The United States was, and still is, a settler-colonial society, the most brutal

The truth hurts, but if you accept it, it will set you free
Title couldn’t say it all:
“The United States was, and still is, a settler-colonial society, the most brutal form of imperialism.”
“Americans” got a richer, free life by virtue of decimating the indigenous population and massive slavery of another segment of the society”
And “the party” continues today with bitterly exploited labor, overseas conquests, and profit from wars.
Just overlook those small historic facts and details and then there’s a certain “truth” to our ideals; liberty, opportunity and equality...
last commentIf my life is “free” then why do I have to pay taxes?
Because CJKunt says so.
“Our civilization is being sacrificed for the opportunity of a very small number of people to continue making enormous amounts of money.”
Our biosphere is being sacrificed so that rich people in countries like mine can live in luxury.”
“It is the sufferings of the many which pay for the luxuries of the few.”
“The world is waking up...
And change is coming whether you like it or not.”
~ Greta Tintin Eleonora Ernman Thunberg
~ Born: 3rd January 2003 Stockholm, Sweden
~ Occupation: Student, environmental activist
Fritt Ord Award (2019)
Rachel Carson Prize (2019)
Ambassador of Conscience Award (2019)
Right Livelihood Award (2019)
International Children's Peace Prize (2019)
Time Person of the Year (2019)
Nordic Council Environment Prize (declined) (2019)
Gulbenkian Prize for Humanity (2020
~ Doctor honoris causa, University of Mons
~ No One Is Too Small to Make a Difference, Scenes from the Heart
A collection of eleven speeches which she has written and presented about global warming and the climate crisis.
Ambassador of conscience award lo fuckin l. CJ posting all the rewards the foreign retard gets from other retards. Might makes right bitch. Next post why not explain how these superior beings got their ass kicked by a pasty scrawny bunch of Euros? Cannot wait for this summer's widfires in California. Love watching you motherfuckers burn. Nice hot climate crisis for you lololol.
Imperialism sucks
Imperialism is nothing more than the stringer society beating the crap out of the weaker society.
Hahahahaha you call brutal!?!? My world is brutal! CJKent weakling put this collar on bitch.
What would the US look like without treason slavery and genocide as it's founding institutions
What kind of lowlife scumbag would live in a country they hate? Democrats.
Love my Colonial American ancestors, on both sides of the family.
Have relatives on both sides who fought in the Revolution.
Deeply proud of the wonderful Colonial American heritage.
Colonial Pride Day is the biggest event of the year at my house. I invite the neighbors over for a re-enactment of the Signing of the Declaration of Independence . We dress in colonial outfits, drink Sam Adams beer and then walk through the neighborhood carrying Betsy Ross flags singing Yankee Doodle dandy.
If there are any well hung black men who need consoling - my ample ass cheeks (and well used hole) are available to ease your pain.
I have no gag reaction to big thick chocolate cock!
I know you black men like to keep your homo hookups on the DL - so it’s just between us baby. Just us and my cell phone - and my other desert scrubbie brothers...