

i want to became a stripper..


  • Icey
    4 years ago
    Get on a winning team first
  • Uprightcitizen
    4 years ago
    Stripper web is probably your best resource Asia (as a newbie)
  • Muddy
    4 years ago
    You would make it Asia, your good looking. Could you post some body pics and what is your general area you were trying to dance in and maybe we could make some recs on what's a good place to work at.
  • WavvyCain
    4 years ago
    Do it, just stay away cheap old White men like the ones on here.
  • nicespice
    4 years ago
    Saw the tag line on the post of one of your pics. Lol I had the same thoughts at 19 but ended up at a club three years later.

    Go in if you wish, or don’t. Chances are if you end up going to a club you will either exit out relatively quickly, or be at it for a long time. 😝
  • boomer79
    4 years ago
    You’re definitely attractive enough to do well. I’m not sure where you are and what type of club you’d like to/be comfortable working in. I’d just look up the reputations of the clubs in your area and see what might be a fit. You might like it or you could get there and quickly realize it’s not for you. I would be on the lookout for friendly dancers who aren’t sharks. Some dancers I’ve known say it can be really intimidating and making a friend or two quickly could help getting comfortable and learning the dynamic.
  • wallanon
    4 years ago
    If you've been reading around here for a little while, you probably know who some of the dancers are who post here. They're just a PM (private message) away.

    Customers are generally not the best option for giving advice about dancer life choices. Spending money and maybe offering decent company is what customers are better for if you're just thinking it over. But if you decide to give dancing a go, some dude on TUSCL would probably show if you put the word out.
  • CJKent (Banned)
    4 years ago
    @Asia nicole

    What If You Don’t Really Want What You Think You Want?

    What if you do or get what you think you want and you don’t like it?

    “you’re pretty much guaranteed to get taken advantage of in some way.”

    Just make an informed decision.

    This is a good article for your information:


  • skibum609
    4 years ago
    If you want to be beaten, tortured and sexually assaulted just meet Breh.
    4 years ago
    Go for it. If this is real, and that's really you, the pretty face will do well.

    Good luck

  • Icey
    4 years ago
    Tricks on here will just tell you to he a cheap hooker.

    Don't do it. Leqrn game and do it for yourself
  • skibum609
    4 years ago
    Icey can show you how to blow a guy.
  • blahblahblah23
    4 years ago
    Maybe try it after the election? Shit is really fucked up in many places atm.
  • Cashman1234
    4 years ago
    This shows how we are losing our edge!

    13 comments in - and nobody has asked her to show us her tits?

    We don’t deserve the envied PL label anymore.
  • BAngus
    4 years ago
    @cash: Oh someone already did, over on one of her picts. You probably have that troll blocked so you missed it. The poor technique probably guarantees that AN will probably never be giving us a peak of her assets here. Sad!
  • DeclineToState
    4 years ago
    ->blahblah: “Shit is really fucked up“

    An excellent summary of 2020
  • blahblahblah23
    4 years ago
    O yeah and if you go on like stripperweb, the facebook stripper groups, stripper reddit or any site with strippers commenting- don't trust a lot of it. A lot of the so called strippers are trolls or hookers. They also just make shit up. I also believe some are shill reviewers aka often managers or owners posing as a dancer and advertising the shit out of their club(s) and making places sound really great when they aren't.
  • nicespice
    4 years ago
    ^Yeah always the tiny out of the way clubs. :o

    Yes I feel like a lot of this industry is letting things go in one ear and out the other. Had to use a lot more “critical thinking skills” when dealing with people in the industry than I ever had to use in college. And I almost had enough credits for a math degree. 😂
  • winex
    4 years ago
    Math? How cool!

    What was your alternate career plan?
  • nicespice
    4 years ago
    ^ idk at one point in time, I had the bright idea of being an actuary. Then I left school and and came back was going to study cyber security. Then I said “forget this, I want to travel dance” Pulled some hodgepodge credits together and have an “interdisciplinary” degree.

    I wasn’t exactly the best of students though. 😅 think I finally pulled it somewhat together and graduated with a low 3.something though.
  • nicespice
    4 years ago
    Guess the actuarial field is still there as an option (assuming it’s not over saturated at this point) since all they care about is a bachelors degree in anything and passing their million certification exams. But eh, I’d have to *really* burn out of the industry LOL
  • winex
    4 years ago
    My major in my undergraduate degree was Computer Science, but I minored in math.

    I have always loved numbers.

    The thought of travel dancing never occurred to me. 🙂
  • nicespice
    4 years ago
    Math is fun up through differential equations. I realized I wasn’t too fond of foundations of algebra nor advanced calculus. Eff proofs. I pretty much deserved to fail AdCal but pretty sure the instructor had a thing for me so...
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