

Degenerate gambler and virgin
Don’t need a hashtag to say it, wrote it just because ✊🏿✊🏾 Love my people, we gonna get justice for the fallen Kings and Queens! ❤️🏁


  • WavvyCain
    4 years ago
  • oscarlomax
    4 years ago
    Standing up for what is correct doesn't mean putting others down. Some misunderstand this and take offense. But the struggle continues and more are down as enlightenment grows.
  • WavvyCain
    4 years ago
    Lol a lot of trump fans just don’t understand that all this means our lives matter too, we would like to be treated equally in our country for once. But their ignorant asses think that black lives matter is a gang 😂. But I agree the struggle continues, I’m just glad we are finally starting to be heard and it’s getting more attention. Hopefully these families can get justice soon. Forgive me for the kill cops statement btw 🤷🏾‍♂️
  • winex
    4 years ago
    So BrehNamedWavey - what do you think about abortion? Should unborn black live matter too?
  • WavvyCain
    4 years ago
    I’ll answer u racist cacs questions when y’all stop deflecting black men and women dying from the hands of the police. What do you think about white racist cops being placed in black communities? Also what do you think about black people being filmed for years being tortured and killed by police and nothing happening to the cops?
  • winex
    4 years ago
    I am not a racist. and the question was pretty simple.

    What are you afraid of?
  • GoatSign6
    4 years ago
    Winex - Is Ed “Too Tall” Jones too tall? Lol let that man speak his peace minus the Ice-T superstition. “We hold these truths to be self evident that all men are created equal” hommie. That’s all he’s trying to say. Some Declaration of Independence knowledge for you. Peep the Preamble too.
  • winex
    4 years ago
    Too Tall wasn’t too tall to play football. But boxing didn’t work out very well for him.

    Not only am I letting BrehNamedWavey speak his peace, I a asking him his opinion about something. That’s kind of the opposite of repression.

    Unfortunately he is afraid to answer a simple question.

    But as long as you are talking to me, let me ask you a question. If all men are created equal, why should Brehnamedwavey be allowed to speak his peace while I should not be allowed to do the same?
  • WavvyCain
    4 years ago
    Cause y’all speak hate, nothing positive about anything. Y’all just cause an uproar. This post was about me loving my people and us just wanting to be viewed as equal but u Trump boys came in and ruined it 🤦🏾‍♂️
  • WavvyCain
    4 years ago
    @yabba you’re a real one thank you for that, means a lot. I have no hate in my heart against any Caucasian people at all, I only dislike the racist ignorant ones that play stupid about what’s going on right now. Thank you for riding and yes us democrats will be rewarded soon 😎
  • winex
    4 years ago
    Got ya. You are afraid to speak your mind.

    Should I start calling you ChickenShit?

    Or do you prefer BlackBabyKiller?
  • GoatSign6
    4 years ago
    Winex - My man lol. To your point you have every right to ask the question and he has every right not to answer but you’re coming across sideways trying to make bishop moves. Your question is not only a distraction to his main point which is a salute to the black persuasion but you are opening up a can of worms with abortion which has its own separate battle. “What about the unborn chickens that got scrambled or cracked so we can have our protein?” “What about the cows that get slaughtered for BK and Mickey D’s survival?” “What about the pigs that get slaughtered for BBQ?” I mean damn don’t Porky and Wilbur’s life matter too? Yes... all this sounds dumb and unnecessary but it takes away everything from the main point of this were about abortion. Again... the man was just sending a salute. You can hit like or dislike and call it a day. And dare I say being an unborn child through abortion may not be such a bad thing considering these times... Covid, Racism....Waldo’s Dad as president? (See Little Rasclas) Yea... just have a drink and call it a day lol
  • WavvyCain
    4 years ago
    @Goatsign6 man thank you for that. It was just a salute post to the people. It’s some of us on the board so it was a shout-out even to the people not black that’s down with the movement as well. Just saying it’s all love and stay encouraged, shit our lives matter too! But this dude as always , Winex, never talks about the issue at hand, he always deflects to some bs that has nothing to do with what’s going on. Him and his other trump booty boys always do this. Idk why they follow us black people around on here if they’re not supporting the cause. They always want to cause an uproar and I ain’t entertaining that shit no more, ain’t worth it. But all love man. Salute
  • winex
    4 years ago
    @GoatSign6 - actually the simple question I asked is not a distraction, it is intended to clarify the point being made.

    Anyone who is fine with killing black babies has to change their talking point to "some black lives matter". Granted, it isn't as catchy, but it is a truer representation of their point of view.

    The primary goal of any form of communication is an exchange of ideas. Based on other posts made here, I am not sure what his point of view is. So naturally, I sought clarification.

    Sadly, he isn't confident enough in his thoughts to share them.

    So, on to your questions for me.

    First, in an effort to eliminate ambiguity, I will share my guiding principal. Part of the essential processes that define life are energy transformation through metabolism and growth through cell division.

    It takes energy to pull these feats off. And unlike plant life that can produce that energy through photosynthesis, humans require fuel in the form of things that are either alive, or have previously been alive.

    Even vegetarians and vegans need to kill to live. They just kill plants instead of humans. Often these plants are consumed while their metabolic processes are still activee. (i.e. they are still alive)

    Personally, I didn't fight my way to the top of the food chain just to eat salad. So yes, I kill (usually not personally kill) animals to survive.

    With the guiding principal out of the way, here are the answers to your questions:

    Is it wrong to eat eggs? No. Sure, they are unborn chickens, but if you think of chickens lot in life, it's not a good one. Had their eggs not been eaten, they would have hatched, lived to a certain age/size before they were killed by having their necks broken (or something similarly barbaric), and then gotten plucked and have their internal organs removed.

    Cows - no problem their either. Though I am not a fan of McDonalds or Burger King. But cows are delicious. And that includes baby anemic cows that we refer to as veal.

    Pigs - no problems there either. But we don't tend to eat the unborn or the young.

    I have no problem killing lower forms of life. But human beings are a different thing.
  • TrollBot-3345
    4 years ago
    Hello, TUSCL people. My name is TB3345 and my role here is to identify general douchebaggery to those (and especially newcomers or lurkers) that may be reading these forums.



    Yabba-Jabba is a relentless, mean-spirited troll who has had numerous, previous accounts over the years including Trucidos & VH_Kicks, both of which were removed and banned from this anything-goes forum due to an inordinate abundance of name calling and harassment. As this is an uncensored, free-speech forum, banning only occurs in the most extreme of cases and has only occured to 0.00015% of members so it takes a ‘special’ kind of person to warrant banishment. Currently he (or she) may also be using the Dems_Rule alias as well. He (or she) appears mentally unstable and posts mainly political diatribe; these posts are not rational, coherent viewpoints, but merely posts attempting to trigger others for his (or her) own self-amusement. This person is also notorious for upvoting his (or her) own posts. TB3345 suggests not responding to anything this individual says and using the IGNORE feature. For those unaware of this feature, all one has to do is click the little circle with the slash through it and you may continue to enjoyably peruse the forum without the inane ramblings of this member.

    Thank you in advance for using TUSCL.


    TB3345 Out
  • winex
    4 years ago
    Hey ChickenShit - how many times have you talked about stabbing me or made empty threats to me via DM?
  • GoatSign6
    4 years ago
    Breh - No doubt man any time. Salute. I read stuff like this all the time and usually put a blind eye to it but trying to use abortion as a tactic to control the narrative was a bit much. I also applaud you for your revision about the police. They’re good ones out there and me personally I have friends (black and white) who work in law enforcement. But as we all know, there are bad apples. I’ll go out on a limb and say I have friends who support 45 who I know aren’t racist but because they support BLM however they’re political views are conservative and it’s up to them to make an exception this go round to get the head of the snake cut off come November but it is what it is. Anyway, keep doing your thing champ. I enjoy the reviews/stories. Actually helped me step out of that Follies box to get use to other things lol. Winex I ain’t mad at you either champ. I get it. You out in AZ... it’s hot. The Cards aren’t playing their cards right, the Suns aren’t shining and the last time the D-Backs were relevant “Bin Ladden was happening in Manhattan.” Night time👍
  • winex
    4 years ago
    GoatSign6 - I can't stand the Cardinals. I am a long time Cowboys fan and developed my hatred for the Cardinals when they were in the NFC East.

    Which brings up a question - you mentioned Too Tall earlier - are you a Cowboy fan too?
  • GoatSign6
    4 years ago
    Winex - Lol once again you are missing the point. It was a simple salute to the people that didn’t need any challenge. As far as my livestock analogies it was all sarcasm to make a point and clearly in your eyes I’ve failed so I’ll take the L lol. It’s late on the East Coast. Na Nu Na Nu
  • winex
    4 years ago
    What makes you think that my answer was without sarcasm? Think about the line "I didn't fight my way to the top of the food chain to eat salad"
  • GoatSign6
    4 years ago
    Winex - Lol Too Tall reference was from a Geico commercial. And no not a Cowboys fan. Just a fan of the NFL
  • winex
    4 years ago
    ok, I haven't seen that one. But then again, if it isn't football season, I don't watch much TV.
  • latinalover69
    4 years ago
    Lebron, Jay Z, Kapernick, Oprah, Beyonce, Michael Jackson, Quincy Jones, Obama, Chris Rock, Michael Obama, Michael Jordan, Shaq, Kobe, Dave Chappel, etc etc etc. Yeah Black people can't make it in America cause rassism. right
  • Icey
    4 years ago
    What I don't get is how people who are openly racist on here deny that racism exists and impacts the people they are openly racist against
  • Dave_Anderson
    4 years ago
    White Americans aren't allowed to openly celebrate their ethnic group's heritage and identity. Its called "hate."

    Every other major demograpic is officially encouraged to celebrate their identity. Until that changes and society starts showing some respect for white history and identity, at the least, I don't give a shit about anyone else's imaginary "oppression." I grew up as a majority and am now a minority. I still live in the same county. That would be fine with me if I wasn't also being blamed for all of society's problems and other people's failings.

    I get no special anything. In fact, they are going to bring back hard affirmative action quotas to discriminate against me, a minority in my state. So forgive me but I just don't give a shit about other people's imaginary "oppression."

    How about we all show some basic respect for the police if they stop us. Yes there are jerk cops, but a little cooperation goes a long way to diffusing any situation. Just a thought.
  • GoatSign6
    4 years ago
    @Dave_Anderson My guy lmao!!!! “I feel like a minority.” Well that’s just too bad and I’ll pray for you. I’ll start out with the only logical point you made about police cooperation. Me personally, I’ve cooperated in some “minor situations” where the cop wasn’t that cooperative. A friend of mine was simply throwing away and empty beer bottle (passenger in my car) as we were headed to night spot in a parking deck and suddenly an officer rolls up on him, myself and other two friends. Instead of just allowing him to throw the bottle away in the trash can which was right in front of him the cop gets overly aggressive, yelling at all of us and as I’m grabbing out my ID because I know the “routine,” he looks over at me with his hand on his gun and says “Get your hands out your damn pocket.” Situation ended okay but again unnecessary. One more story for you. Just happened to be at UVA one night and saw a white dude... cool white dude for that matter drunk off his ass and being obnoxious. Cop rolls up on him and his sober friend and tells his friend.... “He’s too drunk, take him home.” The end.

    It’s not about white heritage, black heritage, Latino, Asian, etc....It’s about when some of us black folk make unwise decisions just like everyone else can we just put and jail and live another day?

    Personally, I’m tired of all the protests just like you and all the drama it brings but hey according to your “white heritage,” America was created off of protest. The flag represents democracy which from what I understand represents freedom of speech.

    I mean just traveling the world I’ve seen a lot of shit that was created and to make a long story short.... America has bit off of a lot of shit. Too much to type but just know your “white heritage,” doesn’t get celebrated because it’s nothing to celebrate. I don’t have the time to go into all the specifics but all I can say is count your blessings hommie.

    LatinaLover - Lmao. Im a black man and not a celebrity and I feel I have made it. I have a good job and have enough cash to drop on my exotic vixen monthly but peep game everyone you’ve mentioned, including myself has suffered some oppression lol. Obama, being shown hung in a nuse? Or if you’ve been polite to him being call the “whitest black man?” If he were to “speak his mind,” clap back on Twitter for 5 mins like 45 has or even say “grab’em by the pussy,” He would have been indicted 30 seconds later. Anyone else you’ve mentioned would sing you the same song. It’s not a matter of making it. It’s just a level of respect you should have for someone and their opinion and clearly all of that has gone out the window and it will never change. Now let’s all have a drink and get laid in harmony lol
  • Tetradon
    4 years ago
    Go away, Trucidos.
  • skibum609
    4 years ago
    By the way Goat, you're confronted by an asshole, out of control cop and your first instinct is to reach into your pocket? Seriously? That's what you did out of instinct? I get stopped for speeding 10- 15 times a year and my hands remain on the top of my steering wheel, until the cop asks for my paperwork. Maybe try buying a vowel, or a clue. lastly, its noose.
  • GoatSign6
    4 years ago
    Skinum609 - I totally agree with champ. I did forget to indicate I was barley 22 or 23 at the time and that was my first time being confronted outside of my car. Now days hell yes I know better. And thank you for correcting me on the noose thing I was in a rush. And since you like grammar trolling “it’s noose.” Not its. Happy Friday
  • Mate27
    4 years ago
    Black pussy matters !
  • GoatSign6
    4 years ago
    Meat - Ding Ding Ding!!!! 😂😂😂😂
  • mark94
    4 years ago
    So, Goat, you’ve got a good job with plenty of cash. You were once “confronted” by a cop after throwing a beer bottle out of your car. In spite of acting like an idiot, you weren’t arrested.

    And, that’s your proof that this is a racist country ? Because the Cop talked with you and had his hand resting on his gun. ( while your hand was in your pocket ). Because he dared to question you after you broke the law.

    Do you have any idea how lame and whiny that story is ? You were not a victim in that scenario.
  • GoatSign6
    4 years ago
    Lmao Mark.... Read what I wrote over again G. We were in a parking deck. We were headed to the club and my comrade had a beer bottle in his hand about to throw it away. Nobody threw anything out of window. Car was parked. I was complaint with the officer as well as my hommie. My only false move was not waiting for the officer to ask me for my ID. I reached it my back pocket and to the other guys point... bad move. I was a youngin then. Now I know to just wait for shit to unfold.

    So tough guy... no one is playing victim. I’m chillin. Correcting idiots like you who don’t want to read the whole story.
  • GoatSign6
    4 years ago
    And what is with these Arizona folks... Winex? Mark? Lol salty and spicy. I never said this was a “racist country.” I just said people should get all overly emotional because someone is saluting a cause. If you had read everything else I wrote you would see I mentioned I have friends in law enforcement. White and black. But my encounter was overhyped by the idiot officer. Again... myself and my friends including the one who was throwing away his empty beer bottle because he’s not leaving trash in my car and NO I WAS NOT Drinking and Driving...we all get harassed because of that simple thing. No one was drunk... not making a scene. We were in a parking deck. Before the night started. So yes... one bad apple leads to my point and so many others. In a lot of cases with black people we get the death penalty for small things where as in some cases white folk get smooth sailing. But it’s all good. I just learn from mistakes and keep it moving. Making money and living the life. Cool your nerves AZ boys lol
  • winex
    4 years ago
    Has it occurred to you that people don't start each thread with no memory of anything that preceded that thread?

    I don't think it makes me uniquely Arizonan to not like idle threats of stabbing people from the likes of your dumb-ass friend ChickenShit.
  • GoatSign6
    4 years ago
    Lol... Salty and Spicy. Arizona! Go Cardinals 😂😂😂😂
  • Icey
    4 years ago
    I wish you guys were as law abiding when it comes to prostitution
  • Icey
    4 years ago
    How can you say someone should do everything a cop days or risk death but at the same time flaunt your use of prostitutes? So a cop can shoot you if you get caught and its fine? Or youre apecial and it doesn't apply to you?
  • Mate27
    4 years ago
    ^^^ Dude can you even be more hypocritical? You’re the biggest advocate of dating sex workers around, so don’t flaunt your liberal moral compass around pretending those who pay for sex are immoral. SMH! You should be standing alongside all these old white folks in supporting sex workers financially without the shame of crime. Too bad your so stuck on telling yourself that you’re better than everyone to see your flaws.
  • GoatSign6
    4 years ago
    Meat - Lol I think what he is trying to say is a crime is a crime no matter how big or small and that “bad cops” have different reactions with different shades. Earlier that Mark kid from AZ tried to flip my example saying that I broke the law for throwing something out of the window out of my car when 1. I didn’t have anything in my hand and we were all on foot. 2. My boy was about to throw an empty beer bottle away as we were walking through a deck and the policeman overreacted thinking we were all intoxicated and that was no where near the case especially me since I was driving. We were all cool headed but it’s clear we were profiled. (Read above). Again, many in here are trying to use the “obey the law” thing when in reality we’ve all broken it but it’s a matter of who survives the consequences of a big or small crime.
  • twentyfive
    4 years ago
    ^ Mark and windex are complete fools I’m sure IRL they are losers who’ve never grown up
  • winex
    4 years ago
    LOL. When you have TwentyFive, IceyLoco, and ChickenShit backing your opinion, it's definitely time to reconsider whatever it was that you were thinking.

    You would be hard pressed to find bigger fools.
  • GoatSign6
    4 years ago
    Lol Mark definitely but Windex has potential to be great I think. His “chickenshit” abortion comparison to BLM was just a little too much. He could have had a valid challenge to this whole thing with a different analogy and I may have actually thought twice 😂😂😂
  • winex
    4 years ago
    @GoatSign6 - you are misunderstanding the reference. ChickenShit is what I call BrehNamedWavey.

    The reason is simple - he is a chicken shit.

    Prior to this thread, he was being "big man behind the safety of a keyboard" going around threatening to kill white people.

    His failure to answer a simple question in this thread caused me to start calling him what he is.
  • twentyfive
    4 years ago
    He’s another keyboard coward if he was ever standing in front of anyone he’d shut up so fast, and slink away with his tail between his legs
    He never addresses any facts he just looks to distract with stupid language criticism he’s a loser probably laid off from his job in a meatpacking plant
  • WavvyCain
    4 years ago
    Windex be going out sad as hell when his KKklan not behind him 😂
  • WavvyCain
    4 years ago
    @goatsign6 aye my man no problems on the club tip. U been to any other ones here recently? Oasis has been my spot because the Mexican spot next to it has some fine ass girls so I hit both when I’m out at way lol. Those Mexican hoes love some black men up there. I’m up here now 😂
  • oscarlomax
    4 years ago
    B, I'm not offended by the "kill the cops" statement because I understand the sentiment. On one hand, it's interesting that a major underground organization has not taken out cops. Could you imagine that outcry even though many in LE are doing it to us? On the other hand, I'm not sure that would get us to the place where we need to be to forge a path to equity. But again, the sentiment is understood and the radical in me (I'm an HU grad from back in the day and many of my mentors were in the movement--globally)feels a certain type of way--like the next time the dog comes to bite me, it gets shot!
  • Icey
    4 years ago
    Why is it so hard to just stand in solidarity with black people? Why all the effort to make up excuses not to 8f youre not a racist?
  • Mate27
    4 years ago
    ^^^^ because IceyDodo, Morgan Freeman says we need to stop talking about it. Make sure you watch him speak those words on this clip. He’s your elder.
  • winex
    4 years ago
    @TwentyFive - most people would reconsider their opinion if the only ones backing them were ChickenShit and IceyDodo.

    But you aren't most people.

    You are a special kind of stupid.
  • winex
    4 years ago
    ChickenShit - coming from you, what you said means absolutely nothing - keyboard hero.
  • GoatSign6
    4 years ago
    @Breh - Yessir I have been to Oasis a few times and I enjoy it but my luck in there hasn’t been that great lol. I’ve definitely become fond of two in there though. One light skin thick joint in there from Bmore and another one with short blonde hair. She about 5’7 and I think she may be middle eastern or something but both of them were treating me like a rookie lol. I may stop by there and give them another try but just ain’t trying to throw big money unless I build that rapport. And I always wondered what that restaurant was about. I’ll peep that next go round too 👍
  • mark94
    4 years ago
    80% of African Americans oppose defunding the police. I stand with those Black People.

    The Marxists and arsonists in BLM, not so much.
  • Icey
    4 years ago
    So you only hate black people who aren't uncle Toms..... Okay.
  • mark94
    4 years ago
    So, you’re calling 80% of African Americans “Uncle Toms”. Would you care to go all in and say “They ain’t Black” ?
  • winex
    4 years ago
    Apparently IceyLoco hates most black people.

    And to think that he calls us racists....
  • mark94
    4 years ago
    I judge people by the content of their character, not the color of their skin. The thugs who burned and looted Minneapolis, Kenosha, Portland, Chicago and Seattle are scum, no matter their color.
  • WavvyCain
    4 years ago
    Y’all so ignorant and link shit white people did to our cause. White people throw themselves into the BLM peaceful protest and start burning shit. The brooks case at the Wendy’s in Atlanta those fires were started by a white woman. Cut that misinformed bs out, just because it’s a blm protest doesn’t mean blacks are starting it. What black person u know sets shit on fire on camera? I don’t think u know any black people tbh. Stop calling black people thugs u retarded ass cracka
  • WavvyCain
    4 years ago
    “80% of African Americans oppose defunding the police. I stand with those Black People”

    Iceyloco was right u only like scared ass uncle toms aka coins. U love when the black man tap dances and stays quiet
  • WavvyCain
    4 years ago
    @winex dawg I’ll fold ya shit keep playin wit me old cracka. U racist dudes funny as hell and weak. Y’all wouldn’t say 90% of this shit on the street. How many racist have we seen getting beat up on camera then trying to apologize to us?😂 y’all ass can’t fight
  • WavvyCain
    4 years ago
    @Goatsign6 when u go to oasis u gotta get Ariana or Diamond. Those 2 actually came from follies and get busy in vip. Thing about oasis u gotta waste mad money just to find some gems. I blew threw like 4K doing private’s smh trying to find just a couple. Shit is so trash but it’s cool I go to chill now. The Mexican spot next door tho whew. Some fine ass Spanish girls in there. I’ve become friends with some we gonna hit the club Wednesday. They never been, but yeah man check Jimmys out, they have amazing food and drinks! I think I saw that chick from bmore last time I was there that mf is stacked!
  • TheeOSU
    4 years ago
    "U love when the black man tap dances and stays quiet"

    Tap shoes are sort of loud, how can he tap dance and stay quiet? Wearing sneakers? Jordans? Then he isn't really tapping. Lol
  • winex
    4 years ago
    Hey VhickenShit, if you think that you are man enough to step out from behind the keyboard, then go for it.
  • mark94
    4 years ago
    When someone, like Brehnam , says they are black, then writes in dialect that sounds like a really bad impression from a white guy in blackface, it makes me wonder if we are being trolled. Y’all crackers. Dog.
  • WavvyCain
    4 years ago
    @winex I’m outside everyday dawg send one of your racist white kkkrew members to catch me at a club. I’ll drop the time and place.
  • WavvyCain
    4 years ago
    Tap dancing means cooning. Y’all White boys really don’t know shit😂 I thought white dudes were smart y’all mfs retarded on here 😂
  • winex
    4 years ago
    What a chicken shit.
  • WavvyCain
    4 years ago
    Lol u the scared one I said u can send someone or even yourself to find me. I’ll meet them there 😂. Eve met me she said I was nice in her oasis review 🤷🏾‍♂️ Idk why y’all hate me. Oh yeah I know y’all white and old 😂
  • winex
    4 years ago
    Yeah, sure VhickenShit. Atlanta is only 1800 miles away.

    I’ll bet that makes you feel brave.

    This is incredible, and something I can’t say too many people, but you are actually dumber than TwentyFive.
  • GoatSign6
    4 years ago
    @Breh - Lol you wildn out on’em hommie😂😂😂. These dudes have been talking out of pocket though but anyway back to the women. 4K???? Lol deeeeeayum! Yea i read your review on Ariana and I think I remember her from Follies but don’t remember Diamond. But like you I go to Oasis to chill as well. I have a go to girl from Follies and another I’m dating so not really looking for too much. I would love to get a solid lap dance from Bmore but I ain’t paying 250 plus for that. I mean she did give me that “you’ll just have to find out” line when she offered VIP but I was like we gonna have to get a little more acquainted before I go that route. She told me she’s at Tattletale sometimes too and that led me there but I haven’t seen her in there. I did run across this one joint in there though that reminds me a lot of homegirl from “The Book of Eli.” Mila something... but only thicker. She wasn’t stuck up like the rest of them I noticed.
  • Mate27
    4 years ago
    Is black pussy wetter and tighter than white pussy? Do black asses make a clapping sound louder than white girls when they’re twirking? Do you like PAWGS?
  • twentyfive
    4 years ago
    Bred I'm white and old, I don't hate anyone even the idiots that talk a lot of shit, it's way better to leave yapping dogs outside overnight, maybe it'll rain and they'll shut the fuck up, all I know is I'm not wasting my good energy on their bad juju
  • TrollBot-3345
    4 years ago
    Hello, TUSCL people. TB3345 here with automated forum messaging to identify general douchebaggery to those (and especially newcomers or lurkers) that may be reading these forums.



    Yabba-Jabba is a troll that has had numerous accounts over the years including Trucidos & VH_Kicks, both of which were removed and banned from this anything-goes forum due to an inordinate abundance of name calling and harassment. As this is an uncensored, free-speech forum, banning only occurs in the most extreme of cases and has only occured to 0.00011% of members so it takes a ‘special’ kind of nutjob to warrant said action. He (or she) appears mentally unstable and posts mainly political diatribe; these posts are not rational, coherent viewpoints, but merely inflammatory posts attempting to trigger others for his (or her) own self-amusement. This person is also notorious for upvoting his (or her) own posts. TB3345 suggests not responding to this individual and using the IGNORE feature. This individual may be currently using the dems_rule alias.

    For those unaware of this IGNORE feature, to IGNORE all one has to do is click the little circle with the slash through it and you may continue to enjoyably peruse the forum.

    Feed the trolls at your own risk.

    An IGNORE a day keeps the douchebags away.

    Thank you in advance for using TUSCL.


    TB3345 Out
  • mark94
    4 years ago
    “I'm white but would happily join you in punching out all the yellow teeth of the Low IQ Trump Faggots in here --- cucky crybabies like Winex, IME, Meat72 and Mark94 would drop like weak cocksuckers after one punch --- POW! Then roll 'em into a ditch HA HA HA”

    Well, you’re obviously not one of those video game playing, keyboard tough guys. You aren’t living in a fantasy world. No sir. I can tell by your language that you’ve seen some action in the real world. You’ve learned that real tough guys don’t simply act. They talk. And, talk. And talk. From a distance. Anonymously. That’s the true sign of an alpha male.
  • Icey
    4 years ago
    The Trump supporters in here would be too scared to say these tnings to your face. Remember that. But that also makes trumprards dangerous
  • winex
    4 years ago
    @Yabba Dabba Do - feel free to bring it on. Let’s see just how stupid you are.
  • Tetradon
    4 years ago
    Go away, Trucidos.
  • skibum609
    4 years ago
    I see the left wing zoo denizens are yapping. These little girls would wet themselves before they would say shit to a real american.
  • ime
    4 years ago
    Knobbaslobba is now white, but when he was VHKickshe told some story about jow he hated white people because some mean racist said something to him because he was a minority. Knobbaslobba you are the biggest pussy on this site and that is saying something. You are also a pathetic liar. What an utter jerkoff piece of shit you are you cock sucking faggot, come get curb stomped any time you feel like it you impotent short bitch.
  • skibum609
    4 years ago
    She is just being a profressive.
  • pistola
    4 years ago
    @Ime I remember that post, what a tool. Maybe he got picked on because he’s just an annoying twat of a human being.
  • skibum609
    4 years ago
    Dems is sucking cock right now.
  • mark94
    4 years ago
    There was a 4 second video going around showing an Aurora cop yanking a black woman out of a vehicle. It looked pretty bad. It was the sort of video that causes riots. So, the police released the 6 minute dash cam showing the full incident. It shows the cop was incredibly calm and patient but finally had to act.

    How many charges of police brutality involve similar selective use of facts ?

  • WavvyCain
    4 years ago
    Ok just because she was black they ran her plates because I didn’t see who do anything for them to run them anyways. Y’all cut that dumb shit out and stop caping for these police. If she was a white woman they wouldn’t have ran her plates at all. This black lady was minding her business! Fuck that cop, fuck all cops tbh. That shit piss me off this morning.
  • WavvyCain
    4 years ago
    “AlL SHe hAd tO dO WaS CoOPerATe”
    Y’all white losers so damn dumb, cooperate for what when she was minding her business, that’s harassment. Glad to know y’all just blind to it. Any people of color experience this shit daily and it’s annoying ad hell.
  • WavvyCain
    4 years ago
    He says her car parked on the street likes there’s not 20 other cars right by her😂 that cracker dumb as hell. If she’s in the vehicle when the car on street why bother her? I’ve seen white people not bothered or just told to move their car🤷🏾‍♂️. This shit keeps happening we just gonna have to start killing cops at this point.
  • mark94
    4 years ago
    She made an evasive move, apparently trying to avoid the police. That’s why the cop came back and ran the plates. The plates didn’t match the car. There was the smell of weed in the car. She refused to provide her license. She refused to exit the car. She physically resisted arrest. She called the cop retarded.

    Did the cop shoot her ? Beat her ? No, he treated her with respect from start to finish.

    She would have benefitted by watching the Chris Rock video, “ How not to get your ass beaten by the cops”.
  • WavvyCain
    4 years ago
    U said “apparently “ Man U don’t even know the full story, you’re no better than that cop racially profiling her. She didn’t have to show him shit she didn’t do anything. If she did show him shit she was getting arrested regardless. He didn’t have to beat her she was already violated when he ran her tag cause she was black. Don’t be one of those dudes bro.
  • WavvyCain
    4 years ago
    Why y’all keep trying to show us videos for when we really live this shit? That does nothing. Either ride for our cause or shut the fuck up and go away.
  • Mate27
    4 years ago
    ^^^ smh!! I don’t even have the words to describe your stance on these issues. It’s preposterous. Wait. Yes I do. This is what you get when you have liberal progressives cultivating a victim culture. Keep voting progressives and they’ll want everyone to see theMselves as a victim in the land of opportunity, sucking at the teeet of the government. It’s called character profiling!
  • WavvyCain
    4 years ago
    Land of opportunity for who? Damn sure isn’t us
  • Mate27
    4 years ago
    It’s easier for you to claim being a victim of circumstances than it is to forge forward and face adversity by looking for new opportunities. With the mindset you have, you’ll always fail being your are always looking at how you got screwed over. I’m sure there are plenty of good people to find coworkers, family, and friends to escape your victim mentality if you weren’t such a life sucking soul. After spending time with you, I’m sure those people ignore you because
    Life is too short to dwell on the negative.

    Everybody goes though injustices in life, no matter your background. It’s how you react to those injustices that determine your success.
  • WavvyCain
    4 years ago
    Bro u don’t know shit I ain’t going back and forth with your retarded ass. Go away maga dickhead
  • mark94
    4 years ago
    Brehnam is a caricature of what a stupid, young, self-hating white person thinks a typical black person sounds like.
  • winex
    4 years ago
    Mark, the man's name is ChickenShit.

    And ChickenShit is the biggest racist I think that I have ever encountered.

    Typical liberal.
  • TrollBot-3345
    4 years ago
    Hello, TUSCL people. TB3345 here with automated forum messaging to identify general douchebaggery to those (and especially newcomers or lurkers) that may be reading these forums.



    Yabba-Jabba is a troll that has had numerous accounts over the years including Trucidos & VH_Kicks, both of which were removed and banned from this anything-goes forum due to an inordinate abundance of name calling and harassment. As this is an uncensored, free-speech forum, banning only occurs in the most extreme of cases and has only occured to 0.00011% of members so it takes a ‘special’ kind of nutjob to warrant said action. He (or she) appears mentally unstable and posts mainly political diatribe; these posts are not rational, coherent viewpoints, but merely inflammatory posts attempting to trigger others for his (or her) own self-amusement. This person is also notorious for upvoting his (or her) own posts. TB3345 suggests not responding to this individual and using the IGNORE feature. This individual may be currently using the dems_rule alias.

    For those unaware of this IGNORE feature, to IGNORE all one has to do is click the little circle with the slash through it and you may continue to enjoyably peruse the forum.

    Feed the trolls at your own risk.

    An IGNORE a day keeps the douchebags away.

    Thank you in advance for using TUSCL.


    TB3345 Out
  • TrollBot-3345
    4 years ago
    Hello, TUSCL people. TB3345 here with automated forum messaging to identify general douchebaggery to those (and especially newcomers or lurkers) that may be reading these forums.



    Yabba-Jabba is a troll that has had numerous accounts over the years including Trucidos & VH_Kicks, both of which were removed and banned from this anything-goes forum due to an inordinate abundance of name calling and harassment. As this is an uncensored, free-speech forum, banning only occurs in the most extreme of cases and has only occured to 0.00011% of members so it takes a ‘special’ kind of nutjob to warrant said action. He (or she) appears mentally unstable and posts mainly political diatribe; these posts are not rational, coherent viewpoints, but merely inflammatory posts attempting to trigger others for his (or her) own self-amusement. This person is also notorious for upvoting his (or her) own posts. TB3345 suggests not responding to this individual and using the IGNORE feature. This individual may be currently using the dems_rule alias.

    For those unaware of this IGNORE feature, to IGNORE all one has to do is click the little circle with the slash through it and you may continue to enjoyably peruse the forum.

    Feed the trolls at your own risk.

    An IGNORE a day keeps the douchebags away.

    Thank you in advance for using TUSCL.


    TB3345 Out
  • winex
    4 years ago
    @ChickenShit - it looks like we found the white man to give you head that you have been seeking all this time. And as a bonus, Yabba Dabba Do is even retarded.

    Just the way you like them.
  • pistola
    4 years ago
    This is either Icey or that retard VH.
  • mark94
    4 years ago
    American Airlines has told flight attendants that they will be allowed to wear BLM lapel pins while working. The white flight attendants who have chosen not to wear the pins are reporting that other employees are accusing them of being racist.
  • Icey
    4 years ago
    They are racist for not wearing them
  • mark94
    4 years ago
  • Mate27
    4 years ago
    There’s no way that this honey is black, because there ain’t no Negro stupid enough to post ignorance of this degree knowing one slip of the tongue in the rong place will cause him to lose some digits. There’s more of us than there are of them, that’s for sure.
  • Mate27
    4 years ago
    ^^^ “honey” should be honky.
  • winex
    4 years ago
    @Meat72 - you gotta be careful with your words. Yabba Dabba Do has a thing for ChickenShit.
  • WavvyCain
    4 years ago
    I only like Goat and Yabba they’re the only ones not afraid of the trump kkklan. I respect them, it’s a couple more of you and I can’t remember your name and I’m sorry but I appreciate you!
  • WavvyCain
    4 years ago
    Y’all trump dicksuckers going out sad In November 😂
  • winex
    4 years ago
    @ChickenShit - you said "I only like Goat and Yabba"

    Does Yabba Dabba Do know that you are having sex with goats now too?
  • Tetradon
    4 years ago
    ^ Yabba "Trucidos" Jabba,
    Icey "Stripper Hoes" Loco,
    and "Rachel Dolezal" Wavey
    are the Three Stooges, the Dumbass Trinity of TUSCL.

    They degrade women and homosexuals to act out their past traumas and insecurity about their masculinity. They try to talk "street," probably to compensate for a black kid stealing their girlfriend junior year, but are just semi-literate suburban white boys who watched one too many World Star Hip Hop videos.

    They love that we can all be SEAL Team 6 Master Chief Chad Thundercock on the internet.

    Don't take them too seriously, guys.
  • Tetradon
    4 years ago
    Don't be sore you didn't make the list, Tex.
  • Icey
    4 years ago
    You don't have to agree with BLM as a movement but to deny the cause of racial equality is what exposes you as bigots.

    But how many of you seek out black hoes coz you tjink theyre cheaper or go to tijuana to get more bang for your buck? How many exploit exploitive amps to get laid?

    Youre basically hypocritical pieces of shit with no moral high ground.
  • skibum609
    4 years ago
    What normal people call a "free ride" Icey calls racial equality. BLM is no different than any other group of thiugs threatening violence in exchange for a payoff. When I was a kid BLM in our neighborhood was the "Hanover Street Improvement Agency". Guy in a fedora collected the money, instead of a guy in hoodie with ass crack and underwear showing.
  • WavvyCain
    4 years ago
    That’s right icey I agree. Look at the dickhead above me, he’s the bigots ring leader on here.
  • Tetradon
    4 years ago
    @Ski, and what Icey calls respecting women, the rest of us call being a pathetic white knight.

    Note the only way to handle BLM is not to give an inch. See Trader Joe's.
  • WavvyCain
    4 years ago
    So do you call kkk thugs? Because I see them causing more harm than anything BLM has ever done. Why do you keep calling blm a group of thugs? Do you even know what a thug is? Dylan root is one. What do you think of him, or your nephew Timothy mcveigh.
  • WavvyCain
    4 years ago
    Actually the white racist framing black lives matter are the thugs, burning shit and taking away from the cause. We peaceful protest all the time, y’all come with that hate. If you’re not adding any good to the community or any cause or even informing yourself. Shut. The. Fuck. Up.
  • WavvyCain
    4 years ago
    White strippers are cheaper than the black ones tbh
  • pistola
    4 years ago
    The KKK can go fuck itself too. Funny how Antifa covers up their head like the KKK...

    Liberals are still mad that the republicans freed their slaves. 🤣🤣
  • winex
    4 years ago
    @ChickenShit - how much do you pay the goat to fuck you in the ass?
  • winex
    4 years ago
    @ChickenShit - want to re-read some of your posts here and tell me how peaceful you are?

    Granted, you are a keyboard hero and scared of your shadow. There is no doubt that you lack the guts to do even one tenth of thing things you claim you do online.

    But you are still a vile dickhead.
  • winex
    4 years ago
    @ChickenShit - yeah, people in the KKK are thugs - especially this guy : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robert_Byr…

    And BLM isn't a peaceful organization. It is a domestic terrorist group.
  • WavvyCain
    4 years ago
    U stay on my dick dawg wassup wit that? 😂 u don’t find it weird how much u follow me and tag me with that dumbass name? Blm is not a domestic terrorist group. I ain’t responding to you old white folks til y’all do some research. Y’all stuck in y’all 1960s ways. Pistola is y’all tap dancing coon aka good ol boy.
  • WavvyCain
    4 years ago
    White people love me I guess the way the always on my dick, maybe I was wrong about y’all. 🤷🏾‍♂️
  • winex
    4 years ago
    No ChickenShit, Yabba Dabba Do is the only one on your dick. And if you don't stop letting those herds of goats butt fuck you, you may lose the retarded white boy of your dreams.

    But back to the point at hand. BLM definitely is a domestic terrorist group. They have rioted, looted, burned down buildings, shot cops, swarms of members have beaten up individuals (because they are too big of pussies to act alone)

    There is no question that BLM is made up of terrorists. The only thing you could possibly question is whether or not they are domestic.
  • skibum609
    4 years ago
  • GoatSign6
    4 years ago
    @Breh... Dog you got the Internet going nuts🤣🤣🤣. 5 days of pussy and politics. Let’s see if it ends here...

    Trump votes: Our or should I say “your” El Presidente called our military “suckas” and “losers.”

    Mad respect to all my vets that are reading (all races) but 2 questions sits in my mind on this.

    1. If you voted for him the first time will you do it again after this type of disrespect?

    2. If your answer is yes, would you have accepted Obama saying such a horrible thing?

    Just curious even though I know the answers especially no. 2 and just making a point that White Privilege is reeaaaaaal.

    God Bless ✌🏾
  • WavvyCain
    4 years ago
    @Goatsign6 my dawg wassup?! Lol this shit ain’t gonna end cause they always think they are right. They still keep saying blm are thugs and start fires. I told them it’s the white people pretending they are down with us that are starting the fires. These old fucks stuck in their ways and I have fun trolling them lol.

    They rather call us every name but they chose a retard to run the country with no experience lol. They going out sad.

    What’s new bro? U been to any clubs recently?
  • winex
    4 years ago
    @GoatSign6 - you boys from Atlanta are all alike. You and ChickenShit - Dumb and Dumber.
  • WavvyCain
    4 years ago
    Who’s more of an idiot?
    The guy that trolls u and gets u to follow his every move and post?
    Or the retard that voted for a retard with no experience to run the country?
  • GoatSign6
    4 years ago
    @Breh - What’s good king. Carry on man I’m in the cut laughing and enjoying it all lol.

    Saturday night I hit Tattletales. I know that’s not your favorite place and I definitely understand but it was my 3rd time and I was looking for one I met on my 2nd trip about 2 weeks ago but of course she wasn’t there.

    I ran into this tall “slim thick” vanilla shade one though. Late 30s who was dropping the price down for the VIP but I always try to build the connection at a high level before taking it there.

    I envy you man I wish I could hit the streets about 3 times a week but definitely trying to slow it down a bit. This shit can be addicting lol.
  • skibum609
    4 years ago
    I took a shit this morning that has more intrinsic value as a human being than you do Breh. No wonder your community is so fucked up.
  • WavvyCain
    4 years ago
    @GoatSign6 it’s not that I hate it hate it, it’s just I never get what I paid for there idk. But see I didn’t do what u did and try to build with the dancers I was just throwing money away. But the girls there are fine, they just stuck up lol. I have a friend that work there she’s the skinny light skin girl with fake boobs and my ex work there, Italian girl. The girls look better than most clubs but nah. Now one plus they do have is the drinks! The vibe is also cool, just got weird with all the vip booths now, I think that changed things up for me, before then that was my spot.

    Nah I’m chilling on the 3 times a week plus my usual is taking a break from
    Oasis so she only comes once every 2 weeks now. I’m telling u man that Spanish restaurant next door has some fine chicks! The girls said they wanna go with me to the club one day lol I gotta let u know when they do, they said soon.

    Lowkey u making me wanna try tattletales again soon. I won’t try vip I’ll try to sweet talk a girl first. Be blessed tho king!
  • winex
    4 years ago
    @ChickenShit - try taking a shower. Women like guys that don't smell like shit.
  • ime
    4 years ago
    And the Seeger version sounds like Chuck Berry with Beach Boys as the backing band to me. It's interesting how people hear songs differently.

  • ime
    4 years ago
    wrong thread

    By all means fellas get back to scrapping
  • GoatSign6
    4 years ago
    @Breh - No doubt champ. And ex??? Italian??? Oh shit lol... the one I was looking for resembles Italian. I respect current and past territory. Does she have a March bday?
  • WavvyCain
    4 years ago
    @Goat lol she hasn’t been to work since April but if u used to go before u prolly saw her. She is born in January she has a real Italian accent. Do as you please bro that ain’t up to me 😂
  • GoatSign6
    4 years ago
    @Breh - Lol!!!! I gotcha. I didn't start going until August and to your point 9 out of 10 of them are on dime status but that one stood out to me and she wasn't on some stuck up shit. I know you gotta go in there flashing cash to get their attention but the downfall of that is when I go that route a flock of them I'm not even feeling will start hounding you while the one you trying to party with gets away.
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