
The Streisand Effect

Monday, October 19, 2020 7:36 PM
As some of you may remember, many years ago, the California Coastal Commission decided to take pictures of the coastline. Barbara Streisand sued to prevent them from taking pictures of her property. As a result of the publicity, her address and a photo of her house appeared in every newspaper. The Streisand Effect was born.

A week ago, a story appeared about files on a laptop that had been owned by Hunter Biden. Now, everyone knows Hunter is a sleazeball, so the result of the story didn’t surprise anyone.

However, Twitter and Facebook decided to cover up the story. Then, the Debate commission changed the rules for Thursday’s debate to prevent Trump from talking about Hunter. They are even putting in a mute button to let the leftie moderator silence Trump.

Suddenly, a moderately interesting story has become a rallying cry for Trump Supporters . Dumb move, media types.


  • Papi_Chulo
    4 years ago
    The more the Libs try to impose their will and censorship, the more fired-up anti-Libs are gonna get - last week in South FL there was a 30,000+ car Trump-rally - this weekend there was a pro-Trump boat-parade with 100s of boats - I don't recall seeing scenes like this ... ever?
  • mark94
    4 years ago
    A Gallup poll just showed that support for Republicans has increased 6% since 2016. For the first time I can remember, more people say they support Republicans than Democrats.

    All the national polls assume a 5% Democrat advantage similar to 2016 ( a higher percent of Republicans vote, explaining Trump’s win despite the generic disadvantage ). If we actually have a 1% Republican advantage, November 3 could be interesting.
  • gammanu95
    4 years ago
    The useful idiots will always vote straight ticket dem. As tired as I am of Trump's tweeting and his rotating cabinet, there is no way to deny the incredible success the country has experienced under his leadership. So what if he's not "presidential"? Look at Joe Biden, who has accomplished absolutely nothing after 40 years in federal office. He has been on the wrong side of every policy decision, especially foreign policy. He doesn't tweet, thank goodness, but his spoken gaffes make "covfefe" look like poet laureate prose. Is it any surprise that adter four decades, his abuses of power are finally coming back around to get him? Finally, look at all the other dems, and what they did to Kavanaugh, Tucker, McConnel, Blitzer, the Covington kids, the cops, Michigan, Portland, Seattle, and the list is endless.
    Maybe there are enough voters.in California, Chicago, and New York for Biden to win the popular vote. But there are more than enough citizens outside of those districts who have seen what the democrat party is, can look past Trump's shortcomings, and deliver him a second term, Republican majority Senate, and gains in the House.
  • skibum609
    4 years ago
    I don't vote for the KKK, Nazis, Democrats or Commies.
  • Icey
    4 years ago
    Normal republicans aren't the trump extremist variety.

    Secondly well either get 4 more years of trump or trump lite.
  • Mate27
    4 years ago
    Will we get 4 more years of nigga richness?
  • rockie
    4 years ago
    Ski: When was the last time you voted for a President in a Presidential election?
  • mark94
    4 years ago
    A couple years ago, liberal journalist Jeffrey Toobin called Kavanaugh a pervert.

    A couple days ago, Toobin was seen masturbating while on a Zoom call with his colleagues.

    It’s called projection in psychological verbiage. Accuse your opponents of the things you do.

    It’s a daily occurrence on the left.
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