
Nah, there's nothing wrong with Biden.

FUCK Joe Biden
Monday, October 26, 2020 7:29 AM
Bet you won't see this on CNN - Yesterday 10/25: [view link] How uncomfortable is this for his poor wife sitting next to him. You can see she begins to open her mouth (twice) to correct him, but holds back. That wouldn't look good - dedicated wife caring for elderly senile husband. She's probably been trained not to jump in that way because it would be worse than the gaff itself.


  • PhredJohnson
    4 years ago
    As a nurse and someone who’s cared for 2 elderly parents and 2 elderly parent in-laws, I know what dementia looks like. Senility isn’t an “always out of it” kind of thing; they are quite lucid at times but often flat out batty as well. Joe is senile/demented.
  • twentyfive
    4 years ago
    And Donald Trump looks the picture of health Bwahahaha Glad you guys aren't my diagnostician
  • twentyfive
    4 years ago
    We haven't seen Melania in quite some time and Trump looks even fatter since he supposedly got over the corona virus, I wonder if he ate her while he was hallucinating that we rounded a corner
  • IfIGottaBeDamned
    4 years ago
    Weight gain is a common side effect with many steroids, including Dexamethasone.
  • Longball300
    4 years ago
    Good Lord poor Joe is just gone..... sad.
  • IceyLoco
    4 years ago
    Melania is a gold digger putting up with an elderly man showing early signs of dementia
  • datinman
    4 years ago
    One stammers and gaffs. The other brags that his doctors were surprised he did well on a MoCA. Are septuagenarians really our best choices?
  • Warrior15
    4 years ago
    We have a lower end age limit on running for President. Why shouldn't there be an upper end limit on age. Maybe no one over the age of 70 can be elected. I'm OK with that. Stop the election. Let's find two new candidates. I'm really OK with that.
  • Cashman1234
    4 years ago
    Well said Warrior. I think there should be an upper age limit for both houses as well. The house and senate look more like old age homes - with guys lingering there far beyond their useful time. That would be easier to determine - than the term limit crap.
  • twentyfive
    4 years ago
    I agree with Warrior and Cashman
  • misterorange
    4 years ago
    We've debated the age limit thing before on another thread. The argument was that people generally have some degree of cognitive decline with age, but on the other hand many remain sharper at 90 than the average person is at 45. Some sort of cognitive assessment would be nice, but that would be too susceptible to fraud. Who would conduct the assessment? The best way is to let the public have a good look at the candidates and decide for themselves. I look at Biden and I see a guy suffering from senility who might forget to zip his fly and walk around with his dick hanging out.
  • gammanu95
    4 years ago
    This is why we need term limits. That's the third party we need: a caucus dedicated to passing a term-limit amendment for ALL federal service - POTUS, Congress, SCOTUS.
  • Arigano_69 (Twat)
    4 years ago
    "How uncomfortable is this for his poor wife sitting next to him." Yep I feel bad for Melania. She looks miserable all of the time now. She can't even fake it anymore, except in the bedroom.
  • skibum609
    4 years ago
    We're fucking doomed.
  • RandomMember
    4 years ago
    WaPo fact-checker on this topic: "No, Biden did not confuse George W. Bush and Donald Trump" [view link] The video posted by @Orange was manipulated to edit out video frames showing comedian George Lopez (who was interviewing Biden) and commentator Ana Navarro. With the video frame of Lopez edited out, viewers have no idea whether Biden was addressing "George" Lopez and not referring to GWB. The article presents the doctored video and the original video side-by-side. Post rated the stunt 4-Pinocchios.
  • skibum609
    4 years ago
    Wapo lol. Who fucking cares. lets see some more wildfires.
  • Hank Moody
    4 years ago
    Remember “Tim Apple” and “Marilyn Lockheed?” [view link]
  • shadowcat
    4 years ago
    I have to wonder how many people attended his speech in Warm Springs GA today. Population 402.
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