Jacob Blake - Here we go again

avatar for misterorange
"We have to warn you in advance... this is 'tough to watch.'"
The only part I found "tough to watch" was the ignorant and premature commentary by Gayle King at the end.
1) "We are sick and tired." Of what? People disregarding instructions of police? In this case, guns drawn on the piece of shit and he defiantly ignores them, opens his car door, and reaches down apparently to grab something.
2) "We don't know if he had a gun but EVEN IF HE DID he was still shot in the back." Ohhh... so EVEN IF HE HAD A GUN (which obviously would have been retrieved from the car while ignoring police orders) the cops should wait until he turns back around and starts shooting at them?
3) "His kids were in the car." What the fuck difference does that make? The guy was clearly acting in a reckless and threatening manner. By that reasoning, every thug criminal should keep a couple kids nearby to guarantee he won't be shot.
And the Democrat governor and Democrat candidate for VP of the United States have already weighed in, of course on the side of the idiot who got himself shot because of his own actions.


last comment
avatar for Papi_Chulo
5 years ago
Same BS with Michael Brown in Ferguson - even Obama got involved via his Justice Department bc surely it had to be "yet another act of racism on an innocent black man" - "hands up don't shoot" turned out to be yet another racial-hoax and they still tore up the city.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
5 years ago
It needs to be hashed out, but this is indicative of the violence in the inner-city where many of those people just DON'T GIVE A FUCK and don't even fear the police and why the much higher chance for police interactions to go sideways.
avatar for crsm27
5 years ago
Now... one thing that isn't getting the media attention...


So he was a wanted criminal not a choir boy.

Also in the video you can see the cops have ahold of his shirt the whole time trying to stop him....

Again.. nobody should lose their lives and it is sad that kids were present. But people have to realize that his decision not to do what the police asked him to do resulted in him getting shot. ACTIONS HAVE CONSEQUENSES.

This wasn't a "race" thing. This was a guy not obeying orders, resisting the police (they were grabbing his shirt to try and stop him), etc.

It is sad that it happened when it could have been avoided really easily. But I will wait to see exactly what the investigation finds out for sure. We dont know if a gun was in the car, knife, etc. Hopefully there is body cam footage so we can hear the orders given or not given...etc.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
5 years ago
If the cops would have jumped him and physically restrained him with force, he likely would be alive - but then they would be all over the cops for jumping on a guy "that was just walking to his car"
avatar for winex
5 years ago
If that had been me ignoring the police orders, going to my car, and reaching down into it, I would have been shot in the back too.

And I am 56 years old and as white as can be.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
5 years ago
^ and you only would have made your local-news for one day
avatar for Papi_Chulo
5 years ago
^ if that
avatar for mark94
5 years ago
The last time cops arrested him, he had a gun and resisted arrest. This time, he once again resists arrest and reaches inside his car. The cop has to act as though he’s trying to get a gun. Shooting him is not only justified, it’s the rational thing to do.
avatar for winex
5 years ago
@Papi - if you want to see a truly unjustified police shooting that happened not far from where I live, here it is


It is mostly forgotten.

The police were acquitted in the trial.

The victim was white.
avatar for crsm27
5 years ago
Papi... correct about the physically restraining...

But if you watch the vid... they were holding on to his shirt.. .pulling on it. They were trying as much as they could other than tackling him to the ground.

I know some will say "tazer".... but look what happened in the Wendy's parking lot down in Georgia (I think) and the guy took the tazer and pointed it at the cops and tried to fire it.

ALL OF THE WHAT "IFS" has played out before and the police have been crucified no matter what they do.

But not once has the person or victim been crucified for NOT FOLLOWING DIRECTIONS.

This is what is sad is people dont take responsibility for actions.

I drop $500 in a strip club in 30 mins and I dont go and blame the Strippers and ask for "refunds" or go to the bank and say... I can't pay my bills because of those damn strippers shaking their ass at me. It is the strippers fault not mine.... I live with my decisions that I make.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
5 years ago
Those stoking the racial-fires w/o knowing the facts IMO are causing more harm to the black-community by riling them up and further causing more confrontations with police
avatar for crosscheck
5 years ago
Heaven forbid everyone wait until all the information and evidence comes out. Let's just jump to conclusions because nothing bad has ever happened doing that.
avatar for winex
5 years ago
@Papi, if you think that they are concerned with the mainstream black community, you are mistaken.

Right now, civil unrest is seen as part of the "get out the vote" plan for Joe Biden.

At other times, there are other objectives that are more important.

It's certainly not because "Blqck Lives Matter". The fact is that only Some Black Lives Matter. If a black person dies and their death advances your objective, THEY MATTER. But if they are one of the countless, nameless people that die every day in our inner cities at the hands of people committing various crimes (mostly drug related), they simply didn't matter and aren't worth a passing thought.

At least to the people who are profitting from all this nonsense.
avatar for Tetradon
5 years ago
I wonder how this went from holding the guy by his shirt as he walked around the car to seven shots so quickly. Couldn't they have tackled him or something?

I'm waiting to see more facts come out.
avatar for shadowcat
5 years ago
"At least a half dozen witnesses said that the man had tried to break up a fight between the two women outside a home at 2805 40th St. and that police had attempted to use a Taser on the man prior to the shooting."

What did the owners of the car dealership do to deserve this.

The real losers are going to be the blacks that were not part of this and the other so called protests going on across the country.
avatar for rattdog
5 years ago
at this hour protesters are already marching in downtown brooklyn nearby the barclay's center.

i can only imagine what will happen a few hours later.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
5 years ago
"... Couldn't they have tackled him or something ..."

As I posted b/f, if they would have done that prior to him getting to the car, they would have likely been accused of "excessive force" for "assaulting a guy that was just walking" - once he decided to reach into his car *he* didn't give officers much choice; just like w/ Floyd, the cops gave both plenty of chances to come to their senses and comply w/ the law but they chose o/w and pretty-much sealed their fates (once you take on the police/the-law by taking matters into your own hands, the consequences are inevitable no-matter your race) - the fact is police are trained to dissolve a threat; they often don't have the luxury "to wait and see how it will turn out and what the person's intentions are" - in 2019 close to 50 police officers were murdered at the hands of criminals; not to mention the thousands over-the-years - it's easy to be a "Monday morning quarterback" from the comfort of our lazyboys and say police should have done x,y,z - 99%+ of us civilians are not really cognizant the kinda people police have to deal with on a regular basis; they are the ones that we call upon to deal with the worst of the worst in society to keep those people from us and the cops put their necks/safety on the line to do this, and now the Dems/Libs are shitting on them.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
5 years ago
I had not had a chance to watch much TV today - I assumed Blake had died but if I heard correctly he's expected to survive - I wonder if he'll end up getting a big $ettlement
avatar for crsm27
5 years ago
@ papi...100% correct again...

@demsrule.... You are correct that the evidence is damning on the guy not listening. His shirt was getting pulled to stop him from going into the car..

Btw...his history does matter because he did have a warrant for his arrest and his history is he puts up a fight with police.

So those cops gave him more chances than many if you ask me. He could have been shot before he even was in the car.

Again his actions are what caused this shooting. His and his alone.
avatar for winex
5 years ago
At the time the video I saw started, the police had already lost control of the situation.

Who knows what events preceded that moment in time?

The police at the scene can't be faulted for shooting a guy going into his car for something against their orders. They can be faulted for letting things get as far as they did.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
5 years ago
^ I also don't know all that went on there - but it seemed as if the civilians involved may have been less than helpful towards the police and I assume that contributed to the situation getting out of control - I assume in these current times that police will keep having a harder time controlling situations b/c they have been told time and time again to stand-down and any sign of force to control a situation may land them with an "excessive use of force" charge and a good probability of losing their job if not criminally charged - the criminals, thugs, and lowlifes have been emboldened, empowered, and weaponized, by Dems and Libs, to do what criminals, thugs, and lowlifes do, which is to be a cancer to society.
avatar for winex
5 years ago
@Papi - you are absolutely correct. The situation very well could have been out of control as a result of pressures on the police and attitudes of the people.
avatar for misterorange
5 years ago
^^ Yabba
Wow... you're such a smart guy. I'm gonna vote for Biden now after your post. Whoo hooo... Go Biden.
avatar for Nidan111
5 years ago
Hmm. What I saw was a fucking idiot get his ass shot because he is a fucking idiot. Don’t get me wrong, I absolutely hate cops and most of what they “really” stand for and are used for. I have been taken into custody by cops before and they initially screamed at me stating that I was trying to shoot them because they found my 45 caliber pistol in the passenger seat floor board with NO MAGAZINE and a stovepipe round in the chamber. As I was handcuffed WITHOUT A SCUFFLE, I proceeded to inform them that if I wanted to shoot them, then I would have shot them! I purposely disengaged my firearm FOR THEIR SAFETY and mine. I then recited the entire law regarding my rights to carry such firearm. After such, they actually showed me respect and switched the handcuffs from back to front. I still hate cops, but if a dipshit with a gun has the authority to kill my ass if I act stupid “in their opinion “, then I will comply with their demands. Hell, if they hold a gun on me and tell me to give them a BBBJCIM, then that is what I will do. Then, after my court hearing, I will track that prick down and get some real justice. But, that’s just me. YMMV.
avatar for twentyfive
5 years ago
Listen folks even police departments generally have protocols, one of them is you don't shoot suspects in the back !
avatar for winex
5 years ago
@TwentyFive - you are absolutely right! He got out of the control of the cops and his backed was turned. The only rational thing the cops could have done is assumed that his intentions were pure and whatever he was so urgent to get from the floor board of the drivers side of his car was harmless.

I bet it was a box of donuts for the cops.

Cops like donuts.
avatar for Cashman1234
5 years ago
This thug turned his back on the cops and ignored them. That shows he doesn’t respect or obey the law.

He had a warrant for his arrest already. This is no upstanding citizen - no contributing member of society. This is another police hating thug.

Tell Oprah-lite it was difficult to watch because of the willful disobeying of legitimate authority.
avatar for twentyfive
5 years ago
^ Fuckn point is, this shit is going on too often, you can be as sarcastic as you like there are protocols that need to be followed, another one that would serve you well, is to stop being such a jerk and look at another POV instead of your stupid fucking pronouncements about cops and donuts, or his innocence, it would have been simple enough to restrain the guy.
This will be hashed out in a court of law, not here on an anonymous message board with a bunch of hyper partisan, opinionated jackasses providing useless opinions about things that they know nothing about.
avatar for Cashman1234
5 years ago
The laws of the land have become the Cider House Rules for many thugs - and they continually become upset when cops enforce the law.

If we are no longer a country of laws - we are no longer a civilized society.
avatar for skibum609
5 years ago
I love this video. Another scumbag dead. Imagine being so arrogant, so stupid, and so privileged that you think you can disobey the law with impunity. His girlfriend is a fucking retard. Any poster siding with this piece of shit should go fuck themselves. The dead asshole's fault.
avatar for twentyfive
5 years ago
@Cash I happen to agree with you my post was in response to windex
The problem is the reason behind the rules being broken, and I’m not making excuses for thugs, but the rules are being broken at the highest offices of this land, we know that the breakdown in law and order starts in the Oval Office and permeates throughout our society.
Tell me have you ever contested a traffic ticket and testified after a police officer has lied on the witness stand.
I no longer hold the cops to be any better or worse than anyone else
That’s my point
You have never seen me attacking anyone for having a different opinion than mine, but there are real idiots that think I’m afraid of somebody on the internet trying to bully me because they don’t like my opinion at that point. I will respond to personal attacks I will not initiate them
avatar for winex
5 years ago
@TwentyFive, just because you don't like my theory that he was going for a box of donuts to give to the cops doesn't mean you have to take it personal.

But let's try to make sense of your vague rambling.

You said that "This shit is going on too often".

"This shit" is kind of vague. I can assume by your snippy reaction that you aren't referring to lawfully abiding citizens given cops boxes of donuts.

But that's all I can tell.

By "this shit", are you referring to people with warrants out for their arrest ignoring orders of police offices to stop?

If so, they is no reason to be so snippy. We are in agreement.
avatar for winex
5 years ago
@SkiBum - unless something has changed since yesterday, he is still alive.
avatar for twentyfive
5 years ago
Your attempt at sarcasm comes across as stupidity, I’m getting bored and punching down isn’t as much fun as it used to be when I was younger
avatar for winex
5 years ago
@TwentyFive - what's the matter? Did I upset you?
avatar for twentyfive
5 years ago
avatar for winex
5 years ago
@TwentyFive - What a relief - you got the last word in. All is right in your world again.

Maybe even someone other than yourself believed your line" about punching down".

Where is dems_rule anyway?
avatar for skibum609
5 years ago
8 shots and the scumbag lived? Why its like he's Vito Corleone.
avatar for winex
5 years ago
avatar for winex
5 years ago
@Dems_rule - you should try to console TwentyFive - he needs it right now.
avatar for winex
5 years ago
@DesertScrub - you forgot to mention donuts.
avatar for twentyfive
5 years ago
@windex You’re a twat and easily triggered

tell me is there a protocol in most police departments about shooting an unarmed person in the back That was my original statement where in that statement was an attack on any person participating in this thread ?

Oh I get it you just want to try to boost your cred like when you posted that listening to Bobby Darin was damaging you can go fuck yourself you dickless idiot
avatar for skibum609
5 years ago
Who says the maggot was unarmed? What was he reaching for in the car? Taters?
avatar for gammanu95
5 years ago
It's unfortunate, but it really seems like the perp did everything he could to jeopardize himself. Most of these blm stories are bullshit. Trayvon Martin was shot in legitimate self-defense. So was Muchael Brown. So was Armaud Arbery. So was this clown. If george Floyd hadn't resisted arrest he m8ght be alive today. That other fool in NYC that got choked out for resisting while selling cigarettes.

Here's the fact, plain and simple. Black Lives Matter is bullshit. All lives matter. Cops are not hunting black people. Minorities are not being slaughtered in the street. There ia nonwidepsread systemic racism in America. The most dangerous thing in America, for blacks and other minorities, are cities with black mayors, black police chiefs, and too many guilty white liberals.
avatar for twentyfive
5 years ago
^ Who’s saying he was or wasn’t armed there seems to be a deficit of reading comprehension around here, all I’m saying is there a protocol in most police departments about shooting an unarmed person in the back
That is most likely going to be the entire court case and knowing the police departments capacity for veracity or not under oath.
avatar for misterorange
5 years ago
There are "protocols" for almost everything we do every day. Protocol dictates appropriate behavior under NORMAL circumstances. According to "protocol" you don't enter someone's home uninvited. So how about you're walking down the street and see a house fire, with a kid trapped inside. Does "protocol" prevent you from running in there to save him if you can?
avatar for mark94
5 years ago
Here’s how CBS just updated the news from Kenosha. Why don’t people trust the mainstream media ?

“A second day of peaceful protests gave way to clashes overnight in Wisconsin.

This comes after 29-year-old Jacob Blake was shot multiple times in the back by police as he tried to get into his car. He remains hospitalized in stable condition.”
avatar for Tetradon
5 years ago
"Peaceful protests" = A few Molotov throwers and a ton of people egging them on.
avatar for misterorange
5 years ago
Yup. The link in my OP now goes to a revised video. Maybe they realized how utterly ridiculous Gayle King's comments were? Funny because they replaced it with equally stupid shit. Any idiot watching that video of the incident can plainly see that the asshole wasn't "getting into his car" he was reaching for something.
avatar for Cashman1234
5 years ago
@Twentyfive You make a valid point. Many high level government officials have little regard for the law.

Also, cops are people, and they aren’t always honest. I agree.

To that point, they are human, and they have families. They go to work and they want to return home at the end of the day.

I think there are many folks who view them as something other than human - as they throw bricks and bottles at them.

It is easy for thugs to demonize cops so they have an excuse to riot and destroy legitimate hard working businesses. That’s wrong.
avatar for misterorange
5 years ago
Apparently CBS edited the video a second time. An hour ago, the eye witness (about half way through) said he heard a cop yell, "He's got a knife" but now that's been edited out.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
5 years ago
This is another example of people not being held responsible for their actions - this guy seems to have had a rap-sheet so he knows how the police operates yet he still did what he did
avatar for Papi_Chulo
5 years ago
The police were called - so there seems there was already drama going on in that situation - often times these situations in these communities escalate to violence whether police is involved or not
avatar for mark94
5 years ago
He had previously been guilty of domestic violence. Those situations are loaded with emotion and anything can happen, as we saw. A domestic violence situation involving a known felon with prior gun and resisting arrest convictions is about as serious as it gets. You saw the number of cops who arrived. They were ready for trouble.
avatar for skibum609
5 years ago
Ever notice that none of these dirtbags are ever mourned by "co-workers"?
avatar for Papi_Chulo
5 years ago
^ LOL - yeah - you never hear "he was a hardworking family-man"
avatar for ItsOkImwhite
5 years ago
I agree with the end result of yet another fucking ignorant fucking retard not following simple instructions by the police. He got what he deserved. I say too fucking bad.
avatar for crsm27
5 years ago
Now there is video out where you can see the cops trying to put him to the ground and he escapes then goes to his drivers side door.

@25 talks about protocol.... we dont know what he reached for... but if it was a weapon the cops shot him because he REACHED FOR IT. Only time will tell what really happened.

Also if you want to talk "protocol" and what not...

The system for hiring people and for police has been going down hill. They dont hire the best anymore because of "hiring" practices. I will make it simple... W=White M=Male F=Female C=person of color.

So the top 10 canidates for 3 police openings are this (in order from highest score possible)
1. WM
4. WF
5. WM
6. CF
7. WM
8. CM
10. CM

You know who gets hired or asked first about the jobs... Not the top two canidates!!.. It would be 3,4,6... and even the WF might get skipped. All to meet "quota's" or "ratios". Not saying that those people cant do the job but just saying they are not your TOP recuits. THAT IS THE ISSUE. Plus look how the attitude towards police has changed. It used to be a "respected" profession. Now would you want to be an officer???
avatar for doctorevil
5 years ago
Yeah, the guy probably deserved to get shot--fought with police, ignored instructions, then dove for something hidden near the floor board of his car. What cop wouldn't have shot him? What I have a problem with is the cop shooting him 7 times. I can see a double tap, or even a triple tap, but 7 times? WTF? It seems like once these guys start shooting they go fucking berserk. Is that what they actually teach at the police academy? I kind of doubt it. That's how bystanders end up getting shot sometimes too. How about a little fire discipline?
avatar for skibum609
5 years ago
7 did seem excessive, but what I will never get is the abject stupidity of the shooting "victim". He almost did everything possible to make sure he got shot. His actions serve as a commentary on the value he himself places on his life.
avatar for twentyfive
5 years ago
^ That's the point Doc these cops are poorly trained, protocols used to mean something, these guys are just winging it, properly trained military can handle people in occupied zones that don't speak the same language, these police departments are really out of their element.
avatar for skibum609
5 years ago
Why would anyone want to be a cop? A large segment of the population of this country supports the criminals and makes the job of police officer unpalatable to the most qualified.
avatar for winex
5 years ago
@TwentyFive - you're still upset because I broke the news to you that Bobby Darin isn't cool?

Sorry, I know you believe everything that your mother told you, but you had to find out the truth sometime. She lied to you.

Bobby Darin isn't cool.

So, now on to your question about police protocols.

I am not a cop. Never been one. Never wanted to be one. So I've never read one of their operations manuals. But I can say that your comparison of police to military is ridiculous. Our military is one of the few things the Federal government is engaged in that it does right.

A lot of cops are veterans, but the organizations they serve in are very different.

Now on to your question - though I have never read a police operations manual, as much as cops love donuts, I'm pretty sure that they would advise waiting to see if the person in this situation was going for a box of donuts or for a weapon.

Go ahead, tell me I'm wrong now.
avatar for RandomMember
5 years ago
All cops should be wearing body cams.
avatar for chessmaster
5 years ago
The mayor of kenosha is a democrat. Just saying.
avatar for gammanu95
5 years ago
you're going to see more and more brave but untrained civilians showing up to defend local merchants armed with rifles and shotguns. Since the local governments won't allow cops to quell the riots, citizens have no choice to arm themselves to protect life and property. There are going to be a lot more shootings like last night if governments don't start doing their job and restoring order. Nobody wants to end up like the good samaritan in Portland who got lynched by fucking rioters. We have no choice but to arm ourselves .
avatar for twentyfive
5 years ago
^ you’re a fuckn retard

Just like the sheriff in Kenosha said earlier when asked about armed vigilantes supplementing deputy’s “Oh Hell No”
avatar for ime
5 years ago
If the Democrat Governor's and Mayors are not going to protect their citizens from looters and rioters people will have to protect themselves. Not everyone is going to be a victim, and just let mobs destroy their businesses, towns , and property.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
5 years ago
I was thinking something like this would happen sooner than later:

"... A white, 17-year-old police admirer was arrested Wednesday after two people were shot to death during a third straight night of protests in Kenosh ... caught on cellphone video opening fire in the middle of the street with a semi-automatic rifle ... "I just killed somebody,” the gunman could be heard saying at one point during the rampage that erupted just before midnight ..."

avatar for gammanu95
5 years ago
^This is what happens when you defund the police. Totally foreseeable except to the ignorant liberals and progressives.
avatar for skibum609
5 years ago
The first shots in the second American Civil War were fired in Kenosha Wisconsin.
avatar for mike710
5 years ago
Don't know about your interpretation but I see a person armed with a rifle running away from a mob. That mob catches him and gets him on the ground. He defends himself by firing on this mob.

avatar for Tetradon
5 years ago
I still have questions about the continuum of force in the Blake shooting.

But last night's shooting looks quite justified. The first one, he runs away, dude throws a Molotov at him and another guy charges him. And he's so malicious he calls an EMT. Other shootings were after he got knocked down by a mob. If he doesn't shoot, he's toast. Then willingly surrenders to police.
avatar for ime
5 years ago
One of the guys he shot was a felon with a gun who was going to shoot him. But how could someone prohibited from having a gun have one?
avatar for gammanu95
5 years ago
The age of majority in both WI and IL is 18, so how does the msm justify identifying this minor by name and city of residence? They won't even tell you the color of an adult criminal if that color is black.

As a minor, where were the parents at?

He has been charged with intentional homocide, when there is a strong indication that this was self-defense. Can he even get a fair trial?
avatar for winex
5 years ago
Well, I have never been one to shy away from admitting that I am wrong. In this case it looks like I am dead wrong.

It turns out that they didn't find a box of donuts on the floor board of the drivers side of Jacob Blake's car.

There, I got that out of the way.

The only thing they found there was a knife.

avatar for misterorange
5 years ago
Can't wait until the toxicology report comes back on this Blake character. Nobody, while police have guns drawn on them, marches defiantly around their car, opens the door and reaches in for a knife, unless they've got a death wish or they're high as fuck.
avatar for RandomMember
5 years ago
So a 17-yr-old white kid is allowed to roam the streets with an AR15 while people are yelling at the cops that he shot someone. But Blake is the one who takes 7 shots in the back for allegedly being near a knife.

Stories about this kid reinforce stereotypes about guys who fetishize assault weapons. He's on social media posing with his guns and taking backyard target practice. He' bullied by his peers. He's photographed in the front row of Trump rally earlier in the year. Unattractive loser.

Kid should have stayed home, masturbating with his assault rifles. First-degree intentional homicide? That's fine with me
avatar for RandomMember
5 years ago
BTW, kudos to the NBA for taking a stand.
avatar for skibum609
5 years ago
Lmao @ take a stand. Taking a stand means they cancelled the games before the players quit. Well that is what it means to a normal person; apparently not to progressives. I quit, you're fired, I quit, you're fired. Once the NBA is gone so is the player's voices lol. Abject morons.
I'm just an old white conservative, but if I wanted to make an impact I play the first half and then refuse to come back out.
avatar for misterorange
5 years ago
In case you hadn't noticed, RandomFuckhead, the kid didn't fire the weapon until he was knocked down and being swarmed by an angry mob. It's perfectly legal to carry an AR-15 in Wisconsin. Once they backed off, he stopped firing, slung the rifle over his back, and walked toward police with his hands raised up high. The only problem he might have is that (I think) you are supposed to be 18 to legally carry. The POS Blake on the other hand, put his own kids' lives in danger by drawing cops closer to the car and attempting to retrieve a weapon, which most certainly meant there would be gunfire.
avatar for gammanu95
5 years ago
The guy with the camera clearly heard the cops shouting "he's got a knife" before he was shot. Lo and behold, he actually had a knife AND an outstanding warrant AND a long-ass rap sheet AND you know they're going to find he was under the influence at the time of the incident. Another piece of shit scumbag thug that the world is a better place without. The whole blm movement is based on LIES, and these dumbass libs and commies keep drinking the kool-aid.
avatar for gammanu95
5 years ago
Also, if you watch the video of the kid being attacked, he was going to have the same thing done to him that was done to that dude in Portland. Thank God he had a weapon and could defend himself. Again, good riddance to the dead one and let's hope the others he hit don't survive their injuries.

Correction: Blake or whatever the fuck his name isn't dead, just crippled. The world is worse that he survived and the taxpayers will have to support his ass. The good news is his thuggery and procreation days are ended.
avatar for mark94
5 years ago
The NYT today has an article explaining how the 17 year old in Kenosha was acting in self defense. Biden has spoken out against the riots. Don Lemon says the riots are going to get Trump re-elected. Pelosi says there shouldn’t be debates.

I think the fog has lifted on the Democrats. They realize the hole they, and their AntiFa and BLM supporters, have dug for themselves by burning cities. The public polls are shifting in Trump’s favor. Their internal polls must be devastating.
avatar for misterorange
5 years ago
That asshole (Blake) is 29 and has 6 kids. Maybe being paralyzed means he can't ever fuck again?
avatar for Papi_Chulo
5 years ago
I think 2 of 3 "protesters" that got shot had criminal records; the 3rd was part of a group called "People's Liberation Front", or something like that, and was carrying a gun and likely a trained Marxist/communist agitator being part of a group like that.

These are the scumbags being allowed by Dems to destroy cities and violently attack anyone that gets in their way.
avatar for Icey
5 years ago
Prostitution is illegal but that doesn't stop you ....should you be shot by a cop if caught breaking the law?

Cops don't have thr right to commit extrajudicial executions coz someone doesn't listen to them
avatar for winex
5 years ago
@Papi - you are jumping to conclusions. I'm sure that all 3 of those fine young citizens were there to offer a hand to Kyle Rittenhouse.
avatar for gammanu95
5 years ago
South Carolina college student, stepfather fatally shot in head on front lawn over fender bender: reports

avatar for Papi_Chulo
5 years ago
^ that's fucked up - I wonder if he was just a criminal thug or driven to this by BLM
avatar for Icey
5 years ago
Cops don't determine guilt nor innocence nor do they carry out punishments. Courts do. Supporting police brutality is an aberration of the justice system
avatar for gammanu95
5 years ago
Papi, those were my thoughts, too. I'm making it a point to follow this case. I hope the K9 that tracked him took a fucking chunk out of his leg.
avatar for twentyfive
5 years ago
"I think the fog has lifted on the Democrats. They realize the hole they, and their AntiFa and BLM supporters, have dug for themselves by burning cities. The public polls are shifting in Trump’s favor. Their internal polls must be devastating."

You are aware that all of this unrest, rioting, violence, boycotting, pandemic have happened on Donald Trumps watch,
Mr Trump has presided over total chaos, it's past time for The Donald to GTFOH, this country has not been this divided, and at each others throats since the end of the Johnson Administration, and Richard Nixon's presidency.
avatar for mark94
5 years ago
^ so, it’s Trumps fault that Marxist, Bernie supporters are rioting in cities with Democrat mayors and Democrat states. Gotcha.
avatar for twentyfive
5 years ago
^ Just be aware that this all happened under your man's watch, how come it didn't happen during the previous administrations going back to the end of the Nixon Administration, blame any one you like, your man Trump is still in charge, whether he wants to take responsibility or not,
Gotcha Too
avatar for twentyfive
5 years ago
^ BTW there aren't any Democrat States just like there aren't any Republican States as far back as I can remember this country was the UNITED STATES of AMERICA
Any one wants to say different is full of shit
avatar for mike710
5 years ago
This is just an observation of mine. When a party that is more to the right is in charge, there tends to be more violence and protests.

If I had to guess is it is just because that people on the right don't protest in a violent manner when they are not in power. Most people that are center or right have a full life that includes jobs and family obligations. The current protestors seem to be young and my have their only job as a paid protestor.

Again, just an observation in my time on earth that started in the 60's. The US political system, as it stands now has a way to change things if you feel you are wronged. That is at the ballot box. Destroying the lives of innocent people because they have more than you isn't the way our country was founded on to create change.
avatar for twentyfive
5 years ago
@mike710 plenty of violence on the right just as much as these knuckleheads rioting and looting, tell me how many mass shootings or school shootings have been perpetrated by black folk, let me know if any of those Charloteville Nazi types were lefties, come on man I'm 67 Years old white guy, a vet, a business owner, a father, been married, this bullshit needs to stop.
avatar for mark94
5 years ago
We were told the Portland riots were because Trump sent in Federal officers. So, they pulled back. Riots continued.
avatar for ime
5 years ago
@twentyfive your hatred for Trump or just willful ignorance is really showing and you need some help. Trump has offered the National Guard and Federal Assistance but has been turned down time after time by Democrat mayor and governors and Democrat DA's who are not prosecuting rioters and looters. You claim others are full of shit you must have so much shit on your mirror you can't see yourself. Your Democrats fucked up by not condemning it and now they are panicking because they know they fucked up, and people see their agenda though it has been clear that they want power at any cost, and don't care about how many people, businesses, or livelihoods got hurt, and now they have doomed themselves.

There are definitely Democrat cities and they have soaring crime rates because they encouraged the mobs and de-funding police and it hurts everyone who isn't a criminal. Thank god people seem to be waking up. You can try to blame it all on Trump like we see the main stream media trying and no one is buying it.
avatar for mark94
5 years ago
Democrats at all levels tried to use CoVid to tank the economy. Shut it all down.

Then, they used George Floyd to generate chaos. They ordered the police to pull back while Democrat DAs refused to prosecute.

Their strategy was simple. Cause chaos and blame it on Trump. Just like 25 is doing.

For this strategy to work, they relied on the media to lie out their ass. They also required the public to accept these lies without question.

If this had gone on for a week, or a month, it might have worked. But, after many months of this shit, the public has seen through the Democrats lies.
avatar for twentyfive
5 years ago
^ Oh please get over yourself, my hatred for Trump is shared by a majority of Americans, his poll numbers haven't ever been at 50% no president in modern times has polled as low as he has, truth be told if it wasn't for the electoral college he'd have dried up and blown away like the gaslighter he is.
avatar for ime
5 years ago

President Trump Hits 51% Approval in Rasmussen Poll – Higher Than Obama at Same Point in Presidency


Of note, Rasmussen was among the closest mainstream pollster in approximating the popular vote in the 2016 election. Rasmussen had Hillary Clinton up 1.7 points over Trump on election day 2016, while she ended up winning the popular vote by 2.1 points above him (48.2% vs. 46.1%). The Real Clear Politics average of polls had Hillary up for six points. Unlike the other polls, Rasmussen correctly saw Trump had a path to victory in the electoral college.

Now, after falling to a pandemic low of 42% approval, Trump’s approval has since rebounded to 51%, or seven percentage points above where Barack Obama’s approval stood at the same stages of their presidency.
avatar for ime
5 years ago
You and Random seem to love polls, I will avoid the obvious joke there.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
5 years ago
The Dems have tried to pull a political coup - ever since the 2016 election they've been after Trump by any means possible - with Trump "being so bad", the Dems still don't think they can beat him in an election and why they are resorting to *any* means to get Trump out even if it means death in the streets.

What it's looking like is that these are Communist Bernie's troops that have been let loose to cause chaos and the Dem party has gone along with it somehow thinking that most people were gonna blame Trump for it - Communist Bernie is supplying the foot-soldiers, the Dem party is going along w/ it so they can win the election, then Communist Bernie is gonna come collect and the Dems are gonna have to give into most of his demands.

How the Dems thought this was a good idea and that Trump would get blamed for it is beyond me - I assume they banked on most of the American people hating Trump so much that they would willfully overlook the obvious.
avatar for mark94
5 years ago
The Democrats live in a bubble. They hate Trump. All their friends hate Trump. They build their strategy under the assumption that 100% of the population hates Trump. That’s their fatal mistake as a party.
avatar for twentyfive
5 years ago
You fellas are making the same mistake that Hillary made in 2016, you are not recognizing that there are a very large group of Republicans that didn't like Trump from the start, and the number has grown not shrunk, you're gonna wake up November 4th be very surprised.
avatar for mark94
5 years ago
Trump’s approval among urban non whites is at historic levels. Many of them are silent, but will pull the lever for Orange Man.

For every Rino that’s says they don’t like Trump, there are 10 working class whites and blacks who are fed up with Democrat run cities
avatar for twentyfive
5 years ago
^ Who's sailing on Denial
avatar for Papi_Chulo
5 years ago
"... Virginia Democrats in the state’s Senate banded together to pass a controversial bill allowing the assault of a law enforcement officer to be treated as a misdemeanor ..."

avatar for Papi_Chulo
5 years ago
In Oklahoma, a 5 y/o white boy was shot in the head by a black-man (https://www.foxnews.com/us/nor… ) - now you have the 21 y/o college-student shot to death along with her father, by a black-man (link posted by @gammanu above).

If the races were reversed, there would likely be a non-ending loop in the media about "systemic racism" and "black people being hunted down".
avatar for Papi_Chulo
5 years ago
BLM and the Marxist like are launching a multi-prong attack on the American way of life, and like most of these ideological-movements, they are in it for the long-haul.

It started with Universities and brainwashing as many college-kids as they could (as many of these Marxist movements do throughout the world) - now they have their sights set on K-12 brainwashing - the first link/video below shows the BLM-propaganda the teachers union is promoting - the 2nd-link is a vid of Elizabeth Warren in a classroom where there is a set of children's block letters spelling out BLM in the background:


avatar for Icey
5 years ago
Racial equality and opposing police brutality are Marxist propaganda?
avatar for mark94
5 years ago
If Trump wins, and I’m literally betting everything I own that he will, the next 4 years will set back the Democrat party for a generation. The courts will be packed with originalists. Public schools will largely be replaced by charter and parochial schools. Colleges will be reinvented as free speech centers of STEM education. Federal employee unions will be prohibited and government departments moved to red states. Major cities will see their first Republican mayors.

All the traditional power bases for the left, carefully constructed over the last 50 years, will be dismantled.
avatar for gammanu95
5 years ago
Wow, Mark, talk about making America great again. I would be thrilled if you are right about all of that.
avatar for mark94
5 years ago
If Biden were elected, the stock market would drop 50%. If Trump is re-elected, we’ll see a 20% relief rally.

All of us have a major investment decision to make over the next 60 days.
Play it safe by going to cash/bonds or let her ride. The most recent rally suggests the market is betting on Trump.
avatar for gammanu95
5 years ago
the cops tried various non lethal means to stop and restrain Blake as he went to his car fora weapon. black lies matter

avatar for Papi_Chulo
5 years ago
I'm sure CNN and MSBNC will be all over this hate crime - and I'm sure Obama will post another "heart-felt" video about "racial inequality" - and I'm also sure LeFake James will have a comment on this:

"Black Man Yelled ‘Black Lives Matter’ While Allegedly Stabbing White Man; He’s Facing Hate Crime, Attempted Murder Charges"

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