
OT: Lebron

avatar for pistola
Keepin' it 💯

With the NBA/bubble thing happening, sounds like LeBron is taking this is serious. Curious to others' thoughts. If he wins a chip this "season" will it be legitimate? I dont think it should count. But his supporters will surely claim '4 rings!' Without full squads and players likely going sown because of the 'Rona to me its almost like a pro-am tournament. A y thoughts?

PS I'm biased - dont like him, he is overrated.


last comment
avatar for skibum609
4 yrs ago

No matter who wins and it will be Milwaukee, there will be an asterisk next to it the size of the Moon.

avatar for yahtzee74
4 yrs ago

Ratings will be bad and when players start testing positive the whole thing will be cancelled. My crazy prediction.

avatar for twentyfive
4 yrs ago

I don’t know how it’s going to shape up but there are always asterisks for anomalies even in normal seasons

That said these guys are all fierce competitors and LeBron is arguably king at this point, ima watch with an open mind and make my judgements as I see it.

avatar for Hank Moody
Hank Moody
4 yrs ago

Yes OP you hate lebron. You are looking to invalidate any possible win. What if Milwaukee wins? Is it legit then because it’s not lebron? You do realize they’ve already played a 65 game season and the lakers have been dominant? Does the Spurs 1999 championship not count because the season was only 50 games? Do the Rockets two titles not count because Jordan was playing baseball?And aren’t they putting 24 teams in the playoffs? Seems it might be harder this year to win a title than easier. You’re a hater. Just own it, root against lebron and don’t bother trying to make some logical argument that it somehow doesn’t count.

avatar for rattdog
4 yrs ago

lebron is overrated.....fucking wowwwww!!!!!!

just the fact that he led the hapless cleveland cavaliers to a championship alone should that statement be fucking ridiculed. yes he had help with kyrie and love, but hey so did mj, kobe, magic, bird, all of them. the cleveland cavaliers, as fucking hopeless as the cleveland browns.

avatar for grand1511
4 yrs ago

I bet the bubble bursts before this whole NBA thing plays out.

avatar for Icey
4 yrs ago

Theyd be better off cancelling the season.

avatar for pistola
4 yrs ago
  • I agree with Icey on this one, this and baseball doesn’t make any sense.

  • Yes Im a hater, LeBron is overrated. Sorry, I have MJ, Kobe, Kareem, and Magic ahead of him. Talk of Goat is nonsense. Kareem never gets the true respect he deserves.

  • Yes if MIL wins, I won’t consider it a true ring either.

  • These teams with no shot of really winning are going to be fielding shit teams and there will be players going down because of the Rona, it’ll be a shitshow. Won’t be a true test.

  • And yes I will route against him if I watch. With the BLM thing, not sure.

avatar for 79terrier
4 yrs ago

I can’t figure out why they are trying to cram in this season when next season would normally start in 3 months. Now they’re going to mess up two seasons

avatar for PredragDr
4 yrs ago

I don't necessarily like LeBron as a person, but when you look at advanced analytics it's hard to not see him as one of the greatest ever. He will likely be up there in career games played since he entered the League straight out of high school and will want to hang around long enough to play with his son in ~2024. He has the skills and size to play all 5 positions and has been a consistent winner (minus last year).

avatar for skibum609
4 yrs ago

LeBron is great. Not the greatest. Not close. Put the stars of today back with Charles Oakley, Artemis Gilmore, Kermit Washington and they do none of their four step drive and dunk silliness.

avatar for pistola
4 yrs ago

@PD - Yes his career stats will be insane. He is probably one of the most freakish athletic specimens ever. He benefits greatly from being the face of the NBA in conjunction with the advent of twitter, Facebook, Tik Tok, Vine, etc. I think there is a little prisoner of the moment going on with him as the GOAT. I’ll never forget his all time game in Boston and won’t forget him quitting in Game 7 either, or the Ray Allen bailout, or the Draymond Green suspension that helped get Cleveland a ring. I didn’t say he sucked or wasn’t great, just a little overrated. Top 10 yes, top 5 to me jury is still out.

But my point is that this is a weird format with players opting in or out. Normally players don’t get to rest for 3 months. It’s just going to be weird with teams without a full roster and they are totally screwing the offseason up and next year too as well unless next year they say ‘ok we are going to do just 60 games and give the players a two month break.’

@Ski you forgot Lambier, Xavier McDaniel, Anthony Mason... And Rodman in his prime would give LeBron fits. Karl Malone would’ve had none of it either. He does benefit from the sissified version of the NBA where every hard love tap is reviewed as a flagrant foul and the shift to wing players which clears the lane up.

avatar for Warrior15
4 yrs ago

People are so starved for real Live sports, it won't matter who wins or who plays. People are going to watch it.

Lebron is a future Hall of Fame. Arguably one of the tip 10 best players every. The GOAT ? No even close, but he has been a very good player for a very long time.

avatar for BBBC
4 yrs ago

Well, lebron is a cutie 😍! You definitely have good taste in men pistola

avatar for Hank Moody
Hank Moody
4 yrs ago

@79terrier “I can’t figure out why they are trying to cram in this season when next season would normally start in 3 months. Now they’re going to mess up two seasons”

It’s always the same answer - 💰 💰 During the regular season, half the revenue goes to pay players. In the playoffs, a very small percentage goes to players while the owners get most of playoff tv revenues. That’s the system and it’s been great for both owners and players. No way they give up the playoffs. You may see players playing in portable ventilators. Whatever it takes.

avatar for yahtzee74
4 yrs ago

The players have to be looking forward to these playoffs. Getting away from the wives and girlfriends so they can monger again.

avatar for chessmaster
4 yrs ago

Its legitimate no matter who wins.

avatar for Papi_Chulo
4 yrs ago

I haven't watched ESPN, nor listened to sports radio, in close to a month (whereas b/f it was pretty-much a daily occurrence).

The "New NBA" is gonna be more about "activism" than basketball - it's gonna be a BLM and SJW fuck-fest - they plan to paint "Black Lives Matter" on the court which at the very-least is giving special treatment to one class of people (vs "All Lives Matter"); and secondly "Black Lives Matter" is synonymous with a self-declared Marxist group that is hell-bent on destroying America - I'm not gonna have that shit shoved-down-my-throat when trying to watch a sporting event; I watch sports for entertainment not for politics nor activist indoctrination.

Additionally - the athletes will be walking SJW/activist billboards - they will be allowed to put slogans like "Black Lives Matter" on their jerseys; but ONLY "social justice" slogans (wow, look at the "freedom") - my understanding is they will not be allowed to put anything supporting America like supporting our troops, the police, or even "god bless America"; just "social justice" bullshit - furthermore no one in the NBA is allowed to criticize China and there takeover of Hong Kong - so the NBA is supporting communist-China while saying America sucks - ain't no way I can watch and support that shit.

avatar for Papi_Chulo
4 yrs ago

^ not to mention that no player will be allowed to dissent lest he becomes another Drew Brees or worse

avatar for skibum609
4 yrs ago

Hopefully Covid will infect every pro sports league and they will disappear.

avatar for Cristobal
4 yrs ago

There have been a number of strike or lockout seasons in the NFL, NBA, and NHL and the champions are given their due credit (or not discredited by crĂ­tics and haters).

They are the champions for the season regardless of the circumstances.

Year 2021 sports will be played under special circumstances too.

The NBA season restart might be cancelled if enough players, coaches or support staff test positive.

avatar for skibum609
4 yrs ago

Strikes and lockouts have had a huge effect on how I view sports. I never forgave baseball for the 1981 strike. Prior to 1981 I was going to 10 -25 games a year, starting when I was 10. I have been to 15, all freebies since 1981. Cancel all the seasosn and start next year....maybe.

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