
Trump = Putin's Useful Idiot ?

In the wind

The best-case scenario is that Russia has dirt on Donald Trump

The New York Times reported this week that Donald Trump was briefed in March that a Russian intelligence unit that “has been linked to assassination attempts and other covert operations in Europe intended to destabilize the West or take revenge on turncoats” offered Afghan insurgents bounties to kill US troops. “Islamist militants, or armed criminal elements closely associated with them, are believed to have collected some bounty money,” according to the report, which was confirmed by The Washington Post and The Wall Street Journal. Twenty US service members were killed in Afghanistan last year.

Trump was given “a menu of potential options” to respond to the attacks, but “the White House has yet to authorize any step.”

A month later, in late April, Trump and Russian President Vladimir Putin “issued a rare joint statement” commemorating US and Russian forces linking up in Germany during World War II, saying it was “an example of how our countries can put aside differences, build trust, and cooperate in pursuit of a greater cause.”

Two weeks later, in early May, he bragged about his efforts to forge closer ties with Russia to a gathering of Republican lawmakers, saying, “all of a sudden, we have this great friendship. And, by the way, getting along with Russia is a great thing, getting along with Putin and Russia is a great thing.”

Later that month, he outraged other Western leaders by inviting Putin to attend the G7 meeting. He then spoke to Putin about getting Russia re-admitted to the organization that had expelled it over Russia’s annexation of Crimea.

There has long been speculation that Russia has some sort of kompromat on Trump. Mythical “pee tapes” aside, Trump has longstanding ties to the Russian mob dating back 30 years. Russian money poured into Trumpworld when no bank would give him a loan after his casinos went belly-up. Russian oligarchs and other members of the country’s elite have reportedly snatched up $100 million worth of his tacky properties in Florida alone. He made over $50 million on one “strange” real estate deal with Dmitry Rybolovlev, a billionaire oligarch.

If Russia has dirt on Trump, that may be the best-case scenario. Because what are the alternatives? That he’s such a narcissist that Putin’s praise so flatters him that he’s willing to overlook Russia putting bounties on US troops’ heads? That he’s thanking them for meddling in the 2016 and 2020 elections on his behalf? That it’s just an act of trolling or revenge against the intelligence community and the FBI for embarrassing him with their reports of Russian interference and subsequent investigations? Or is he looking to assure that Russian cash continues to flow into his businesses after he leaves office? Maybe he still has high hopes to get that Trump Tower Moscow deal off the ground.

If the Commander-in-Chief is continuing to do Russia’s bidding after being informed that they’re paying people to kill US soldiers because they could destroy him, or possibly land him in prison, that would at least be an act of self-preservation. The alternatives are pettier, and would show that not only can he be bought off, but that he can be had cheaply.

Separately, a new book review of Catherine Belton's 'Putin's People' provides another source for the belief that Putin has kompramat on useful idiot Trump.


Putin’s People: How the KGB Took Back Russia and Then Took On the West, Catherine Belton, Harper Collins (U.K.) and Macmillan Publishers (U.S.), 640 pp., £22, April 2020 ($17, June 2020 in United States)

The signs may have been there for decades, but the KGB’s continuing influence only came to the attention of most in the West in 2016 with evidence that Moscow had intervened on behalf of Donald Trump in the U.S. presidential elections. Belton dives deeply into the world of the post-Soviet hucksters who surrounded Trump long before his White House bid, identifying their ties to Russian intelligence and how they used KGB tactics to entangle the future president in a web of financial obligation. “In the beginning, Trump’s business was probably no more than a convenient vehicle through which to funnel funds into the U.S.,” writes Belton, as she traces his contacts with figures like construction tycoon Agas Agalarov, antique smuggler Shalva Tchigirinsky, and oil-trader Tamir Sapir, who all “operated in the half-light between the Russian security services and the mob.” Gradually, these relationships deepened, and Belton suggests that “at some point Trump became a political opportunity.”


  • rickdugan
    4 years ago
    Um joker, I hate to throw water on this all sizzle but no meat bootstrapping of random events and hyperbole, but Trump has hardly been a great friend to Putin. He has armed the Ukraine with more serious weapons, worked to destabilize several of Russia's allies and vehemently opposed Western Europe's expansion of natural gas purchases from Russia. Whatever he has been saying out loud for diplomacy purposes, his actions have spoken louder than words.
  • RamPaige
    4 years ago
    Fake news. It's just more modern day McCarthyism that is trying to scare Americans into ballooning up our military budget. NYT again playing the propaganda arm as they did many times before of our states department into pushing our never ending war policy.
  • JamesSD
    4 years ago
    I'm disgusted even more by Trump. I can't imagine veterans supporting him
  • OrangeClown
    4 years ago
    "I'm disgusted even more by Trump. I can't imagine veterans supporting him."

    Trump is an inspiration for our fighting men and women. They respect his military experience as a war hero during his service for the country in his two tours of Vietnam. The kind words and respect he showed his close friend, the late former POW John McCain, only added to the respect and popularity the president holds with military families, especially those who've lost loved ones in battle or are MIA.
    Source: Fox News.
  • ATACdawg
    4 years ago
    Lol, orange. Great tongue in cheek humor.
  • JamesSD
    4 years ago
    This likely will be the big scandal of the election.

    I can tell it's bad, conservatives are trying to ignore it
  • RandomMember
    4 years ago
    "Trump has hardly been a great friend to Putin."
    Right. That's why Trump invited Putin to join the G7.

    This should be an election scandal, but my guess is that it will be dismissed as "fake news" from the NY TImes. @Mark94 will will offer proof any second now from one of his conspiracy-theory sits.
  • RandomMember
    4 years ago
  • skibum609
    4 years ago
    Rather be on the same side as the Russians; with whom we've been allies, than the Chinese the Democrats love who are our true mortal enemies.
  • rickdugan
    4 years ago
    ^ Randumb, next time read my entire post and respond. Because using some one-off press headline to refute my contention, after everything that I posted to support it, just makes you look stupid. And no, all opinions are not equally valid when you look that stupid. ;)

    Also, once you are done reading slowly, maybe you could explain how an invitation to an economic forum that really does nothing substantive changes anything from a world security standpoint. In other words, support your contention with something concrete...if you are up to it. I suspect not because you are limited, like C school English teacher whose head is constantly stuck in some fluffy zone, but unable to bear down with any analytical rigor.
  • OrangeClown
    4 years ago
    @SkiCunt. preach, brother, agree 100 percent. If any country is gonna offer bounties to kill our troops, it warms my heart to see it's Russia, our BFFs.
  • mark94
    4 years ago
    Trump talks tough: Fucking warmonger
    Trump talks diplomatically: In Putin’s pocket.
  • joker44
    4 years ago
    The NYT article is a solid piece of journalism. But it may be like some Watergate era stories that were later found to contain small errors or unwarranted conclusions. It provides an opportunity for some True Believers to use the paranoid trick of nitpicking details to deny the overwhelming context:

    Watergate - Nixon was a paranoid crook who misused his power to attack his political opponents as if they were enemies; Trump as a life-long
    antisocial-narcissistic character disorder misuses his power to defend his unwarranted, exaggerated sense of importance, enrich himself and family at taxpayer expense, and to attack his legitimate critics as if they were enemies rather than defenders of the rule of law.

    Catherine Belton's new book, 'Putin’s People: How the KGB Took Back Russia and Then Took On the West' primarily traces the rise of Putin to Russia's leader and his unbending mission. It is an entirely separate source from the NYT article. Trump only appears briefly as a sideshow...as a high-profile useful idiot corrupted and bent to Putin's mission by Putin's oligarch 'pals'.

    And Putin's mission since the 1980's:

    Belton argues that Putin has never been “bent” from his mission to restore the power of the KGB, which once seemed to have been consigned to history alongside the Soviet Union. And she traces the careers of Putin and his associates from mid-level spies in the 1980s, through the upheaval of the 1990s, to the very top of Russian politics and business. They have forged a system, Belton argues, that uses the KGB playbook to keep a tight grip on power, manipulate hundreds of billions of dollars in money flows, and spread Russian influence deep into the West.

    Even if the NYT article is ultimately discredited there is ample evidence from Belton, David Cay Johnson, and other Trump critics that Trump & family are financially dependent on Russian oligarch money and ultimately on Putin. The so-called 'pee tapes' are just a sideshow spectacle; narcissistic Trump sees himself above common morality and shame and would never be upset by their release except as it threatens his desire to retain power.

  • twentyfive
    4 years ago
    How can a very stable genius become a useful idiot 😁😁
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