Do we have a consensus on that? When somebody asks me when was the last time you banged a blonde is that one or is that some kind of fake blonde? Just for the record sake let’s straighten this out.
I see both sides of it. For example the last black girl I slept with. If I fucked Rachel Doezel I would say no. If I fucked a girl in Black face I would say yes I did. Because in the literal sense, I did.
Technically, the banging is occurring on brown bush, so you're banging a brunette. If she bleaches the carpet to match the drapes, then you're banging a blonde.
Obviously if she dyes her hair blonde she identifies as a blonde. If she identifies herself as blonde you have to consider her a blonde no matter what.
This is an easy one. Her hair color is what is it is at the time you went in. Somebody catches you fucking a girl who died her hair turquoise they're gonna say "remember that time you banged that blue haired chick", not "I wonder if she was really a brunette".
I’ll go with the idea that you haven’t banged a blonde if she’s not a natural. Seems that so many dye their hair that it’s hard not to be banging a blonde.
Also if she has pubic hair and it’s not blonde, you can’t always go by that. Any body part that gets banged a lot is going to turn black and blue.
"If a girl dyes her hair blonde, does that count as banging a blonde?" __________________ No, and should ask her for an ancestry DNA test before bragging to your Aryan Nation bros.
""If a girl dyes her hair blonde, does that count as banging a blonde?" __________________ No, and should ask her for an ancestry DNA test before bragging to your Aryan Nation bros."
^Great!!! Since neither you or I are racist, we should celebrate diversity and go get some lap dances at Players Club on Federal! Just PM me your available times! I am looking forward to it!
If she she’s a bottle blonde and didn’t tell me ahead of time, she is LYING to me! Of course, if she’s sexing me, there’s a very likely chance I’ve lied to her multiple times to get myself to that point. Fair is fair.
@randommember, why do you joke about racism and act like you are trying to recruit more people to your arian brotherhood? There is usually truth behind so called jokes. Or is it that you are scared of Cuban dancers and blue collar Mexicans so you say you are joking to bitch out of going to Players Club? If so, that makes you classist and racist.
Random is just a vile, worthless, hypocritical piece of shit. Typical progressive. Sort of like Ilhan Omar who supports the gay community with all of hear heart and soul, just like she supports Iran with all of her heart and soul, while they hang people for being gay. Of course Israel with its tolerant society and large out and proud gay population is hated by her and other progressives, who side with Iran because they are socialists, just like the Nazis and they want to kill Jews.
Let’s skip over skifredo’s unfortunate outburst and get this thread back on topic.
If you bang a hairless ape stripper wearing an artificial parrotbill have you banged a parrot? I say yes, if for no reason other than seeing the looks on people’s faces when you tell them you fucked a parrot. Squawk!
But don’t tell fredo. His delusional mind would somehow make bangin’ a parrot whore into a political thing. That’s what happens when you’re a sad crab 🦀
Sad crabs 🦀 think everything about politics. Don’t be a sad crab 🦀
Considering that only 2% of all people are natural blondes, most likely any blonde haired person you do, is not a natural blonde. So yeah it does count.
last commentArtificial Intelligence.
redhead, blonde, brunette, etc. - at the end of the day all that matters is whether she got you off or not.
If she’s dyed her pussy hair blonde - and the hair up top is brunette - she’s confused!…
A sexy platinum blonde with nice titties!
Also if she has pubic hair and it’s not blonde, you can’t always go by that. Any body part that gets banged a lot is going to turn black and blue.
No, and should ask her for an ancestry DNA test before bragging to your Aryan Nation bros.
No, and should ask her for an ancestry DNA test before bragging to your Aryan Nation bros."
^Great!!! Since neither you or I are racist, we should celebrate diversity and go get some lap dances at Players Club on Federal! Just PM me your available times! I am looking forward to it!
If you bang a hairless ape stripper wearing an artificial parrotbill have you banged a parrot? I say yes, if for no reason other than seeing the looks on people’s faces when you tell them you fucked a parrot. Squawk!
Sad crabs 🦀 think everything about politics. Don’t be a sad crab 🦀
Squawk! Squawk!