
Dumped by ATF?

Dumped by ATF?
Saturday, August 15, 2020 7:44 PM
Excuse my long rant, I had a similar one last year. My ATF (for almost 4 yrs) and I have been emailing each other every couple of months during the shutdown. The club opened last month and I emailed her , she responded right away and we met the next day. We got along great but (maybe being cautious due to covid) I only did 2 dances but tipped her a LARGE amount (too much). I mentioned that maybe we could do some dirty /fetish talk on the phone and she said definitely, just email/text her before. I emailed her a few days ago asking if we could "talk" on the phone when she's available. Usually she doesn't take this long to respond. She's also a teacher and not at the club that much but I've had some great fun with her and spent alot of money I'm at the point now that I really don't want to contact her again and look desperate. I'll see how it goes but maybe it's better anyway with the covid and I'll save money lol thanks


  • neon44
    4 years ago
    I could understand if she's leaving the business but she could let me know.
  • RandomMember
    4 years ago
    You're a customer, not her boyfriend.
  • neon44
    4 years ago
    Shes short, curvy ,works out and is the same nationality as me. If its over , I'm thinking my club days are over.
  • DenimChicken
    4 years ago
    You were only emailing every few months and now it's only been a few days....just give it more time and don't sweat it. Life happens.
  • neon44
    4 years ago
    ^ good point
  • Cristobal
    4 years ago
    If she did indeed "dump" you, keep in mind this was a business relationship and you should not have too much trouble finding new business partner once the Covid situation in the clubs return back to (relative) normal. To each their own on their experiences and relationship but when I mongered I realized favorites are not the Monger equivalent of girlfriends, she "may" consider me more than a customer but never a boyfriend. And I may have considered her more than dancer or BG but I never considered her a girlfriend and thus if I felt it was time to move on it was pretty easy to do so. It was a lot of fun to find new favorite(s).
  • rickdugan
    4 years ago
    ===> "I mentioned that maybe we could do some dirty /fetish talk on the phone and she said definitely, just email/text her before." Sounds like she doesn't really want to provide what you were seeking. Just move on. Maybe you could even find something better to do with a dancer's mouth than to have her babble to you over the phone.
  • Frankie Jay
    4 years ago
    Do you tip her in some way for the dirty talk? Or do your tips at the club get you dirty talk later on? I've had guys on onlyfans want me to talk to them while they jack off and they've never tipped me a penny. So what's in it for me? I'm happy to do it, but throw a little money my way. Anyway, I sometimes miss an e-mail and then never see it again. It gets lost between the 200 junk e-mails i get a day. Or I'll get an e-mail while I'm driving and I read it at a stop sign but think i'll wait until I get home to respond and then sometimes forget because the message has now been read. E-mailing her a second time doesn't make you a creep. But thinking SHE wants the dirty talk as much as you do, might make you cheap. Toss a little extra money her way and see if that gets her attention.
  • wallanon
    4 years ago
    Just write her again. She's got her own thing going on, and it's not like you're calling her everyday.
  • neon44
    4 years ago
    I mentioned the dirty talk before and after the dances. She seemed ok with it. In the past before covid I always did vips with her and got hj's, some kissing, etc. Funny thing is last time I tipped her almost 3 times the cost of two dances . I guess it is what it is. lol thanks
  • RandomMember
    4 years ago
    It's possible to be "dumped" by a GF, but not a sex worker. Sounds like there's way too much emotional baggage on the part of the OP. She's probably doing him a favor.
  • jackslash
    4 years ago
    Strippers are not reliable. Contact her again. Don't worry about seeming desperate. A stripper wouldn't.
  • neon44
    4 years ago
    I usually contact her by email but have texted her cell in past when she didnt answer but only use it for last resort. I'll see how it goes and MIGHT contact her again in awhile.
  • pistola
    4 years ago
    After one failed text? And right before school starts again? Damn bro you sound needy and demanding, two traits women love....
    4 years ago
    She'll tell you w/e in the club when you're paying, but outside be different. Being your ATF 4 yrs, have you done dirty talk w/ her before?? W/the "maybe we could dirty talk" imma gussing no and If not, either she's not into it or unsure of how much she's getting. Lack of response doesn't mean she dumped you, could be a million reasons or could be her dumping the idea. Follow up and when she responds you can ask again if you so choose. If she ignores you got your answer NAAAASTY
  • Muddy
    4 years ago
    What's your nationality neon just wondering Like Jackslash said above I wouldn't put too much stock into her not answering a message, strippers are all over the place and they are kind of day to day people. You could wait a little bit to message her again but while your waiting go find other girls. Life's too short for one pussy.
  • JackScott
    4 years ago
    Don't lose your mind wondering what's going on with her. Other paid clients are occupying her time right now and she needs time to mentally rest and recover in between those other sessions. The paid gigs will always take priority to the free phone sex. Secondly, you should check your mind and heart as it relates to this ATF to make sure you're not falling in love with her. I've had my share of women who I was just getting to know yet in my own mind, she was my GF and I'd just lose it if I felt too much time elapsed between the time I called her and when she called me back. And I had to remind myself, "She's NOT my GF".
  • Studme53
    4 years ago
    Maybe enroll you kid in her class and bang her on parent/teacher night? Saw a couple pornos like that so it must be true. Just kidding. Find another. Variety is the spice of life.
  • neon44
    4 years ago
    Irish/Italian. The main thing is she's thick/curvy, kind of strong and fufills my wrestling fetish. We keep it light and its been fun. I'll see how it goes but If it is over at least I have her picture from a text message last year. lol
  • Clubber
    4 years ago
    neon, Dancers are a tricky breed and no 2 are alike. My ATF for years had to move away from a former relationship. It was difficult for me to visit her there and it usually made me feel bad about the situation. I finally told her I wouldn't be coming her way any longer. Perhaps a mistake on my end as that was it for the club relationship. Now the tricky part, she new my family through our son. She and I knew, but none of the others. When we were together, she was incredibility cold towards me. Such is the life with a dancer!
  • IceyLoco
    4 years ago
    As long as youre a customer its just that. They don't care about customers. Once she leaves work theyre the last people on her mind
  • neon44
    4 years ago
    She was nice in her last email, even asked if my parents were safe from the covid. I thought we got along good last time. Wish I didnt tip so much lol. I'm afraid to send her another email/text, get ignored and feel like a jerkoff. I knew this wasnt going to be a long term "relationship" but didn't think it would end like this. I like this club, its convenient but the other day time girls look too ghetto or strange.
  • wallanon
    4 years ago
    Check your messages, and here is something going else to think about. How often is she at the club? If she's tight with anybody at the club and you're a regular, just show up and spend a little money on someone else when she's not there. She might hear about it and get back in touch.
  • IceyLoco
    4 years ago
    If you want a real test. Tell her how you feel and see if she replies. But remember this. She could write back if she wanted to but chooses not to.
  • rickdugan
    4 years ago
    ===> "I mentioned the dirty talk before and after the dances. She seemed ok with it. In the past before covid I always did vips with her and got hj's, some kissing, etc." Actions speak louder than words. Apparently she'd rather give you a handjob than get tied up on the phone with you trying to talk dirty.
  • nicespice
    4 years ago
    If it were me , I’d just set a reminder to follow up again in 2-3 months. And in the meantime go on with your life and not worry about it
  • IceyLoco
    4 years ago
    Any updates?
  • skibum609
    4 years ago
    Neon? Dude? Feel like a jerkoff? Why? Because you liked her too much? You'd be sad she didn't want you? Like now? M<y first thought was she missed the email. I get about 150 a day and miss 5 routinely, or better yet spam/junk. Found 3 from clients in there, with whom I have had no previous issues so far this week. Now I check every 4 hours. Wait a week, ask again, if she responds, great. If she doesn't? Then its over. Something everyone goes through and it doesn't make you a jerk.
  • neon44
    4 years ago
    UPDATE She answered my email (had a crazy week) and said shes ok with it. Guess I was overreacting. Thanks for the advice
  • wallanon
    4 years ago
    "Guess I was overreacting." Welcome to TUSCL. But I guess that sounds off considering you've been on here since 2012.
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