1 yr ago •Onetoomanycommented onMore wizardry in the Land of OzGuys goes by h@nkmoody and he complains about good old billy What a @%^/=^^%
2 yrs ago •Onetoomanycommented onGreat time as alwaysWhy then did they approve not really a club ad as a short review
2 yrs ago •Onetoomanycommented onOk time, lots of plasticI not sure why papa always has 2 cents as we really dont want the 2 cents other than he does not know WTF he is saying. Place has…
2 yrs ago •Onetoomanycommented onFriday night at LSI love a straight forward dancer but whats up with paying up front these days. Girls just lie about services and stinky weird guys screw over dancers. I hate a…
2 yrs ago •Onetoomanycommented onKilling time on a Saturday afternoon.Thats a suckey review i hate shit without doing dances How bout rule no freebie without sampling the goods!
3 yrs ago •Onetoomanycommented onDouble HeaderLoving your review and glad to hear you had fun at reasonable rates. As for critics or douch bags one in every crowd Tet
3 yrs ago •Onetoomanycommented onPleasantly surprising visit on a weekend afternoonYes very common place here. Just wipe it out and let her stroke it. BTW IF she sceams it just that she is surprised how big it is. Nothing…
3 yrs ago •Onetoomanycommented onFC seems to be slow lately,,,,,,I am sure things will quit down soon and no more laughable full service fees BTW never pay in advance
19 yrs ago•OnetoomanyreviewedFlight Club29709 Michigan Ave Inkster, MI 48141I would give this club a...