
I am burned out

Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
Wednesday, January 6, 2021 6:29 AM
As crazy as this sounds given COVID concerns and lockdowns, I'm actually burned out now on all the stripper ass I've been enjoying. I know that this might sound to some like a good problem to have, but I seriously may have to take a break now. I mentioned in a post almost a week ago that I binged a bit during the holiday season, but I haven't really let up since. As we rolled into January with ever increasing case numbers and positivity rates, the clubs have been more lightly attended. Also, the girls who also work day jobs are seeing their hours cut there too. So now with their earnings down on all fronts, OTC opportunities abound. Most of them have been fresh young faces, but I even had one former OTC partner, who was trying to turn a new leaf and stay faithful to her current SO, re-approach me. Fuck some of their names and faces are actually starting to merge now. I know a burnout thread almost seems otherworldly for many who have spent most of 2020 in various forms of lockdown, but sadly that is where I'm at. Hopefully I will get over it soon before conditions dramatically change. For example, if bigger stimulus checks go out I expect that to fuck things up for about a month or so until these girls piss it away. Comments?


  • prevert
    3 years ago
    It’s possible to get burned out on almost anything. We all have to take breaks sometimes even from something like sex.
  • skibum609
    3 years ago
    I've been once since Thanksgiving with the intention of not going again. Now that its been a year of weirdness, it simply holds no interest for me any longer.
  • Warrior15
    3 years ago
    Rick, are you trying to get sympathy for getting laid a lot ? This seems like the wrong place to attempt that.
  • rickdugan
    3 years ago
    ===> "Rick, are you trying to get sympathy for getting laid a lot ? This seems like the wrong place to attempt that." LOL warrior not at all. Normally this would just be a ho-hum burnout thread that we would see posted here from time to time pre-COVID. But with COVID this is a much rarer animal nowadays so I'm simply trying to provide a little historical normalcy to the board by sharing it. Same reason I keep posting a variety of other stripper stories.
  • whodey
    3 years ago
    Everyone burns out on this hobby at some point. Take a break for a couple of months and reevaluate whether it is something you want to continue to spend time and money on. There are three likely outcomes: 1) you realize you really miss it and come back just as strong as ever 2) you realize you don't really miss it and don't come back at all 3) you realize that you miss it but not as much as you thought you would and you return to clubbing but in a more limited capacity. I went through this type of burn out a few years ago and took 6 months off from the hobby. I fell into the third outcome I listed above and realized that while I still really enjoy strip clubbing I don't feel the need to go as often as I did before. I used to go every couple of weeks for an hour or two. Now I go every 2-3 months but my time per visit has increased to 2-3 hours.
  • twentyfive
    3 years ago
    A lot of the board is suffering from the same thing this little break I’ve been on since March of last year isn’t really bothering me my health and my wallet have both benefited from it, I’m sure at some point I’ll head back into a strip club likely after I receive the vaccine, but in the meantime I’ve improved my golf game, plus I have a new hobby that I’m getting into remote model aircraft it’s awesome fun and I’ve met a bunch of enthusiasts at a few parks near my home, anyone interested look up the AMA (Academy of Model Airpcraft)
  • nicespice
    3 years ago
    Wha? This is a common problem right now? Wish my hours would be cut more. 😭 Clubs are back open in Colorado and will only be able to make it in one day this week. Which would be the only scheduled day off. Anyways, how much of a break are you considering? Up the flame wars with 25 in the meantime?
  • twentyfive
    3 years ago
    ^ Spicey how about you take over for me, I’m old and burned outLOL
  • rickdugan
    3 years ago
    Sorry guys and gals who aren't interested in dancer and club posts in the discussion section of The Ultimate Strip Club List. I got a little crazy talking about stripper burnout on a strip club website. I wonder if my posts would be more welcome on the Golf Enthusiast, Gas Station Attendants United and Model Aircraft Hobbyist discussion boards? 😉
  • rickdugan
    3 years ago
    @Whodey: If my history is any indicator, I'll probably recover in a week or so lol. @Nice: Around here a lot of the retail businesses are seeing lighter foot traffic than they were a month ago, I suspect due to the spiking COVID numbers and the normal post-holiday drop off. I'm sure that there are some businesses, like gas stations and grocery stores, that are far less impacted because everyone needs to eat and drive around here.
  • twentyfive
    3 years ago
    Well without looking to get involved in a bar b cue if your interests had a little variety you might not suffer as much from burn out , and find out there’s more to life than just banging whores.
  • nicespice
    3 years ago
    ^ LOL With more of your burn out time, feel free to dig through plenty of recent posts talking about clubs. My guess is that I probably talk about it more than you do. Since I’m not too occupied with lashing out at individuals calling them pedophiles for some odd reason or bitching about masks. Or having stream-of-consciousness posts going back and fourth that claim the holidays have been non-stop fucking but then had a post like this just one week ago: [view link] Does that even truly count as a strip club discussion? Now go back to attending to your wife and children. Or even more important than that...BBBC 😁
  • rickdugan
    3 years ago
    Nice, trolling is not a good look on a girl. We get enough of it from the pedophile sympathizer.
  • nicespice
    3 years ago
    Lol, nice distinction there based on gender. I take it you intend to say that trolling is a good look on a dude and that you’re going to keep trolling full-steam-ahead? By confusing this site with your ever-changing stories about club conditions in Jacksonville?
  • twentyfive
    3 years ago
    ^ Oh now I’m trolling , geezaloo RickiBoi are you always such a bloody twat or do you occasionally take a Midol when nobody is around
  • doctorevil
    3 years ago
    Ricky boy seems to be fixated on pedophilia. He always brings it up at some point. I wonder why?
  • rickdugan
    3 years ago
    ^ While doctorevil is perfectly fine with jumping in on every thread where his pedo buddy is getting beat up. But of course we can't expect the guy who pushed an immigrant down to her knees in a disgusting men's bathroom stall in Baby Dolls doesn't have many qualms about predatory behavior.
  • nicespice
    3 years ago
    For reference this is the original review doctorevil made. Where Rick goes full blatant on still trolling long after the fact. [view link] If I didn’t know better that Rick was the extras-king, I’d say he’s jealous and his gripes at docE are a pissing-contest. 🤔
  • twentyfive
    3 years ago
    Since when am I getting beat up RickiBoi You aren’t the person that’ is capable of beating me at tiddlywinks let alone on an Internet forum and we know for sure that you’d never show up at any club to meet any other TUSCLers cause you’d get your head handed to you stupid motherfucker, You punk cocksucker I posted a decent reply on your thread but as usual you want to shit all over the place if you can’t act like a civilized person come on and meet me or doc evil or Papi one any of the posters that you are so obviously envious of iYou would be crying like the little bitch you are, I’m done with you scumbag, you’re a serial cheater, a nasty drunken prick and alcoholic degenerate I’m betting your wife if she exists doesn’t want you anywhere near her children whom you ignore anyway in favor of those whores whom you try to impress by befriending their children What a sad excuse for a human being you are shame on you and your parents for the way you were raised
  • rickdugan
    3 years ago
    Nice, reliving his bragging about it doesn't make it any better. A $100 BJ in a disgusting men's bathroom stall with an immigrant girl who couldn't even speak the language, seriously? Some things just should not be done, even if she was desperate enough to offer it. Are these really the guys who are your ideal customers? The guy who gets his rocks off with immigrants in dirty men's bathroom stalls and those that trip over themselves defending blatantly horrible pedophile posts? Do you put a Catholic school girl outfit and wear pig tails when guys like 25 visit you? Maybe even wear a school backpack to make the experience feel a little more authentic to him? Do you keep spray tan and memorize a list of broken English phrases for when guys like doctorevil want to swing by? Shoot you don't even need the club for him - the gas station you work at surely has a dirty men's room available. 😉
  • nicespice
    3 years ago
    I don’t believe in this notion of “ideal” customers. Some-to-many dancers do and it probably works well for them, but whether correctly or incorrectly I just don’t. I enjoy having a wider variety of customers from different walks of life. It prevents boredom. I hang around this site for entertainment, somehow along the way I’ve met 20something individuals including yes the posters here you don’t particularly like. Advertising isn’t my goal around here, and if it was—that would be a horrible amount of profit compared to how much time spent on this site. But hey, I enjoy discussing about and working at strip clubs because I consider it fun. I know you enjoy the narrative of some broken and desperate dancer for whatever reason, but there are a lot of dancers who don’t fit that. You may find that notion head-scratching, but from my standpoint that I find head-scratching is wondering do YOU have fun in all this? Sometimes I wonder how much you’re actually enjoying living your life, especially in the clubs, to get bent out of shape by another extras hound such as doctorevil? Or subra? Or whoever you feel you have to be “better” at?
  • rickdugan
    3 years ago
    Nice I enjoy clubs a great deal. Grown men being entertained by much younger yet fully grown women where everyone leaves happy with the trade. What could be better? But there are 'less than ideal" customers and then there are men who have no shame or boundaries whatsoever and do truly despicable things. For some reason you seem somewhat desensitized to the difference. There are also many degrees of so-called "desperation?" A grown American born woman who chooses to sell me sex has many other options available to her if she is truly that desperate. She could tap charities that offer help with housing and food. She could go without the cell phone and buy fewer holiday presents. She could get another vanilla job in lieu of seeing me multiple times. She sells the sex instead because it's easier and faster than exploring those options, but there are plenty of women who never do adult work who choose the latter. But an undocumented immigrant is in an entirely different situation and has far less help available to her. Children born to undocumented immigrants often really do go hungry. This is why I'm involved in charities that help them, not getting $100 blow jobs from them in bathroom stalls. Even among men who chase stripper tail, preying on minors and undocumented immigrants is never ok and should never be tolerated.
  • twentyfive
    3 years ago
    ^ So you believe that you’re the tallest midget what a dipshit
  • rickdugan
    3 years ago
    @Nice: ^ And that's what you came on here to defend. A sociopath so bereft of any moral compass that he cannot understand that certain things are simply too horrible to ever be OK. Congratulations. Maybe you'd be comfortable asking him to babysit your kids some day. 😉
  • gSteph
    3 years ago
    Burnt out? You could stay home and play cribbage with Mrs D Nah, they need you 🙃
  • rickdugan
    3 years ago
    ^ LOL. Exactly gSteph. But I need a little time. When I can't remember which girl said what to me because they're running together in my head or one texts and I have to go through our coms history to remember which one she is, it's getting a bit excessive.
    3 years ago
    Damn rick I'd be burned out on posting about strippers way before banging strippers, but to each his own to what gets one going ;) It's important to recognize burn out when it happens. Addicts burn out too, but they keep going without the pleasure. Do this bc it's fun, not bc it's habit. NAAAASTY
  • BBBC
    3 years ago
    I am sorry Ricky I didn't mean to make your ass hole burn! We were a little rough with the toy you got me for Xmas. Now cum to think of it, the toy may have had some Ben Gay on it. Desertscrub insisted on me using it on him with Ben gay because he likes it hot and spicey 😉. I will mKe sure to clean it better next time. 😇
  • Muddy
    3 years ago
    Pussy is hard to burn out on
  • Cowboy12
    3 years ago
    I last went to a club in June, and almost no one was there, dancers or customers. However, I plan to go today. My CF texted and wanted to meet up.
  • rickdugan
    3 years ago
    ===> "Pussy is hard to burn out on" I hear that, but p4p is different than fun civilian pussy. I'm thankful that I always had live-in SOs through my 20s because of how much I wanted it back then and I had a lot of fun in my 30s as well until I got remarried. But p4p is a bit more transactional and then there are the social elements to my nights out. I'm not a young man anymore and can't live like I am.
  • 48-Cowboy
    3 years ago
    ^ sounds likeban excuse for being broke. Just eat more beans and save that money up. Then you can afford the "transactions".
  • rickdugan
    3 years ago
    LOL cowboy. Hardly broke, but the money of course can't be ignored. Maintaining budget discipline is critical in being able to do this for a long time without long-term adverse consequences and binging is anathema to that.
  • rickdugan
    3 years ago
    Oh and good luck on that meetup with your CF. Hopefully you can rekindle things where they left off.
  • apoopdeep
    3 years ago
    Mr. Rick Dugan you fucker you do not make fun of my employee Nicespice. She is my best gas attendant, so good that I allow her to walk without ball and chain. Do it again and no slurpee for you. At Exxon we do not play you dirty bitch.
  • 48-Cowboy
    3 years ago
    ^ you have a fueling station? Do you carry horse fuel? [view link]
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