Dating in the USA vs Thailand

Off again on again PL
I came across this video on youtube and it's the kind of thing everyone here might find interesting:
Why Is Dating In Thailand Easier?
I came across this video on youtube and it's the kind of thing everyone here might find interesting:
Why Is Dating In Thailand Easier?
last commentJuice will take all the fat American girls this guy doesn't want.
The guy makes "some" good points about women in the U.S. (e.g. a good # of them do seem to have some GPS-entitlement and can often have a defensive if not adversarial attitude; especially when they are in packs) - this perhaps does not apply to most women but there is def a cultural difference which can be more keenly noticed by those from other cultures and/or when one is immersed in another culture.
w.r.t. American guys dating in foreign countries, IMO:
$$$ - the U.S. dollar has "worldwide appeal" and dollars will give you a big leg-up over most guys in a more-impoverished country - in most societies a woman's looks is her biggest "currency" and a man's wallet is often his most desired attribute - American guys w/ avg $$$/income will be upper-middle-class in many poorer countries and can treat the local girls to things/lifestyle she may not o/w likely not have access to
a lot of countries have a strong patriarchal society and women tend to be submissive - the patriarchal environment along w/ limited financial opportunities/options, means they kinda don't do the choosing and hope to be chosen and thus they have to be more submissive as to not lose a good pro$pect
it is true than in some of these traditional societies; being white-skinned is seen as a sign of upper-class per se - so a fair-skinned guy will stand out more in that environment and be found more attractive/desirable
part of the patriarchal environment is that the local-guys can be a-holes to the local girls in comparison to American-guys and American guys are often seen as more caring and easy-going
But IMO it often comes down to economic$ and having dollars in a poorer country is basically stacking-the-deck in your favor.
Why is it easier to date a girl in Thailand? A middle class American is rich in Thailand.
What happens when the money runs dry?
In America everyone aspires to be thinner and tanner. In Asian countries that means your poor and out in the fields all day. They aspire for their own Michelin man.
There are golddiggers in the US but a dollar goes further in Thailand.
The more experiences i had with foreign and foreign raised women. The more I came to appreciate American raised women