

Like many of you I love bacon but in my case I don't often eat it because of the fat content, grease, and nitrates. It's probably been around 4 years since I bought bacon in a store but I made an exception last week. My local supermarket had bacon on sale for half price so I bought a pound.

Instead of frying it up like I used to I decided to bake it in the oven on a cookie sheet until it was crispy, I never liked rubbery bacon I like it crisp. I then drained off the grease from the pan and soaked up the remaining grease from the strips with paper towels. I baked half a pound and made 3 BLT sandwiches on multi grain bread from the supermarket 1 day and baked the other half and 2 more BLTs a few days later. Man those sandwiches were great!

So although I love bacon and could eat it every day, those 2 days last week will probably be my bacon quota for at least the next few months if not much longer.

So how about you guys?
How often do you eat bacon?
Do you fry or bake it?
Do you like it rubbery soft or crispy?

How's your cholesterol? Mine's always been good.


  • FishHawk
    4 years ago
    Bacon is good. I have been cooking it in a microwave for the last few years. My son bought me a microwave bacon cooking tray and I really like it that way. I also like it crispy.

    In the summer, a BLT sandwich and some corn on the cob make a great dinner.
  • magicrat
    4 years ago
    I eat bacon maybe once a week and have been baking it in the oven for probably 5 years. It seems to come out between rubbery and crispy. I have a rack that sits in the pan in the oven which drains the grease.
  • Longball300
    4 years ago
    All the time, Indiana Kitchen is one of my favorites, softer and not as crispy, cook it on a George Foreman grill i.e. no spatter no mess... comes out great.
  • TheeOSU
    4 years ago
    A BLT with corn on the cob sounds great! I might have to buy some bacon while corn's still in season. :D
  • shadowcat
    4 years ago
    I'm a bacon lover too. BLT, with eggs and other recipes. I have tried the micro wave method but not baking. I usually just fry it in a pan. There is no getting around the grease clean up afterwards. I've found the best product for cleaning up the grease is "Greased Lightening". A little hard to find but I did recently buy 2 bottles at Home Depot.

    I prefer the center cut bacon and don't care for the maple flavored. Store inventory has been reduced lately due to COVID-19. So I can't always get my preferred brands. I bough a lb of Smithfield last week and it was terribly fatty. I threw the second half of the pound out.

    White bread seems to be the normal for a BLT but I recently had it on sour dough at a restaurant and liked it.
  • misterorange
    4 years ago
    Love bacon. Don't often make it at home because of the greasy clean-up, but when I do I prefer to bake it because it cooks more evenly. @FishHawk, I rarely use a microwave for anything except warming up stuff, but I've done bacon in it and was surprised how good it came out. Frying is tricky because as it shrinks and wrinkles up you can end up with a mixture of burnt spots and under-cooked fat. If I fry it, I use very low heat and turn it constantly. To me perfectly cooked bacon, if you hold it from one end, will bend slightly - not exactly "rubbery" but not crunchy either. I eat out a lot and get bacon whenever it makes sense, like breakfast, lunch sandwiches, at a steakhouse, etc. As much as possible. Lol. I've had high cholesterol for years, but that's what Lipitor if for!
  • magicrat
    4 years ago
    Shadow.....I agree with center cut only!
  • BBBC
    4 years ago
    I prefer sausage
  • Longball300
    4 years ago
    Gentlemen.... you really need to try the George Foreman or similar type panini type double sided cooker to make your bacon. The greasy spatter mess is contained and it cooks the bacon evenly with no need to turn it and you can make it as crispy or soft as you want:



  • FishHawk
    4 years ago
    Clean up is a breeze with the microwave bacon cooker. I pour off the excess fat when done cooking and pop it in the dishwasher. It comes out spotless. With a little experimentation you can get the bacon done just to your liking.
    It seems like those of us that like boobies also like 🥓
  • Muddy
    4 years ago
    I had something I wanted to say then Longball’s avatar...uhh...I don’t know anymore...I forgot. I like bacon too I guess. God damn.
  • skibum609
    4 years ago
    BACON - purchase one pound of Hormel Black Label bacon - good in a cast iron skillet over low heat -turn frequently - no more frequently than that - Bacon need s to cook slowly to avoid curling and to allow the fat to render and soak back into the meat - the consistency should be firm enough to break clean, without a snap - which means u fucked up and cooked it too long weird pairing that is fucking awesome? Bacon with Jif peanut Butter sandwich.
  • Warrior15
    4 years ago
    I love bacon. Probably try not to eat it too often. But do love the taste.
  • herbtcat
    4 years ago
    Bacon? Yes!
    More bacon? Yes!
    Still more bacon? Yes!
    [repeat above ad infinitum]

    I buy the microwave bacon that comes 4 strips in a plastic pouch with an internal pad that absorbs the grease. No mess. Cook less for softer, more for crisper bacon. Add it to sandwiches, salads, hot dogs, omelets, even chili, soups, Bloody Mary's, even onion dip.

    I've tried many of the bacon seasonings available - they are all terrible. Not recommended.

    @desertscruob thanks for the tip about www.baconfreak.com. I shall indulge post haste.
  • nicespice
    4 years ago
    I’ve baked it, but usually prefer skillet. One go-to lazy dinner I like to have is frying up a slice or two, then adding in a can of green beans and letting it absorb the grease. 😋
  • shadowcat
    4 years ago
    nicespice - you might like this. Instead of the green beans remove the bacon and saute chopped green cabbage until wilted. crumble the bacon and add back to the cabbage when serving. makes a great side dish too.
  • Eve
    4 years ago
    I'm baking bacon in the oven right now. It may take a pinch longer compared to the stovetop, but I like the crunch to be even all over the meat. I've never had a piece of bacon from the oven that I didn't like.
    On a skillet, it tends to be kinda crunchy on one end, kinda fatty on the opposite end, and burnt on the end next to it. It frustrates me sometimes, although it may be the quicker option if I'm cooking multiple things on the same skillet at the same time. (ie: sausage, pancakes, hashbrowns).
  • gammanu95
    4 years ago
    I love bacon, and there are ways to reduce the negative health impacts. Microwaving it releases fewer carcinogens than frying. I don't know how oven-baking compares. Also, buy the uncured bacon to avoid artificial and added nitrates and nitrites. Whether you microwave or bake, use an insert to raise it up and allow the grease to drain off. Using paper towels to sop up the remainder on the strip makes sense. I have two microwave trays.
  • crosscheck
    4 years ago
    If eating bacon is wrong, I don't want to be right!
  • Mate27
    4 years ago
    I eat it once a week, but my cholesterol is borderline not because of that but because I eat ice cream and cheese whenever I want. My theory is that heart attacks are more caused by stress, poor sleep and not enough exercise. I’m not concerned as much about high cholesterol as I am with a poor lifestyle, so exercise and eating right will unclog those arteries. Enjoy!

    I wonder what Jim Gassagain will say?
  • Jascoi
    4 years ago
    the bacon flavor is mostly in the fat. (the goodness.)
    man. bacon i could easily have it three or four times a week. (but i don’t.)
  • rickdugan
    4 years ago
    You fuckers really need to get back out to the clubs more. Seriously, aren't most of you in areas with open clubs?
  • shadowcat
    4 years ago
    I've seen some porkers at the clubs but do they have bacon?
  • TheeOSU
    4 years ago
    "I wonder what Jim Gassagain will say?"

    Probably something like...

  • magicrat
    4 years ago
    Rick....clubs not open here along with wife and I both working from home sooo bacon looks better all the time
  • ime
    4 years ago
    Bacon is a miracle food.



    The biggest and most unexpected change was losing so much body fat in the 30 days. I lost 19.6 pounds by the end of the month and ate 60 pounds of bacon during that same time! Crazy right? My energy was good the entire time and my doctor was quite impressed with my blood work. I had a complete blood panel done before and after this experiment. My blood pressure dropped 30 points, my cholesterol numbers looked good, and my liver markers were perfect. My Dr. told me, “Keep doing whatever it is that you’re doing because it’s working!” I still eat bacon most days for breakfast.
  • Eve
    4 years ago
    When I'm not out at the club... I'm eating bacon.
  • RandomMember
    4 years ago
    It's not just the cholesterol. Bacon, sausauge, hot dogs -- they all increase the chance of getting colon cancer. I don't eat processed meats.
  • skibum609
    4 years ago
    God created the colonoscopy so we can eat bacon, sausage, hot dogs and corned beef hash.
  • gammanu95
    4 years ago
    Skibum really enjoys his colonoscopies. Each time it is the highlight of his week.
  • RandomMember
    4 years ago
    ^^ but not nearly the thrill that @gammaNut gets out of inserting gerbils up his cancel-ridden rectum
  • RandomMember
    4 years ago
  • skibum609
    4 years ago
    Rather live well and die than exist cowering out of fear of the possibilities. People are free to do as they please and the best revenge is to live crazy and then see a 110/77 bp reading on a terrible day at work...no meds. My lifestyle works fine.
  • nicespice
    4 years ago
    @shadowcat I’ll give it a try sometime soon. 😁
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