…I told all you idiots that facemasks would only somewhat slowdown the spread of the virus, not stop it. And here we are nearly a year after the appearance of the virus in the US, about to face the worse of it. Instead of stressing personal health Fauci and liberals instead built up a false sense of security and put too much faith in facemasks.
You want to see a shocking number- 64. That's the number of COVID-19 deaths in Thailand. The reason why is
that obesity, high blood pressure and diabetes is rare there. What eles? Oh yeah, fuck hood ass strippers, BLM,
the GOP, and this website design gets worse every time I come back to it.
last commentOr maybe that feeling is gas? I’ll be right back!
Seatbelt laws were the result of overly powerful insurance company lobbyists hoping to reduce the severity of injury and death claims. Then certain states and cities, mostly of the blue variety, learned through experience that seat belt violations were also a very nice extra source of revenue. So now every cop who is mandated to peer intrusively into the windows of drivers' cars is acting both as an insurance company employee and a government revenue collection agent.
You wonder why we have so many more adverse traffic stop incidents now? It's because we have so many more traffic stops, many of them now ticky Nanny State shit like seatbelts. Worse though, the brunt of these Nanny State control and revenue collection efforts fall hardest upon those least able to bear it, which increases the desperation level of some people being pulled over.
Is the government allowed to require that you cover your genitals to prevent others from being exposed to them? Why would requiring you to cover your mouth to protect others from being exposed to it?
How about requiring shirts and shoes in restaurants? If they can require these types of cloth to cover parts of your body why should a mask be any different?