Q&A w/Oregonscrazyred

avatar for Muddy
OCR seems like a cool chick from the Pacific nnorthwest and wanted to pick her brain a bit on what things are like in her neck of the woods.

1. When did you start dancing?

2. What got you into it?

3. Any drama with your fellow dancers?

4. What clubs have your worked at so far? Any you have on your radar to work at down the road?

5. Have you done extras?

6. OTC?

7. Any experiences in VIP that you regret? And how about on that was good?

8. What do you like that a customer does (besides give you money)

9. What do you hate that they do?

10. How do you like how a customer dresses? Hate?

11. In bed, your favorite sex move you do?

12. How long do you see yourself dancing for?

13. Favorite move a guy does to you in bed?

14. What type of customer do you go after? Stay away from?

15. Ever fall for a customer? Ever have one fall for you?

16. Can you describe the overall Oregon scene?

17. Is it true strippers are generally full of tattoos up there?

18. How is is Salem different from Portland? Strip Club wise and everything else


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avatar for OregonscrazyRed
4 years ago
1.Officially? lol I started dancing at Stars in Salem, April 2020. Prior to that I had played around, or tried learning the pole starting sometime in the fall of 2019
avatar for OregonscrazyRed
4 years ago
2. Loaded question lol or at least answer. I became friends with several dancers about two years ago I guess. I never had tried to be one nor had intended on it. They were quite a bit younger then me but due to circumstances we were somewhat "bonded" together for a bit I suppose you could say. So I heard their issues frequently and was around others with poles frequently. I tried designing tools or things to help them. Also I had been in a car accident in 2018. So one night my shoulder was really hurting, and I kept trying to stretch and stretch and just couldn't get that relief. I couldn't seem to move it far enough backwards to help. We were all hanging out at a kinda private club, I had been playing darts etc. The others were marinating outside. So I kinda looked around, made sure no one was there, and used the pole to stretch. I have to say it was the first time I had felt relief of any kind since my accident. lol the rest is pretty much history
avatar for OregonscrazyRed
4 years ago
(Ok, going to combine to make it easier)

3. Any drama with your fellow dancers?
A- none long-standing. There’s always the frustrating customer shares or sane outfits, moves, music etc. Right now it’s so slow every dollar really does count so it’s definitely got more cutthroat. New gals from closed clubs coming in and not following stripper etiquette etc. It's not a large enough place to be able to just go in work and leave. Part of the allure of the place I work is the familial small town vibe. I get it though. It's survival mode, and there's always going to be some sort of drama at any job.

4. What clubs have your worked at so far? Any you have on your radar to work at down the road?
A-I’ve worked at only 2 public clubs, auditioned at 4 . As far as desired clubs in the future? None that I’ve set my sights on , I will probably just roll with it and see what happens. I have worked at Stars in Salem, Auditioned at Sugar Shack, and Sunset strip. Sunset is in Portland so I'm not really on the schedule there. I wanted it more as a backup etc. Its our sister club. Sugar shack wasn't a fan of me at the time lol however that was more personal opinion. It was for the best though.

5.& 6 Have you done extras?

A- lol only "extra's" would be a few mins extra on a dance or price difference (mostly private clubs)

6. OTC?
A- Off the clock I sell videos, pictures, I'll dance at events etc. No onlyfans lol

7. Any experiences in VIP that you regret? And how about on that was good?
A. --Our VIP and private dance is one and the same. I’ve only had one dance I truly disliked and it was more the vibes. You somewhat expect a bit of an attempt or a “got caught up” touch from time to time but, this guy kept trying to anticipate where I was going to move to, so he could have his knuckles or fingers ready to try to "whoopsie" inside. All while he talked dirty. Not normal dirty either... this was Norman Bates meets silence of the lambs.. and when he got up he had his dick out .The really unnerving part? Prior to the dance he reminded me of Chris Cringle. Pretty sure I showered 10 x that night .

Good ones? One of my first. Club was going to be closing in about an hour, and I was on stage and locked eyes with a customer , (gorgeous)he took me back to the room and we just talked and laughed , I kept trying to dance for him but he’d get me chatting with him again. He kept saying how impressed he was by my dancing, because I "actually danced". I really needed the encouragement at the time. He was a really good person and we still talk now and then

8. What do you like that a customer does (besides give you money)
Appreciate what we do. Like actually watch my stage sets. Or notice things in them. I love performing honestly. Pole work, dancing (its a very large stage) So it means a lot. I also truly love it when they show you the respect of, their interest is in you. Not just any set of tits that walk up. Customers want to feel special, so do dancers.

9. What do you hate that they do?
Get you to sit with them, for long periods of time then have a " change of heart" about buying dances etc. Its like cool, you know you couldve just said that . But now you've lost out on making money for however long. Also those that come into a strip club truly expecting to get you to go home with them. I realize it occasionally happens. However, it's truly the least likely place you'll actually score on picking up chicks.

10. How do you like how a customer dresses? Hate?
A- I don’t really have a preference. I will say too long of a lap dance on jeans doesn't always feel the best lol

11. In bed, your favorite move somebody does to you?
A- Now we're getting to the good stuff lol. Easy, that moment when they snap into primal mode. Example, if I’m on top, teasing and caressing, and they just cant take anymore, they pick me up and flip around....they just have to go all out ...You know that moment. You could be breaking everything in the house, and you wouldn’t feel it or care. You don't care if someone walks in. That true point of no return, no one's stopping. Its’s all instinct at that point. Purely primal.

12. How long do you see yourself dancing for?
A- I know I can't do it forever. I'm already starting off doing it later in life. However I am grateful I did. I think I'll find ways to still dance somehow. Probably competitions or teaching classes or something. Its truly addictive.

13. What type of customer do you go after? Stay away from?
A- I don't think I have a type so much. I try to see if they're looking at me or uninterested. Then probably it's an eyes thing. They just have a look in their eyes.

14. Ever fall for a customer? Ever have one fall for you?
A- I think I've had an crush on fella or two. Nothing much more then that. Fall for? No. “Fall for", such intense verbiage!
As far as customers, I believe I’ve had a few maybe, infatuated with the idea, of who they thought me to be, yes.

15. Can you describe the overall Oregon scene?
A- Scene compared to? lol I've watched a lot of videos, cant say I've been to many other states or at least not too many clubs in other states. Seems like clubs here like to fall into categories. Young, Kinda snoody, Relaxed, Vegan, Themed etc. It can be hard to find where you fit sometimes. Or at least starting out. As you know it's not just the girls that you'll see a lot of in the same area, it's the customers, the bartenders etc. They're all within the same realm, or circles.

16. Is it true strippers are generally full of tattoos up there?
A- Don't most people have tattoo's? Thought it was actually becoming the rebellious thing to not get ink done then to have it. "full of" we talking covered head to toe and eyeballs? Think I saw one in Mugshots once. lol Most of us have a few . It ranges from girl to girl of course.

17. How is is Salem different from Portland? Strip Club wise and everything else

A lot more relaxed in Salem for the most part. Both Stripper wise and other. Finances are different in my area. Portland has the high end jobs. Folks travel to Portland from various areas to work. Sometimes they bring the money back to our areas, sometimes they don't. Customers in our area seem to want to find gals they can return to and see regularly. Feels like Portland, or bigger cities, the customers are just bored or wanting the quick lap dance while drinking with the buddies. Portland in general is its own entity. This last year being it's absolute biggest amount of crazy to date. To stay far away from politics, just about the city. I'm not a fan of Portland itself. Seems a lot of times it's a weird attempt at San Francisco in many ways, but failed while drinking the Kool-Aid
avatar for Muddy
4 years ago
Thanks! Any follow on questions out there?
avatar for SirLapdancealot
4 years ago
@Oregon I just wanna say hi from a Portland PL (rather, former) and give a shout out for Sunset Strip! If you worked the day shift there, I know a lot of the regular dancers.
avatar for OregonscrazyRed
4 years ago
Hey there!!! @sir, subset is one of our two sister clubs. I just auditioned there last week while we were shut down due to a power outage. But folks seemed chill up there. And who wouldn’t wanna hop right into that cage in the outdoor area!!
avatar for SirLapdancealot
4 years ago
@Oregon yeah Sunset is a chill club. I can't speak for it during COVID but I was a regular there for years. It's not always the busiest but it has a steady attendance with a fair share of regulars and also the location is good. Also I personally think it's a step up from the other nearby clubs like Expose and The Dolphin II. Stars Bridgeport used to be on the same level but it went downhill over the years and I stopped going there a few years ago.

I always wanted to stop by Stars Salem but never got around to it.

Anyhow, glad you're here representing for Oregon!
avatar for Cashman1234
4 years ago
Thanks for putting this interview together Muddy - and thanks for taking the time to provide some great insight OregonsCrazyRed!

Just so I know I have no chance - you aren’t attracted to guys who resemble a cross between Norman Bates and Chris Kringle? If I do a good Buffalo Bill impression - would that help? Hannibal Lecter maybe? LOL - JK.

Thanks again!
avatar for DeclineToState
4 years ago
->@OregonscrazyRed: "New gals from closed clubs coming in and not following stripper etiquette."

Could you please expand on what you consider to be stripper etiquette?

p.s. Thanks for participating, these interviews are always a good read.
avatar for nicespice
4 years ago
Wow! If you started dancing in 2020 and sticking with it, props for learning the ropes in that type of environment.

Also, I agree that Sunset is a great club. At least during the day, not sure about night.

I remember I had considered trying out places in Salem, because of the club I was at in Eugene being weird about being limited and rigid with its scheduling. But then I got caught up just simply distracted by enjoying Oregon 😛

If you like the small places, have you ever considered trying out the even smaller areas? Like Annie’s Saloon in Astoria? Or Stars Bend? Or The Office in Medford? I remember trying out for the Office in Medford once and being told that I looked adorable on stage and “I’ll leave your info on the manager’s desk”. Which I figured was a polite way to give out rejection—and was really surprised two weeks later when I received a text asking if I could come in. I had already moved on at that point further up north, but if I lived in the area I would have made my way over at some point. ( Also I really liked the towns Medford & Ashland)
avatar for SirLapdancealot
4 years ago
Sunset is still a chill club at night but relative to the day it gets more crowded and competitive. It's a more hustle mindset, but that's the same for nearly all clubs. In general dancers try to charge more for dances and there isn't as much camaraderie amongst them as the day.

Annie's Saloon looks so divey from the outside. I'd check it out on a whim but I would have low expectations from the start.

@nicespice let's not forget the Bachelor's Inn out in Coos Bay. I had a fave at Stars Bridgeport that started there. She said it was a complete dive but 'twas the only club for miles.

avatar for FishHawk
4 years ago
.SirLap. I went to Bachelor’s Inn in Coos Bay once when I was there looking a job. I did take the job and lived in Coos Bay for two years but I never went back. It was too small a pond and I was a big fish in that area had a high profile job was know by most people in town. I also thought it was a dive. Although I remember one hot. Dancer but never got her attention.
avatar for nicespice
4 years ago
@Sirlap Haha I feel like Portland in general is lower hustle. Including Golden Dragon. I guess it’s Rouge/Casa/Spyce that are the hustle clubs? I remember Acropolis the one time I went was near zero hustle and dancers there aren’t even allowed to circulate the room?

And ah yes, I forgot about Bachelors Inn. I probably should have tried out for that place too when I was around Eugene...ah well
avatar for nicespice
4 years ago
Lineup at Annie’s doesn’t seem bad. Maybe a disappointment if you want all the girls to be 10s, but nothing that seems hideous. Some are wearing masks in the photos so I think they were uploaded recently enough.
avatar for OregonscrazyRed
4 years ago
@sir dance. You should def check out Salem. Firehouse of course I’m a bit biased! Lol today was the first day we could let people be inside again . We still have a capacity limit but man it felt good to not just be broadcasting to a tv outside. It was a great day shift.

@cashman ok see , if he would’ve done Buffalo bill id been telling a whole different take! Lol

@ decline to state - stripper etiquette, that is a bit of a long one. I feel that needs a whole other thread.!

@goat - I have a 17 year old boy and a 9 year older boy, as well as a 1 year ole lab. I can’t keep food in the house as is! Lol thanks tho!

@nicespice- I could probably be down for those towns honestly. I just lucked out as I live pretty close currently. And thanks for the props. It’s definitely been a hell of a learning curve!!! During the fires there were many days I was the only gal on day shift. Some of the gals said I’d been meritoriously advanced, that I was no longer a “baby stripper” lol.

@sir , @spice, & @ fish-
As far as the other clubs go, I only know a small amount personally abs more from all the traveling dancers I’ve met. I will day day shifts are tight a lot of times, however there are many night shifts that are as well. It can be quickly put to the test if someone doesn’t want to play by the rules thought. Stars I’m not a fan of. Not to say it’s a bad club at all. Just seems to feel cold . Both gals and customers. Not sure if that’s a draw or just situational.

As is I work 5 day shifts a week and normally at least 2 night shifts on top of that. So currently not a lot of time to check out the other clubs

@all Thank you to everyone! Especially @Muddy for being so kind as to include me and be patient with me. You guys are all awesome

avatar for SirLapdancealot
4 years ago
@Oregon I don't club much anymore but I definitely would try Firehouse over Stars now that you said it's a sister club to Sunset. And yeah I'm not a fan of Stars clubs. I'll go to them for a hottie and have had a few faves at them, but I don't like the prices and overall vibe. It's too much like any other gentleman's club in any other city in my book. Vanilla strip club. Also the Bridgeport one has a bouncer or manager go through the dance area way too much. A total boner killing distraction I tell ya. That sucks compared to so many other clubs around here.
avatar for SirLapdancealot
4 years ago
@nicespice haha you already know the passive aggressive hustle scene out here is unlike other cities. Relatively speaking only, I consider Casa Diablo as having the most hustle. After that it's Spyce.

And yeah the Acrop is a stage and party club and one for regulars that simply don't get many dances. I only went there for my ATF DS so I don't know about any restrictions on dancers and working the room. It's not my favorite club because the private dance area is ghetto and it's no touching for customers.
avatar for OregonscrazyRed
4 years ago
@sir as an honest reviewer for local tourism I’d have to agree. After working at both and having frequented places like Sugar Shack (formerly Presley’s) I can definitely say that stars clubs in general, at least in my personal experience, are pusher clubs. They are vanilla, and cold. They push way too hard to get dances, and yes you might get a few dances that otherwise guys weren’t going to get, but they’ll probably never come back. I’m not into that sort of treatment to customers. That’s the really cool thing about firehouse, and admittedly a couple other clubs as well. However that can change with the girls. Currently we have several gals working with us from Stars. (As stars has been closed up until yesterday) So as much as I love the ladies personally, I know they’ve also brought some of that more intense hustle style.
As far as Bridgeport , can’t speak to it personally, haven’t ever been up there but it’s reputation of being what they were trying to turn Salem stars into? Is enough to keep me away lol I will say that luckily things are ever changing.
Now that it’s reopened who knows, the personalities of the clubs may shift again.

I can say. That I’ve ever heard of it being passive aggressive? Lol please do explain! Hope you get a chance to come check us out someday. My schedule is ever fluctuating so please feel free to msg and see if I’m working. Would love to meet ya
avatar for SirLapdancealot
4 years ago
@Oregon the passive aggressive hustle is a bit of an inside joke between nicespice and I. Relative to other major cities, Portland really is a low hustle strip club city. There are so many clubs that PLs don't really need to settle with the strippers in any one of them. If they don't like the scene in a club, they just get up and leave to another one nearby. So out here I don't think it pays off for strippers to hustle too hard. nicespice learned this when she was here and had to develop what we joked as a "passive aggressive" hustle. It really just means hustling in a non aggressive way.

I really doubt I'll be clubbing down there anytime soon but for sure I'll send you a PM if I do. Also feel free to PM me (or ask on the boards) if you want to know intel on any club up here.
avatar for OregonscrazyRed
4 years ago

1.ever been turned on by a customer?
A- Of course!!

2.did you ever masturbate thinking about a customer?
A- frequently

3.can we pics of your pussy??
A- Not free. I charge for those :) but you're welcome to purchase them!

@ Sir- You are so kind! Thank you for clarifying! I understand your point entirely. Never looked at it that way. Gotta say though, if some of the gals I've met, aren't considered "aggressive" at it, then I'm truly glad I don't work in bigger places! lol.
lol sounds good. So where is "up Here " for you?
Any guidance is appreciated :) I'm only now nearing my 1 year mark of dancing at public clubs .
avatar for SirLapdancealot
4 years ago
@Oregon up here is Portland.
avatar for OregonscrazyRed
4 years ago
@sir very cool. I don’t travel up there too much lately but I may look soon for a few clubs to change it up with :)
avatar for SirLapdancealot
4 years ago
@Oregon you'll definitely have options up here and convenience. Like Sunset Strip, there are plenty of clubs right off the highways. The competition is high, though. Good luck to you!
avatar for JamesSD
4 years ago
Off The Clock :D

Who wants to tell her?
avatar for nicespice
4 years ago
Makes me wish I could have had my dancing start in Oregon instead of freaking Texas 😅
avatar for SirLapdancealot
4 years ago
@nicespice me too!
avatar for OregonscrazyRed
4 years ago
Lol ok what am I missing here?
avatar for nicespice
4 years ago
Generally, on this site OTC means outside the club. It’s (usually) implied that meeting outside the club means having sex with the customer.

Some places are worse than others with customers persisting on that type of thing. I remember in Oregon, at least when I was there, I don’t really remembering customers bringing that up.
avatar for SirLapdancealot
4 years ago
@nicespice yeah for the record my massages are all strictly "off the clock". 🤗

So don't go getting any ideas next time!
avatar for OregonscrazyRed
4 years ago
Lmao!!! See? Told ya, baby stripper here. Well bout to hit my one year mark ,however. I learn new things every day! Lol thank you guys for all your great questions and advice!!
avatar for gammanu95
4 years ago
Keep your comments civil. If you wouldn't say it in person, don't type it in.
avatar for OregonscrazyRed
4 years ago
@gammanu ? Not sure where that came from
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