@Founder, Should VIP's be able to see Dressing Room page?

avatar for herbtcat
Cool Cat in the Valley

Maybe this happened with the new site design, or I just never noticed before.

When I click on the Dressing Room link from the Groups page, I can see all of the topics and first few words for each post in the "Tile" format that shows posters name, date, post topic, the first few words, etc.

I can't click down to read any posts.

Is this expected behavior?


last comment
avatar for joker44
4 yrs ago

It was also possible under one of the previous site versions... hard to remember which version 😵😵😵

avatar for nicespice
4 yrs ago

Yeah but what if some of us like to talk mad shit in there?

If it ever become visible, I’d be talking shit really hardcore 😁😁

avatar for joker44
4 yrs ago

spice, solution: post innocuous stuff in first [visible to VIP] paragraph; save the mad shit for 2nd [not visible to ♂️] para.

avatar for rickdugan
4 yrs ago

What were you doing in there in the first place?

avatar for herbtcat
4 yrs ago


I was just browsing around the site under the new format. Trying all GROUP links. Didn't expect to see what I saw. That's why I called it out to @Founder.

avatar for pedrome30
4 yrs ago

I can see the page, but can't read the individual posts (other than the preview on the dressing room page).

avatar for founder
4 yrs ago

You should be able to see the preview.

avatar for Eve
4 yrs ago

^ And if you wanna see more... well... I don't suppose male dancers can verify themselves through Founder, can they?

avatar for Warrior15
4 yrs ago

I'm OK with the Dancers having there own forum. When dealing with strippers, I do not want to hear what they honestly think. I want them to tell me what I want to hear. I'm handsome, witty, fit, sexy. What they say about me in the back room after they are finished with me, I don't care.

avatar for Papi_Chulo
4 yrs ago

A while back Founder seemed to be trying to attract a diversity of folks to the site so there'd be more folks on TUSCL - AFAIK he created the dancer area for dancers only so dancers can have a private area to discuss dancer-matters w/o PLs giving them a hard-time - at times in the past new dancers on TUSCL were not received very-well by the PL-community thus dancers avoided being/participating on TUSCL.

As for me - I don't think that there should even be snippets of dancer-group threads visible - if the dancer area is meant to be private for dancers, then it should be completely private IMO.

avatar for Eve
4 yrs ago

Yeah, I can see how the visible previews may start some shit if a girl makes a topic like "Anyone else getting creepy PMs from [tuscler]???" or something along those lines.

avatar for whodey
4 yrs ago

herbtcat don't act like this is the first time you have "accidentally" found yourself peeking into a dancer's dressing room.

avatar for Papi_Chulo
4 yrs ago

the dancer-area has always been private (off limits to PLs) since it was put in place about a year ago or so

avatar for Muddy
4 yrs ago

Usually what I do is I sneak in there during closing time and just sleep the night there. Wake up and win big time.

avatar for Muddy
4 yrs ago

Oh you meant the site my bad i don’t know

avatar for herbtcat
4 yrs ago


My consistent practice is to ignore trolls, because I give absolutely zero fucks what a troll thinks of me.

If I was worried that I might lose the ability to sneak into the Dancer group, I wouldn't have made this post.

If you feel compelled to shoot back at me for this comment, you will find me returning to my practice of giving zero fucks about trolls and ignoring your comments.

avatar for nicespice
4 yrs ago

Trolling the dressing room group? Moi? 🤓

avatar for FishHawk
4 yrs ago

@nicespice, You have an mischievous side to you. But I guess that you know that. That’s why you are Spivey.

avatar for whodey
4 yrs ago

Herbtcat I was just trying to make a joke about men peeking in the dressing room at strip clubs whenever the door is ajar. Obviously the joke didn't land with you but its nothing to get worked up over.

avatar for TheeOSU
4 yrs ago

Whodey, herbie ignores trolls yet he's shown himself to be the trained lapdog of TUSCL's biggest troll the san jose creep so as with his mentor jokes sail right over his head. After all an online strip club discussion website is deadly serious. Lol

avatar for Beat100
4 yrs ago

I think there should be a PL's private area as well. I believe in gender equality and guys should have a place to speak their mind not only of being customers for dancers but of types of sex workers.

I'm been in those types of groups in which customers have more power since if someone is giving them a hard time they'll support each other and won't be with that a girl who is giving poor treatment.

avatar for Nidan111
4 yrs ago

What? You mean that you guys CAN’T read their posts in that room? Wow, I’m thinking that I must be a special VIP now.

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