In these hard covid times, y’all notice strippers been possessive as hell?
Degenerate gambler and virgin
Man I understand times may be hard in some places, but damn wassup with these women getting mad u talk to other girls? I club to enjoy myself, not to stay under your tits the whole time, it’s 20 other girls here. Y’all notice this in y’all areas or is it just me?
Dancer texted me this morning saying she saw me get a dance from another girl 🤣
I left another club for this same reason , it was 4 girls fighting over the same shit smh.
Dancer texted me this morning saying she saw me get a dance from another girl 🤣
I left another club for this same reason , it was 4 girls fighting over the same shit smh.
Text that girl back "yes I did it's my money"
Should be in the Bible in the book of James tbh
@WavvyCain what was your response to her text?
If its messing with your head, make a game out of it. See if you can get better mileage and OTC out of the girl. Ive been in the game long enough to just appreciate times like this. I limit my selection of girls and am rewarded with better experiences. When times turn back to the dancer's favor and they get lazy then it gets harder for clubbers and you need to do more searching.
Exactly. Any pansy who gets intimidated by a little more dancer aggressiveness should just stay home in bed with his milk and cookies. For the hardier club hounds, times like this are when you collect experiences that you will re-live for years to come.
You're probably going to have trouble rehabilitating this one. Something in your previous interactions with her have led her to believe that she can treat you like this. Once a girl forms that type of firm judgment of a guy it's hard to reverse. You'd be better of cutting her loose and moving on to the next target.
But if you absolutely must try with this one, why not start with a response text like, "Are you high? Don't send me a fucking text like that ever again." and leave it at that. Don't engage her any further, even if she tries to further engage you, until you see her ITC again. Time for you to reset the boundaries if you can. Then once those boundaries are reset, then you can have a conversation about what it takes to become a locked in club favorite.
I appreciate that for real I maybe was being too nice with this hoe. I didn’t tell her no cuss words etc, so I gotta text her again or tell her this when I go up there. We gotta lay these ground rules again and this time they gotta be heard. I appreciate these words from a strip club vet like yourself.
Ah, I missed this. Too late to send a better response now. The time to whack to dog on the snout is immediately after it shits on the carpet. Instead you gave her an excuse about being new. About the only way you're probably going to salvage this now is to blow her off altogether ITC, but that's going to require you to sack up a lot more than you have so far.
No need to display any anger or cursing towards her. But idk that’s just me, we all have our own styles.
So you manage OTC girls a lot do you? ;)
Normally I would agree with all of that. But the OP is behind the 8 ball here because while he was whining to the girl that he doesn't like aggressive/possessive dancers, his actions were telling her the opposite. So having already rewarded her with money and whispers of an OTC meal for her bad behavior, she felt like she could run a game on him about paying another girl. If he truly has ongoing OTC interest in her he needs to reset the boundaries - hence the rather sharp recommended response that is now moot anyway.
In other words, every word and recommended word and action I posted was calculated. It's like correcting the behavior of a bad child. I have felt compelled to curse at only a single one in years - which has become troll fodder after I posted about it - but even that was calculated to correct extremely bad behavior. I just don't take these incidents seriously enough to get worked up, even if they are fun discussion fodder on here.
If wavy doesn’t like drama, that would be a bit much and I guess I don’t understand how that would help. As soon as more customers come in the door, he will probably start getting ignored. (Not that it isn’t a possibility no matter what, but the chances go up) Or at least that’s my guess.
If wavy does like the drama, let her have that feeling for a small while, then pull the rug out and immediately turn focus elsewhere. Ride that high out even more high.
But if the cursing is calculated...then in what instances is it justified, in your opinion? As I recall with that troll fodder, I don’t remember what was the extremely bad behavior either and I don’t believe it was shared.
She's not confused about what she's doing. She's out of line and she knows it, but she obviously believes that he's a pushover or else she never would have played that game. Since he clearly doesn't just want to just drop her, which frankly is what I do with a girl who behaved like that out of the gate, he needs a quick way to correct her misperception of him. Unless she's right of course.
Since I’m new there and she’s getting pushy the perfect time is my next visit on Wednesday. She asked me about eating out with her at a Italian spot on Friday while itc. When I woke up Saturday around noon is when I got the text about her seeing me get a dance from another girl. I told her I’m new and I’m going to get dances from other girls. All of y’all’s way at coming at her is the right way, just wanted y’all advice because y’all are vets at handling dancers, wanted to see what I was going against.
Club here called oasis annoyed me because girls Would literally sit up under me when I didn’t want shit, and when I did, they would get possessive and act like other girls couldn’t have me, which is why I blamed covid a bit but idk. But I thank all of you for real.
Ps nice spice I don’t troll anymore on here lol that was the old me, if u notice I don’t even post in the discussion section anymore. The political bait trolling played out.
That's because you allow this behavior. Or at the very least you seem hesitant and uncertain enough that they feel emboldened. Look around the club and find the guy who is NOT being treated like that - the guy who seems to always have one girl or another sitting next to him talking normally. Then try to emulate his body language and facial expressions.
The vast majority of time, a simple "I'm not interested, thanks" is all that's necessary. On rare occasions, something more stern might be warranted, but I've only had to resort to "leave me alone, you fucking leech" once in 40ish years of clubbing.
Like you I usually get by with a simple "No thank you." But I also haven't had a girl play those games in a very long time and I suspect you haven't either. I suspect that long time degenerate club hounds give off a vibe that holds them up, including how comfortable they seem in their space. Girls no doubt size their targets up and approach accordingly.
Whatever the OP is doing or however he's behaving, the girls were not treating him the same way. So now we're left to have fun throwing shit against the wall in figuring out how he can salvage this. Can this be salvaged after he already tolerated her initial aggressive behavior, first paying her and then making an eager to please offer to take her to her favorite restaurant, and then responding to her silly text with a defensive excuse? It's anybody's guess IMHO. His behavior has been screaming "doormat" so much already that he has an uphill battle in changing her view.
Our OP has been here for a short time yet he gives off that I know it all vibe, I say good luck to him I’d never let any little girl in her underwear do me like that.
I don't notice, because I don't care. Their drama stops at the edge of my wallet.
Never be a kept man.
And you're right about the other. I still get a pout or few on occasion, and sometimes a "why not", but it hasn't gone farther than that in quite a while. Even from the girls on whom I've spent money in the past.
Just why that might be is more than I'm prepared to assume, but the "vibe" is as reasonable an explanation as any.