Hey Fauci, how's them facemask working for you now?

avatar for nickifree


I told all you idiots that facemasks would only somewhat slowdown the spread of the virus, not stop it. And here we are nearly a year after the appearance of the virus in the US, about to face the worse of it. Instead of stressing personal health Fauci and liberals instead built up a false sense of security and put too much faith in facemasks.

You want to see a shocking number- 64. That's the number of COVID-19 deaths in Thailand. The reason why is
that obesity, high blood pressure and diabetes is rare there. What eles? Oh yeah, fuck hood ass strippers, BLM,
the GOP, and this website design gets worse every time I come back to it.


last comment
avatar for nicespice
4 years ago
The tuscl web design? I wonder what type of music founder plays in the background every time he’s updating something. 🤔
avatar for Eve
4 years ago
avatar for gammanu95
4 years ago
If you hate the site's design, then please leave. Off-topic troll shit-flinger.
avatar for TFP
4 years ago
Funny how every Nickifree thread begins with how he told us something. Lol fuck outta here.
avatar for mike710
4 years ago
A new hospital is opening up in Peoria AZ in a couple of weeks. Granted, it was in construction already but permanent hospitals are not build overnight.
avatar for whodey
4 years ago
You are correct in saying that "facemasks would only somewhat slowdown the spread of the virus, not stop it." That doesn't mean they weren't the right thing to do. Seatbelt laws, speed limits and dui enforcement don't stop traffic fatalities but they do slow them down so they are worthwhile measures just like mask mandates.
avatar for TheElmerFudd
4 years ago
I don’t think he cares
avatar for skibum609
4 years ago
The whole purpose of the Constitution is to limit Government mandates. Comparing driving, which is a privilege, and not a right to freedom of movement, freedom to make your own health decisions, freedom to work, freedom in your own home, which are rights. I don't need a bunch of fucked up slobs who got into office by buying votes with taxpayer's money telling me what is appropriate for my health. Trump? Stacey Abrams? Seriously? Advice from obese pigs? Of course the correlation between strict Government shutdowns and an a appalling death rate will never be acknowledged by the communists on the left. California murdered their economy; forced thousands of tax paying workers to leave and still killed far more people than any other state; all in the name of knowing better what's good for you than you do. Fuck Government. Time to make it an unpaid position with no benefits, or end it.
avatar for Cashman1234
4 years ago
I’m feeling enlightened after reading nickifree’s post!

Or maybe that feeling is gas? I’ll be right back!
avatar for rickdugan
4 years ago
==> "Seatbelt laws, speed limits and dui enforcement don't stop traffic fatalities but they do slow them down so they are worthwhile measures just like mask mandates."

Seatbelt laws were the result of overly powerful insurance company lobbyists hoping to reduce the severity of injury and death claims. Then certain states and cities, mostly of the blue variety, learned through experience that seat belt violations were also a very nice extra source of revenue. So now every cop who is mandated to peer intrusively into the windows of drivers' cars is acting both as an insurance company employee and a government revenue collection agent.

You wonder why we have so many more adverse traffic stop incidents now? It's because we have so many more traffic stops, many of them now ticky Nanny State shit like seatbelts. Worse though, the brunt of these Nanny State control and revenue collection efforts fall hardest upon those least able to bear it, which increases the desperation level of some people being pulled over.
avatar for Musterd21
4 years ago
With a mask you can make kissy faces at beautiful women and no one knows. Be careful of the day they outlaw masks. 😎
avatar for skibum609
4 years ago
We've had seat belt laws in Mass for a very long time. To date the number of stops I have seen or heard about due to seatbelts, remains at zero. The first Mass seatbelt law was overturned via referendum. I was so fucking proud of the work I did on it. I was wrong. I don't even sit in a parking lot without one; a wear a helmet if I ride my bike in New Hampshire, even though there is no helmet law and I wear a helmet skiing.
avatar for whodey
4 years ago
Since you didn't like my comparison to driving laws, how about comparing mask requirements to other clothing requirements?

Is the government allowed to require that you cover your genitals to prevent others from being exposed to them? Why would requiring you to cover your mouth to protect others from being exposed to it?

How about requiring shirts and shoes in restaurants? If they can require these types of cloth to cover parts of your body why should a mask be any different?
avatar for skibum609
4 years ago
I have no problem with a private business having their own rules. The government telling me to wear a mask or get tested when I come back from another state is a non-starter. All businesses in my state require everyone to wear a mask. I have been seeing people in my office since May 6 and I don't wear a mask, or require others to do so. Three out of about 400 people have decided to wear a mask. Neither my clients nor I wear masks when we do zoom hearings and we sit together, in my office 3 feet apart. Its a rules violation, but Covid rules are unimportant in my mind by the ethics rules which require me to zealously represent clients and that cannot be done remotely. Government makes certain actions crimes and then doesn't enforce them, so I make up my own rules. When burning, looting and taking over state property is important to them, wearing a mask and taking over federal property will become important to me. My single minded goal in life is to enjoy my life until I die, whenever that is. My concern for the future of the land the democrats want is miniscule ...at best.
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