
Where laborers go, strippers and escorts follow

My casual drinking is your alcohol poisoning.
If I were an unemployed tradesman, I would be headed to Texas. The massive plumbing and electrical damage caused by their deep freeze means a lot of skilled trades will be hiring. There will also be a shortage of less skilled, but related, construction laborers like drywall hangers, painters, carpet and flooring installers and more. Essentially all construction will be blowing up. Having lived in New Orleans after Katrina and Fort Myers after Irma, I can attest that lots of dancers and fuckers will be filling the clubs and relieving the heavy pockets of cash that these guys will earn.

So, any dancers, laborers, and construction workers put out by the pandemic are virtually guaranteed employment in a state with no income taxes. (Although, I do wonder how many people who recently relocated to Texas will now be looking to get the hell out, LOL.)


  • Studme53
    4 years ago
    Good call. But good skilled craftsmen are needed everywhere. Adam Corolla said if someone who claims to be a good carpenter is out of work, it’s not because of lack work for carpenters, there’s some other reason.
  • Studme53
    4 years ago
    Reminds me of when I was an insurance property claims adjuster in the 80s for a big insurance company. The “due diligence” was waived after a “cat loss” like a big hurricane. I paid millions in claims based on phoned-in claims from policy holders and the insured property’s sq footage. Never even looked at the properties - just aerial photos of the aftermath. And before the policy holder could email digital photos of the damage. Probably a lot of fraud but I felt good getting money quick to people who really needed it.
  • nicespice
    4 years ago
    Somebody posted somewhere recently that ever since snow happened, Killeen TX clubs have been extra good lately. Hopefully this thread is true, because I’ll be going to Texas in a few weeks and an easy boost would be nice. 😁

    Tho I disagree with one of the statements earlier, at least where I was. Skilled trades and laborers were super busy during the pandemic, dealing with customers who were staying at home and wanted this and that fixed.
  • jackslash
    4 years ago
    No state income tax in Texas. That is true. When I moved from Chicago to San Antonio, I was eagerly anticipating no state income tax. However, I found that Texas had higher sales tax and property tax rates. Home prices were lower, so I bought a bigger house in an exclusive community, which resulted in a large property tax bill. The government gets you in one way or another.
  • shadowcat
    4 years ago
    The strippers didn't fare so well in Williston ND during the oil boom in 2010.
  • sinclair
    4 years ago
    Strippers made crazy money in Williston for close to eight years while the boom was strong. Heartbreakers and Whispers (right next to each other on Main Street) got closed down by the city. The titty bars were a magnet for fights, drugs, and prostitution. The catalyst for closing the clubs may have been that there were two separate murders right in front of the strip clubs within a twelve month period.
  • bdirect
    4 years ago
    in 2009 over 18000 usps employees accept buyouts for early retirement and federal employees too
  • bdirect
    4 years ago
    ^ posted it in error
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