Where's the media outrage?

avatar for doctorevil
Disgusting story, but easy to figure out why this one is not generating headlines and protests. https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/…


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avatar for WhiteyJackson
5 years ago
Hey Whiteys unite let’s go break into a Best Buy and get us a free TV
avatar for Warrior15
5 years ago
The media found out there was no phone cameras that caught the police dogs biting Walter. So there was no story for them.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
5 years ago
Exactly - the police didn't shoot the perp, so there's no story here
avatar for misterorange
5 years ago
"Ty Sheem Ha Sheem Walter"
That's about all you need to know about the "why."
avatar for winex
5 years ago
@DoctorEvil - are you kidding? Only Black Lives Matter.

Keep talking like that and people will start to think that all lives matter.
avatar for nickifree
5 years ago
Their deaths are sacrificed so that the white liberals can sleep well at night. Because if the stepdad had killed the suspect...
5 years ago
Its easy to see how foxnews can recoup such great profits. I bet the OP enjoys watching cuckold videos but feels uncomfortable with the protests
avatar for Onetoomany
5 years ago
Most likely in the hands of some douche-bag who is afraid of there own shadow,
avatar for RandomMember
5 years ago
@GammaNu posted the same awful story, spamming about five different threads, with such urgency you'd think he just discovered a cure for cancer.

I don't understand the logic? Google search shows there are about 1200 cases of road-rage every year. Are you trying to say that there's an asymmetry with more blacks murdering whites in raod-rage incidents?

Police officers have an obligation to tread everyone the same, regardless of skin color. Do you have examples of block officers standing on the neck of whites, choking the life out of them? Black officers shooting whites seven times in the back? If so, the thread might make some particle of sense.
avatar for RandomMember
5 years ago
The whole thread should not have been in the "front room."
avatar for winex
5 years ago
@RanDumbMember - you want a black cop shooting a white person? Sure, here you go.

avatar for goldmongerATL
5 years ago
As you just posted, white guy decided he did not do anything wrong so he thinks he can ignore and fight the cops. It puts you AT RISK to have harm done to you. The cops acted wrongly, but none of this happens if he simply complies.

Another case of someone who thinks they don't have to comply with police if he doesn't agree with them.

The fact that no press will point out because it does not fit the narrative is according to FBI statistics (and you can look at many years ago, too) PER ARREST unarmed white men are MORE LIKELY to be killed by police that unarmed black men. Black men are arrested at 4 times rate of white men and killed 2.5X as often.
And before you say they are arrested more because they are black, other statistics show that (per crime) black criminals are LESS LIKELY to be arrested than white criminals because of poorer police coverage in black communities.
avatar for winex
5 years ago
@GoldmongerAtl - exactly. The guy who got shot needed to read the friendly guide I published on how not to get shot by a cop.

He didn’t read the manual.

He did everything wrong.

And he got shot.

Because it was deserved, I decided NOT to protest by looting Best Buy.
avatar for goldmongerATL
5 years ago
Yes, the Best Buy in Phoenix is safe :-)
avatar for skibum609
5 years ago
Conservatives need to understand that the true enemy is white liberals. They are the ones who need to go. Start with the fake media and its' proponents.
avatar for winex
5 years ago
@SkiBum - though media is disgraceful, I don’t think people outside the field recognize just how bad tech companies are.

It really creates a dilemma for me.

I am sure you saw my thread on Google altering predictive search results to make Biden look slightly less incompetent. I stopped using Google for search, but there is no way for me to cut free from their influences. There is a Deep Neural Network development framework they produce called TensorFlow. The only viable alternative to TensorFlow that I have is something called a PyTorch - which is developed by Facebook. And when it comes to tools to get AI applications into production, PyTorch is a distant second to TensorFlow.
avatar for winex
5 years ago
@GoldmongetAtl - from what I understand, the best practice is to loot stores in your own neighborhood. So I’ll be hitting the Best Buy in North Scottsdale.

But not until after I have torched all the grocery stores in my neighborhood.
avatar for nickifree
5 years ago
@winex - Try Duck Go Go. I switched once Google decided to go in BLM. It's funny. Tech companies and white liberals in general are the most segregated companies and people from blacks in the country.
avatar for winex
5 years ago
@NickiFree - I just moved to DuckDuckGo as the default search engine on all of my computers and mobile devices. So far it seems like a very adequate replacement for Google.

Now if only there were replacements for TensorFlow or some of the language models coming out of Google Brain...
avatar for Papi_Chulo
5 years ago
^ which browser do you use/like?
avatar for winex
5 years ago
I tend to use Firefox more than anything else.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
5 years ago
^ 👍

Any particular reason you prefer Firefox?
avatar for winex
5 years ago
The reason for Firefox is less of a technical reason than my reasoning behind other pieces of software. I don't do front-end work, so my primary use of browsers is simply for surfing the web (whether it is for work, entertainment, or personal development)

If I was a front end person, I would deploy a different thought process.

With that out of the way, here goes.

I've read various reviews concerning browser performance and bloat, but I have enough hardware at my disposal that it really isn't a concern. (The machine I am on right now has 32 CPU cores clocked at 3.7 GHz, 128 gb of RAM, 16 tb of nVME storage, and an nVidia Titan V video card)

As long as the sites that I use render properly, I am happy with any browser on this machine.

Chrome: I've never been a Chrome majority user, though I do have it installed. The only thing I tend to use Chrome for is Google Colab. Colab requires a gmail account, so I have a gmail email, but I use it for nothing and haven't checked it in a few years. The reason that I don't use Chrome is because it is a Google product, and I like to limit how much information they have about me.

Opera: I really want to like Opera, but that is purely based on the size of the company and their lack of tech dominance. In the past when I have used it, there has always been something funky about it thata cause me to stop using it after a few days. Now it is Chromium based, so that brings us back to Google.

IE/Edge: As a developer, I am a Linux/Unix person and don't really like Microsoft. Though my hardware can handle the bloat, I just don't like Microsoft. That having been said, oddly enough, if I am not on a tablet or phone, I tend to visit this site using Edge. The reason why is related to cookie management. I destroy all cookies on certain sites every time I am done visiting them. This is one of those sites.

Safari: I do use Safari on my iPad and iPhone. I know Firefox is available, but Safari just seems to work better on mobile devices. However, when I am on my iMac, I use Firefox instead of Safari.

Firefox: I do like the browser, but full disclosure - I boycotted them several years ago. They ran their former CEO, Brendan Eich, out of the company because he donated money to conservative politicians. My boycott was short-lived because of a lack of viable alternatives to Firefox.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
5 years ago
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