Club days of operation.

avatar for shadowcat
Atlanta suburb
Most clubs are open 6 or 7 days a week. In some locals in the south they are closed on Sundays.

But what about other clubs that are only open a couple of days a week. Like Fri, Sat & Sun. Anybody frequent these clubs? How was it? There are none currently in my area. Too much competition.

There is a popular BBQ restaurant near me that is only open 4 days a week. They are open for 12 hours on those days and all the employees work 12 hour shifts and then have 3 days off. I don't understand why they don't open 6 or 7 days a week.


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avatar for elvis2
4 years ago
Hiring GOOD employees is next to impossible, if you want to keep your quality on a high level.
avatar for ww
4 years ago
Sometimes, it's just simple economics. If the costs outweigh the benefits of being open on those days of the week, doesn't make sense to do that.

Paying staff and other variable costs for days where little revenue is coming in adds up.
avatar for Warrior15
4 years ago
The Mons Venus in Tampa is only open Wed-Sun. And they are only open in the evenings and night. No dayshift.
Other than the masks, I had a great time.
avatar for bubba267
4 years ago
Others may weigh in, but I know Cheetah has been staying closed until evening on some Mondays and Tuesdays...could be more or less.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
4 years ago
I'm not surprised, nor hold it against clubs, for being open less hours/days during the pandemic.

Pre-pandemic, AFAIK there were no clubs in my area that didn't open 7-days-a-week; Miami/South-FL is a very-densely-populated area so I assume that helps in keeping clubs open 7-days-a-week including almost all of them having dayshifts (vs clubs in more rural areas) - whether it's SCs or not, I think it's more of the norm for most businesses to be open 7-days-a-week vs just a couple of days - IDK much about how SCs function behind-the-scenes, but there doesn't seem to be huge overhead; even if the club is closed a few days they are still paying the same amount of rent and still running the A/C, etc.
avatar for Dolfan
4 years ago
There were a couple of clubs in Palm Beach that closed a couple days a week. Some had "summer schedules" where they opened later in the day or not at all on some days, some were just never open.

My experience with them is they tend to not be the types of clubs that foster regular business, so they aren't my favorites. Playhouse & Rain/1152 in West Palm come to mind, they're both mostly open Thurs-Sat nights. Big crowds for a few hours, focus on being seen making it rain, that sort of thing. It's not universally true, Monroes & DD's (when it was open) were also closed on Sundays & maybe Mondays too, and Rhino opens late and/or closes on those days.

I really don't get it though. I'm not super familiar with the cost structure for employees, but I gotta figure the variable costs are significantly lower than the fixed ones. The Rent/Liquor & Entertainment licensing fees probably account for most costs. I can't see how a club can't make enough to cover employee costs even on slow days.
avatar for joewebber
4 years ago
a friend of mine shared this with me ages ago.
if you are paying rent on a club monthly, then you should be open and making money every day you are allowed to be open, otherwise you are losing money.
in a non strip club environment, like a nightclub/dance club, having someone in charge of booking private parties and events for the days you're not open to the public is worth their weight in gold.
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