"The House, With Some G.O.P. Support, Votes to Impeach Trump a Historic Second Time The House voted on an article of impeachment that accuses President Trump of “incitement of insurrection,” and 10 Republicans supported the move. Senator Mitch McConnell said he would not agree to use emergency powers to bring the Senate back into session for a trial before Jan. 19."
https://www.nytimes.com/live/2…Nice work Nancy and the dems; round of applause for 10 republicans
last commentLet our brave keyboard warriors, behind the protective cover of anonymity, and fair-weather "patriots' bloviate and fill the air with empty bravado from the pussy peanut gallery while their more 'activist' anarchist buddies are being outed and arrested.
Let the mutual mental masturbation party begin😄😄
Mitch and company are doing some careful math. They want to move on from Trumpism. They never wanted him to lead the party. He clearly wants to be the voice of the party for the next four years.
Also some Republican lawmakers are personally pissed they felt personally threatened.
This could be the mainstream conservatives chance to strike down Trump far from an election. Voters have short memories and they are unlikely to pay in primaries a year and a half from now.
Serious question for the conservatives: do you honestly want Trump to be in the mix for 2024 against Kamala?
Republicans want to be rid of Trump but not anger his supporters.
Absolutely not, Trump is far from what our party needs. He has done more damage to the GOP than anyone at least since Nixon and possibly since long before then.
That said I don't think the impeachment is a good idea at this point. If what happened last week happened back right after election day I could see the point of removing him from office early but at this point there isn't time for a full trial process before he is kicked out of DC next week. All it will do is put Trump in the spotlight for months instead of letting people move on. That may be a smart political move for the Democrats to keep hammering Republicans by hammering Trump but that isn't what a serious thing like impeachment should be used for.
If it was really about him being an imminent threat and needing him removed from office now that would be one thing. However, if that was the case Pelosi & Co would be pushing for an immediate trial and not talking about possibly waiting until after Biden has completed his "first hundred days" agenda before having the Senate hold the trial.
If he is an imminent threat, and an argument can be made for that, hold the trial as soon as possible instead of putting Biden's political agenda ahead of holding the trial. By putting it off they are either admitting he isn't an imminent threat or saying that their political agenda is more important to them than protecting our country from an imminent threat.
NFL football teams don't make decisions based, first and foremost, on what's best for the NFL. As much as they depend upon the NFL for their very existence, their everyday operations are geared toward their own self interest; recruiting talent, making plays, winning games and ultimately winning Super Bowls. It's how they keep their jobs and make more money. That's why there's a commission that that keeps them within boundaries and forces them to play by the rules. Otherwise, they would eventually be bringing lead pipes on the field and breaking their opponents knee caps. They might not always like it, but the teams are ultimately accountable to the commission, for the good of the overall sport, and the longevity of the enterprise.
The problem with modern politics is that the American public (the electorate) is supposed to be like the NFL commission, but they've lost control of the teams and the players. The "game" has become more sophisticated than the average "commissioner" can understand or follow, and the "teams" have succeeded in creating two factions of the "commission" which are divided against each other. The lead pipes have come out and no one is protecting the best interest of the whole enterprise anymore. If today's America was the NFL it would be in total chaos, and probably result in the demise and bankruptcy of the entire league.
@ATAC - I think it’s much more simple than preventing him from running again and saving the pension dollars. To me, it’s just telling the country and the world that what Trump did was wrong, and wrong to a level justifying impeachment. If the only defense Trump has is the calendar, well, that’s not really a defense.
But, they will need to rebuild the splintered party over the next 4 years. I’m not sure how they can rebuild the party after 4 years of Trump - and die hard Trump supporters likely to leave the party.
One major issue will be to determine how much of the Trump vote was an actual vote for Trump - or a vote against Biden/Kamala/Democratic ideals. If the republicans move toward a centrist agenda - they could attract middle of the road democrats - but distance themselves from the far right (and Trump?).
House Majority Whip Rep. Jim Clyburn, D-S.C., said Sunday that the House could take up articles of impeachment against President Donald Trump early this week but that it may delay sending them to the Senate until after President-elect Joe Biden's first 100 days in office.
Any Senate trial could slow Biden's ability to pass Covid-19 relief legislation and have his Cabinet officials confirmed. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., said in a memo obtained by NBC News that the soonest the Senate could receive the articles of impeachment would be Jan. 19, the eve of Biden's inauguration, unless a unanimous consent agreement from all 100 senators is passed.
"Yes, I do have concerns," Clyburn said on CNN's "State of the Union" when asked about whether impeachment could slow Biden's agenda. "And so does Speaker [Nancy] Pelosi."
He added: "Let's give President-elect Biden the 100 days he needs to get his agenda off and running, and maybe we will send the articles some time after that."
orange,bum, bd, like the toothless MAGATs act out my prediction ⬆️: 'Time for the toothless TUSCL Magatards to begin moaning and whining while they try to shift the blame to everyone other than themselves, Trump and the Public Clown party.'
None of them have ever, to my knowledge, posted any active steps to support trump or clown party pols, just sheeple posting anonymously and safely on TUSCL. None of these guys cop to being members of militia or other alt-right activist groups. [smart move if your scared] Only Chulo disclosed sending $$ to trump re-election ---said it was his first time to do so.
Unlike you who proudly uses your real name and posts your address as an invitation to members you falsely accuse of being militia to come visit you.
You're so brave in your accusations while sitting in your government provided apartment in the senior center, Lol Dipshit!
JOKER here you can be a tough guy and talk shit but in real life, if you fought a man, he'd slap you openhanded as a non-verbal commentary on how manly you are you little pussy. Said it before and I will say it again: I have hated the Donald since I first met the piece of shit Democrat in NYC more than 30 years ago. I simply hate progressives more. I view Trump as a fucked up American and progressives as vile, anti-american garbage. I might choose a progressive over whomever runs North Korea or that asshole muslim Khamanei; maybe. I hope Trump is impeached. In two years when the Republicans take the house Biden/Harris will get the Mueller report treatment and have their adminstration fucked up.