I haven’t clubbed in 2020 yet till this week. I overspent I’m the club, put up some shitty reviews (to which I was called out on, rightfully so) embarrassed my state with my dumbass driving, even caught singing in the car at one point. These skills might be perishable and I’m concerned I forgot how to life. I just may not be the man I used to be.
^ That actually happened to me recently with a pizza delivery guy. Came to my door, opened the box so I can see all was good, handed me the box and just "Have a good day"d before I could hand him the money.
So once I processed the error, I'm just like "... Sir?" and that's when he walked back looking as embarrassed as ever. I don't know if he was rusty or if he was about to take the visuals of the robe I was wearing as payment instead.
Luckily I have been driving to work the whole time unlike some of the train wrecks starting to come back on the road now. I do not want to see what my first round golf is going to be like. On the flip side my home improvement skills have expanded significantly.
@Eve - There have seemed to be a lot of those answering the door naked videos lately on the web:
This kind of thread shows when you vent/try to be funny on TUSCL, you will be flamed relentlessly. And I’m ok with that.
Just give me a couple more visits I’ll get there. This is just my spring training, Bob Uecker saying “just aaaa bit outside”is how I like to think about it rn
We are all a little rusty Mud. I went to Mons Venus last week in Tampa. My first SC visit since January. Singe dances here are $25-35 negotiable. But just about every girl will do 5 for 100 if you ask up front. I forgot to ask. 10 dances cost me $250 instead of $200. Not a big difference but I did fee stupid. She was spectacular so I probably would have given her a tip anyway.
@ Warror - "I did fee stupid"...... funny whether intentional or not.
@ Eve - Thank You; I feel if I am going to spend significant amounts of time doing boob and porn research I may as well pass it along to my fellow mongers when appropriate. Yes, I did catch the fact that you had a robe on...... but hey, a guy can fantasize can't he? Is this getting "busted":
Warrior - You probably got better dances because you were paying extra. Seems like you made out well. No offense to women, but pretty women in a robe, maybe loosely tied, are hotter than when nude. Nothing more erotic than what the imagination can do with a visual.
last comment(I paid her, in case you are wondering.)
So once I processed the error, I'm just like "... Sir?" and that's when he walked back looking as embarrassed as ever. I don't know if he was rusty or if he was about to take the visuals of the robe I was wearing as payment instead.
@Eve - There have seemed to be a lot of those answering the door naked videos lately on the web:
Probably just to get free pizza........
Ashes to ashes
Dust to dust
If it weren’t for women
Your pickle would rust
Proceed to the nearest gun-range and turn in your man-card - just sayin'
Second, I wasn't (visibly) naked! Just in one of my favorite robes. He didn't seem bothered.
But seriously @Mud, you've got yourself a situation that needs your utmost attention.
Just give me a couple more visits I’ll get there. This is just my spring training, Bob Uecker saying “just aaaa bit outside”is how I like to think about it rn
@ Eve - Thank You; I feel if I am going to spend significant amounts of time doing boob and porn research I may as well pass it along to my fellow mongers when appropriate. Yes, I did catch the fact that you had a robe on...... but hey, a guy can fantasize can't he? Is this getting "busted":
No offense to women, but pretty women in a robe, maybe loosely tied, are hotter than when nude. Nothing more erotic than what the imagination can do with a visual.
This is one of my favorite reddits:
Where are you headed after IL?