Wham-Last Christmas a roll down the windows song or a keep it to yourself
Kind of a song? I like it. I decided I would go down to the local school and show these kids what Christmas cheer is really all about. Got to the parking lot and rolled the down the windows and started blasting it. (This is the kind of stuff I do now that strip clubs are closed) Instead of cheers however my car was pelted with eggs and I was repeatedly called a slur for homosexuals.
I think he’s expecting somebody to ask whether people were calling him a “slur for homosexuals” reflected to fact he was actually blasting Wham! in a panel van with a mural of him blowing George Michael on the side.
Then, in response to the question, Muddy’s plan is to say “no, I did not paint a picture of myself blowing George Michael on the side of my van...I painted a picture of myself giving George Michael the ol’ rusty trombone!”
Sorry to steal you punch line Muddy ape, but I’ll give you props for being secure in your sexuality. Next year tell a story ‘bout driving ‘round blasting Mariah Carey. ROAR!!!
That said, I did have an embarrassing incident once. Driving on the highway, Cyndi Lauper "Girls just want to have fun" came on the radio. It's a corny but catchy tune, and I turned it up loud. My phone rings and I see it's my buddy calling. I meant to swipe "ignore" because I was really jamming out to that girly song, but I accidentally picked up and didn't realize it, so he heard the music and me singing for the remainder of the song. Lol. He had a good laugh at my expense and the next time a group of friends were all together, of course he told everyone.