
Remembering VIPs

Evil Lair
Saturday, January 30, 2021 2:07 PM
This became an off topic branch to GMD's "body count" post, thought it might be a good discussion in it's own right. What's the longest time that a dancer remembered you after a one time visit? I posted about this somewhere else recently, but there is a certain area I visit occasionally. I went to a club there for a short visit, found a very cute girl, did a VIP, was in and out of the club in less than an hour. A little over a year later, during my next visit to the area, I went back to the club. As soon as I walk in the door I see a girl who was sitting at a table with group get up and walk straight to me. Yep, the girl from a year ago. I didn't recognize her at first because she changed her hair and had lost a little bit of weight, but she mentioned the VIP we did a year ago and a specific fact about that VIP that confirmed she really remembered, and it wasn't just a "remember me" hustle. I did another VIP and again was in and out in about an hour. About a year later, I was back in the area. That club was closed for COVID, so I went to another club a few miles away. I went to the bar, ordered a beer, and was sitting there for about five minutes when a girl walks up to me. Yep. Same girl. This time I spent a couple of hours with her and did another nice VIP. When I left, she said: "Do you want my number, or do you just want to keep meeting like this every year?" I told her I'd see her next year.


  • rugrat
    3 years ago
    Princess who used to work at Oasis in Philadelphia. I am sure she didn't remember my name, but she remembered that we did the VIP room and it had been at least a year. Still my ATF, even though I haven't seen her for years.
  • PrimetimeSchein
    3 years ago
    Probably 8 months in between VIP experiences.
  • Warrior15
    3 years ago
    I'm in Tampa a lot but I dont really go strip clubbing in Tampa much. But occasionally I venture into the Mons Venus. It was probably a year since I had been in here. I walk up to this really cute AA with a big smile and big ta-tas. Whenever I sit with a girl for the first time, I have a few trademark questions I tend to ask to get the conversation going. I start asking this girl a few of them. Then she calls me by my first name and asks. " Do you really not remember me ? " At that point, my memory does come back and I felt kind of stupid. We laughed about it during our OTC date two nights later.
  • Muddy
    3 years ago
    This got me thinking I don’t really circle back. I’m guess I’m always chasing that shiny new toy.
  • ATACdawg
    3 years ago
    The really good ones always remember. I've had several instances where a dancer remembered me from as much as two years and at a different club.
  • Uprightcitizen
    3 years ago
    Like a year and a half after I met her again while on SA. Seriously she was hinting at it and I didd'nt take the hint until after the next day and my buzz wore off. I felt sorta douchy because she was talent and nice. But me not remembering was likely a buzzkill for her. I don't blame her.
  • sideshow_bob
    3 years ago
    Are VIPs really higher mileage? They always seemed like a ripoff to me.
  • rl27
    3 years ago
    It was about nine years. I used to visit Model Tease in Cleveland a few times over the years but hadn't been there in years. About Nine years later, a new dancer showed up at Sirens in Columbus, fairly hot, looked to be in her mid thirties and I could tell by her attitude she had danced for a long time. I already had two favorites there, but did have her as an option if neither were there. Probably about four visits later she sits down at my table and asks me "Have you ever been to Model Tease in Cleveland." I said yes, and asked her why and she then tells me she thinks I got a dance from her there. After talking for a bit, I determined she had the right time frame and how she said she remembered me, was something I would never have a reason to mention to a dancer outside of Cleveland.
  • goldmongerATL
    3 years ago
    I have had a girl remember me from 2-3 years back. She had taken a break from dancing. She remembered doing a VIP with me before her hiatus. She described what her hair, hair color etc looked like back then. Also had a different name and fewer tats and a few fewer pounds back then. If it has been a while I often do not recognize a girl that I have done before because her look has changed. Sometimes that can be as little as a couple of months later because her hair color has changed, a big new tattoo, etc. But, her body and her dances convince me to go to VIP not realizing it is a repeat trip. Other times I will recognize a past VIP but not mention it. In both those cases I have had several girls tell me in or after VIP "You don't remember me, do you? We did VIP back in the summer" or something similar. I had one even add "I think we were in that room over there" So sometimes they remember but don't bring it up at first just like I remember but don't bring it up. There could even be a sound business reason for her not to bring it up. She may think the guy seems interested in VIP now, so mission accomplished. Mentioning it while closing that type of deal has no upside and might have a negative affect because who knows if you really enjoyed it last time. Yes, I think some strippers have that much savvy when doing their sales jobs.
  • georgmicrodong
    3 years ago
    My story is similar to doctorevil's. I make it through Erie PA a couple of times a year. A couple of years ago I met a young lady there who was more than happy to provide that for which I was looking. The next year, almost to the day, I was there again, and so was she. When I approached her at the stage, she kind of did a double take and smiled at me. I didn't say anything, because there were about 1,000 guys lined up to tip, but when she exited, she came right over to my table, and sat down. "I remember you. You were here last year." "I was." "You want another blowjob?" "Ooh, twist my arm, why don't you."
  • wallanon
    3 years ago
    "Are VIPs really higher mileage? They always seemed like a ripoff to me." VIP dances not being better is the exception not the rule in most places I've been. Not always that much better, but usually better. Dancers who are on the level will say something like "the dances aren't any better in back" if they're not in the mood to play ball.
  • Cristobal
    3 years ago
    A few dancers and BGs remember me after a few months, one stripper remembered quite a few details of our VIP experience. Though not completely on subject but it came to mind while remembering this thread was an experience I had with a BG: A cute, nerdy BG with a terrific body, matched by her enthusiasm arriba quickly became an ABG (appointment BG). In between visits we were texting
  • Cristobal
    3 years ago
    Oops....not sure how that happened. Continuing.... In between visits we were texting with discussions going beyond business and meet ups. On a meet up while in bed enjoying the afterglow, we start talking about her name (she has a very unusual name) and then I jokingly ask her my name, she says so matter a factly she did not remember. A little surprised, I asked her how did she have me listed as a contact in her phone, she said she just had my number but because she had no client contacta she knew it was me. It bothered me much that she did not remember my name, so that was my last meet up with her.
  • crosscheck
    3 years ago
    Most years I go to SoFla for around a week or so during the winter/early spring. I had gone to one of the local clubs while I was there and ending up getting a VIP dance. A little over a year later, I went to the same club and after I sat down at the bar she immediately made a beeline straight for me. Remembered everything we'd talked about and did the year before. I was surprised and kinda impressed.
  • magicrat
    3 years ago
    Not exactly answering the OP question because it was more than one visit but here goes. The dancer was in an L&L club in Charlotte and definitely stood out in that dive club. I chatted her up a couple times while she was onstage but I don't even remember getting a table dance much less a VIP. 2-3 years later I'm in a major dive club (see a pattern here?) in Gastonia, NC. It was shift change time so I only remember this one dancer shooting pool as I sat at the bar. She was wearing Daisy Dukes and had obvious boob enhancements. She comes over to me and says "I know you!". I had no clue but when she told me where she danced and her stage name I remembered. (The enhancements were new btw.) I had actually never been to this particular club in Gastown so I wasn't sure of the protocol. We end up doing time in both the VIP rooms they had and let's just say The Piano Man showed up. As I said I had never even gotten a dance from her before so that was pretty interesting. Haven't seen or heard from her since but a good night was had by all.
  • Nidan111
    3 years ago
    @ sideshow. "Are VIPs really higher mileage? They always seemed like a ripoff to me“. Hmmm. Let me think. Ok. I thunk. 15 full service encounters via VIP IN 12 months. If you can consider dipping the stick 8 inches deep to be higher mileage than titties in the face, then NOPE ... VIP is NOT a ripoff! As far as OP’s question. 18 months after a one time VIP, the gal held my first and last name across the strip club as she was up on stage and I was just walking through the entrance door. She also yelled that my tongue was to die for. I blushed.
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