In the name of wokeness, lets give all we got
Find your local drug dealer down the street and wake his ass up. Tell him to get up, he's gonna be getting your house, your car, your pension, give him your job, all your savings, and let him bang your wife too, everything must go. Let's do this to show the world how virtuous we are! I won't do it though, I'm a sniveling coward and don't have a job but I will tell YOU to do it.
And of course it goes without saying that anybody that dare disagree, prepare to have a street mob beat ever living shit out of you.
And of course it goes without saying that anybody that dare disagree, prepare to have a street mob beat ever living shit out of you.
9, 5.56, and 12 gauge 00.
And no street mob here, just a couple regular folks walking their dogs.
I'll ask that question to the next racist white I see. Me, I'm a biracial man taking rioters and looters at their word.