
Strippers supporting parents and siblings

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WTF? In the old days I'd almost never run into this. More often young dancers were spreading their wings, trying to support themselves and some young DB and maybe do some traveling. The girl who is the runner up for my ATF title was a young lady who had to support her destitute mother, but back then she was the only girl I knew in that situation. Most often when a girl was supporting others, it was the aforementioned DB and maybe a kid or two.

Apparently times are changing, or at least I'm seeing it more since I relaxed my minimum age standards a bit. I keep meeting younger dancers who are providing for their grown parents and sometimes even siblings. I'm talking about food, cell phone family plans, utilities, transportation expenses, etc., for a whole grown ass family. Most often one or both of the parents have substance abuse issues. One girl recently told me that her Dad even asked her to score drugs for him ITC. Fuck.

What a shameful state of affairs. I know that I often celebrate situations that make OTC possible with otherwise reluctant hot young strippers, but some thing just can't be celebrated. As a parent, I just can't imagine how a grown adult can that to a daughter, especially a grown man. Those parents are basically pimping their daughters out, whether they realize it or not.


  • whodey
    4 years ago
    Unfortunately drugged out parents pimping out the daughter is nothing new. I haven't had any tell me they were supporting their parents but I have seen it with other family members. A former fave said her normal day job paid her bills and she was stripping 2 days a week to help her little sister go to private school since the public school where she lived was a shithole. Another regular said she was providing basically the only source of income for her sister's kids because her sister was a drug addict.
  • wallanon
    4 years ago
    There's several strippers I know who are helping support their sibs and parents. It seems like I'm hearing it more now, but I know I'm also talking waaay more to the girls than I used to. Even the ones I'm not buying from because they're chatting me up in case I change my mind.
  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    4 years ago
    It's common. I know several girls doing it. Parents can't get jobs. Or has to take care of younger kids. Can't afford daycare. It's the reality of today's economy
  • chessmaster
    4 years ago
    Theres a shitload of bums and bad parents out there nowadays. The likelihood of their kids turning out to be strippers/sexworkers is not a coincidence...
  • Muddy
    4 years ago
    Rick what this the fucking Ricki Lake show with you lately. All these fucking morality threads. Fuck outta here, give 'em money, fuck em and get the fuck out! Stop trying to fucking be the
    Confucius of john's!

    But to stay on topic, yes I see this alot. One fav I head was the head bread winner for the whole family. Weird but that's stuff is on her end, not mine. She's an adult.
  • RTP
    4 years ago
    A young attractive dancer once told me when soliciting extras that she needed money to bail her mother out of prison. I am pretty sure that was the truth, as she was not one to normally spread SS. I helped the young lady in need of course.

    I also knew a pretty, young dancer who was almost a slave. Told me that she was stripping and doing extras to pay the bills for her mother an sister. Described her mother as a nasty old lady demanding the money and did not care how she got it. The sister had 2 kids and also stripped, but the dancer I knew said her sister was very lazy and the mom pushed her to make more money because the sister had kids.
  • shadowcat
    4 years ago
    @RTP - I think I know that dancer and it was both of her parents. First one and then the other.
  • rickdugan
    4 years ago
    ===> "All these fucking morality threads. Fuck outta here, give 'em money, fuck em and get the fuck out! Stop trying to fucking be the Confucius of john's!"

    LOL muddy that was some funny shit. Unfortunately the types of girls I gravitate to tend to require a little more groundwork before I can get them OTC. So hearing some of their interesting stories has always come with the turf for me.
  • twentyfive
    4 years ago
    Just curious Rick of course I know you'll say I'm trolling, but really how fuck'n much groundwork does anyone really need, in order to pay a whore for sex, Geez buddy you've really jumped the shark at this point.
  • skibum609
    4 years ago
    Simple fact is that every single aspect of modern society is absolute shit. For 38 years I have had a front row seat to the absolute deterioration of society in this country; which is actually a breathtaking parallel to the fall of the Roman Empire. Since we have become more "diverse" and more "progressive" abnormal behavior I used to find as the exception 35 years ago is now the rule. When I started doing family law I was always surprised to hear about violence towards women and now it is one of the first 3 questions I ask in an initial interview. As an atheist it pains me to say this, but religion exerted a control over our baser instincts and in addition, true Democracy requires an intelligent electorate. Today's average person, despite all the information available on line is actually 3 times stupider than last century. Combine that with the lack of religion and you realize that the reason the USA still exists is because of the size of the country and the former economic power. Anything huge takes a long time to come to a complete stop, similar to an ocean liner or a 200 car freight train. Like the liner and the train we too will stop. We will be Russia, a large country with a lot of people and a huge military, with nothing positive for anyone.
  • rickdugan
    4 years ago
    ===> "Just curious Rick of course I know you'll say I'm trolling, but really how fuck'n much groundwork does anyone really need, in order to pay a whore for sex"

    I get that 25. A guy who can only fuck girls who will literally do anybody for money eventually assumes that every girl who ever fucks for money will just do it with anyone. It's a natural defense mechanism for bitter guys who need to scrape girls out of the highest volume part of the barrel in order to get any action at all. They simply can't accept that they can only get the the girls with the highest tolerance for normal aversions, so instead they just label all of them the same way.

    But contrary to your need to believe what you do, not every girl who chooses to go OTC with someone will do it with anyone who asks. I hate to burst any bubbles here, but to get ahead of another round of your ridiculous comments about ego and self-delusions, it's a simple reality that almost every long time hound seems to understand but you. Every time a troll makes a silly post like this, I first cringe at the crazy misogyny of this blanket belief and then wonder why I have to explain that "water is wet" to another purported club hound. Sure there are girls who will readily fuck anything with a heartbeat and a wallet, but I don't shop for OTC in clubs where they are in abundance.
  • twentyfive
    4 years ago
    Back to your older thread where you said I’m trolling shit man, if you think these young girls you’re takins g advantage of are rocket scientist material, you’ve passed the water is wet stage, and you’re diving headfirst into the empty pool.
    All I can tell you is wear a helmet
  • gammanu95
    4 years ago
    Multigenerational households have been on the rise since the 90s. It worsened with the boomerang Millenial generation unable to find or hold subsistence jobs. Now, with the pandemic robbing so many people of their income and evictions or foreclosures rising, still more generations are moving in together with fewer income earners in the household.

    Really, it's no surprise at all.
  • rickdugan
    4 years ago
    25, to automatically assume that any girl who ever chooses to see a guy outside for money will automatically fuck ANY guy for money is both unbelievably simplistic and utterly misogynistic.

    The reason I chalk this up to trolling is because I can't believe that someone who truly clubs a lot can be so simple. Do they exist? Sure, as we all know there are clubs that are full of them. But this industry is a diverse place with all types of girls with varying experiences and tolerances.

  • twentyfive
    4 years ago
    Not assuming anything buddy but reality bites in a simple way if she’s willing to have sex for money, she’s got a price and any guy that meets that price, is in like Flynn
    Like I said it’s not rocket science and your whore might have standards but it’s basically the old joke I know what you are, it’s just a question of what you’ll cost me.
  • rickdugan
    4 years ago
    I see 25. So it's your theory that once she takes money from anyone for sex, her pussy becomes a public commodity? No matter how old, ugly, smelly, irritating or otherwise detestable the dude in question may be?

    Alrighty then. Believe what you must I suppose. 😉
  • twentyfive
    4 years ago
    Good job Dugan you always take what has been said and restate it to suit your hypothesis you are just looking to create drama, I think you know exactly what I said but you’re just looking for a straw man to have an argument with. Que sera, sera
  • rickdugan
    4 years ago
    25 by your nonsensical tapdancing around the questions I can only assume that what I posted was exactly what you meant. You are just trying to avoid owning it. You're sounding like one of the many goofy "I read about it in a book" misogynist trolls who are all too common around here. But again believe what you will and thanks for trolling - yet again.
  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    4 years ago
    First off a girl stripping to support her family is more commendable than one doing it to support a drug habit or a deadbeat lifestyle.

    Secondly. Yes any hooker will fuck anyone with money. Sure there aee exceptions. Some refrain from guys they get serial killer vibes from or who are severely mentally and or physically disabled. Otherwise youre in.
  • rickdugan
    4 years ago
    I wonder how many troll accounts this dude has? :)
  • BBBC
    4 years ago
    I already told you this Ricky you silly head! Us millennials sometimes have to take our gen x parents to rehab. We are the responsible ones... duh
  • twentyfive
    4 years ago
    Please RickiBoi spare us your stupid platitudes, it’s way past time for you to head back to your Mad Men lifestyle
    BTW in case no one has mentioned to you it’s a fictional account not a documentary
  • rickdugan
    4 years ago
    ^ No worries 25. Tapdancing posts from a misogynistic old troll don't exactly derail my stripper adventures. 😉
  • twentyfive
    4 years ago
    ^ Sure thing buttercup, lol at your characterization of me
    funny you pack so much misogyny in every one of your posts and any opinion I might have is trolling GTFOH you’re the biggest troll here lately between your stupid suppositions of how fucked up the fantasy girls you meet to imagining that anyone here might be interested in these batshit crazy whores you find so fascinating
  • rickdugan
    4 years ago
    ^ I hear you woman-hater. You'd rather these ultimate strip club list threads be packed full of political posts, 2amers and other off topic fluff rather than...well...stories about clubs and dancers. Then you can get all the attention that an old troll could crave because you feel left out when we actually post about strippers. Got it. 😉
  • twentyfive
    4 years ago
    ^ I have to laugh at your dramatic characterizations and winky emojis, and you say I crave attention wow RickiBoi you are funny for sure.
  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    4 years ago
    Explqin the point of bragging about picking up hookers
  • JamesSD
    4 years ago
    Overall I think an 18 or 19 year old is more likely to live at home and be the breadwinner than a 21 year old. But this is an example how stripper boyfriends are made. The girl supporting her deadbeat family moves out and in with her deadbeat boyfriend who becomes her deadbeat baby daddy
  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    4 years ago
    Not being able to find work doesn't make someone a deadbeat
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