepancy in elite caring between when the pols were vaguely threatened and when the proles were losing everything.
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Cortney O'Brien
Did the GOPe call Jeb! to have him nominate a council of experienced losers to come up with the worst possible way to handle this situation? If they want a rebellion within the party heading into 2022, they should just keep it up, because the base is tired of them not having its collective back. Schumer and Pelosi are cackling right now. President * would be too, except "Matlock’s" on and he’s busy.
GOP pols, listen up. You are not defending the buffoons of January 6 by accurately characterizing their actions. Stop playing along with the false narrative that unjustly trashes your own people. Stop minimizing what happened in the murderous Democrat-abetted riots in LA in 1991 and throughout our country in 2020 by not just lumping this incident in with them but by pretending it was a zillion times worse.
Just stop.
So then you believe those nut jobs actually had a chance to overthrow the United States government? Dressed up like Vikings or cave men or whatever? How, exactly, could whatever they did or planned to do result in anything but temporary mayhem and looking like a bunch of idiots?
Legal challenges in court, albeit unsuccessful, were an "attempt" to change the outcome of the election. A bunch of monkeys breaking windows and whooping it up inside the Capitol is only an attempt to look foolish, and they were successful.
^^ that was @25
No I don't believe these nutcases had a snowflakes chance in hell, what I do believe was that any normal American isn't outraged by these motherfucking morons marching through the symbol of our democracy, carrying Confederate flags, breaking windows, defecating in the halls of congress, makes me wonder where your value system comes from and why anyone feels the need to defend these misfits, and make excuses and apologies for them.
"why anyone feels the need to defend these misfits"
Show me one example in this thread where ime, desertscrub or I "defend" the misfits. And you DID miss the point. You miss every point.
You are slow buddy, have a nice afternoon
Simply ask yourself this question "What would have happened if Nancy Pelosi or Mike Pence was captured by the mob?". What do you think would have been their fate? If you are honest with yourself that defines the event (and would have happened) on January 6th.