OT: Feeling frustrated and impotent

avatar for Papi_Chulo
Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
All these radical law-breaking Marxists protests have me frustrated and feeling impotent as to what to do when those in power are not stepping up to put a stop to lawlessness and in many cases supporting their actions.

Just heard of the following website which at least makes me feel like I can do something even if it's small:


Per their website:

"... Our current and most urgent campaign is to raise money to sustain 8 officers that were maliciously targeted and wrongly arrested by Fulton County DA Paul Howard for doing nothing more than their jobs. These attacks are not only against our brothers but against the rule of law ..."


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avatar for rickdugan
5 years ago
GTFO out of that shithole that is Miami. Here in NE FL we feel as empowered as ever. ;)
avatar for Papi_Chulo
5 years ago
We need counter-protests - "battles of ideas" don't work against Marxists (did not work well in 1917 Russia and have never worked against Marxists movements)
avatar for JamesSD
5 years ago
Funny I feel the same way about lawful protestors and bystanders getting shot
avatar for Papi_Chulo
5 years ago
^ we need pro rule-of-law protests
avatar for SanchoRG
5 years ago
Nothing stopping people starting a pro rule-of-law protest.

Might be more people willing if the rule-of-law was applied equally to those in power. As it is, they ignore it and I ignore it as far as I can
avatar for Papi_Chulo
5 years ago
Today - the Marxists are going after statues - tomorrow they go after you
avatar for SanchoRG
5 years ago
Marxist 1 to Marxist 2: Hey so good news, we raised $5M for guns to distribute and implement our purge plan immediately.

Marxist 1 and 2 to Marxist 3: Did you hear the good news comrade? We raised $3M for guns to distribute and implement our purge plan within the year!

They are incompetent, greedy idiots only capable of petty crimes in the USA. They are not a threat and if they started using lethal force, they would be snuffed out by even a slim minority of an actively resisting population.
avatar for Player11
5 years ago
I don’t like their (protesters) threatening nazi comments “silence is racism” or whatever.
avatar for JamesSD
5 years ago
Destroy all statues of Confederate losers and traitors and replace them with Union heroes.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
5 years ago
These "protests" are far past George Floyd, and even past confederate statues - it's a Marxist movement that sees an opportunity and is ceasing on it -BLM believes in Marxist tactics if not outright Marxist rule thus white Marxists and BLM are gonna clique - the white Marxists top-agenda is not "better treatment for black people", the current racial-unrest is just an opportunity for them to do what they do best which is cause chaos and hopefully cause enough chaos to start a domino-effect while mainstream America just sits idly by expecting it will just fizzle out - not all Marxist revolutions are successful, but not all fail either - it is concerning how BLM is not allowed to be questioned and are being protected by most of the media, and armed by many corporations to the tune of 100s-of-millions-of-dollars - most Marxist revolutions start small, but if not stamped out early-on, it can turn the corner and then be too-late.
avatar for SanchoRG
5 years ago
The day I see more than 1/10 of these Marxist protesters than can run a mile is the day I start worrying. Doubly so for the white supremacists
avatar for Muddy
5 years ago
Papi I agree completely. These SJW Marxist types control the schools and the media almost completely now. Everything you see on TV is through that lens. I’ve never felt more pessimistic than now about the future of this country. They got to our children and your seeing it with all these SJW babies coming up. I’m also so concerned how quickly this country sides with the crook in all of these video situations without any of facts/backstory. I just don’t think a lot of America realizes that 1. police officers are not invincible and 2. Some of these crooks are really some bad dudes and they are licking there chops every time the left gains another yard. It’s sad I may have to flee NYC one day. I can’t raise a family in Liberaland where the crooks somehow get to be the heros
avatar for Papi_Chulo
5 years ago
What happens w/ most Marxist revolutions is that most people are unable to see the truth - the avg person thinks "yeah - change is awesome - bring down the system" - but they are unaware of what is coming behind that and are unaware of what they are truly supporting - I doubt many would think the 70-years of Soviet rule were a "great change", or that the 60-years of Cuban communism have been "awesome and a great step forward for the Cuban people"; most people would not see that as great change, well unless you are Colin Kaepernick; yeah that guy is no fucking martyr, he's a fucking Marxist that would prefer to see a Cuban style government be implemented in our country; Kaepernick's anti-flag "martyrism" is mostly due to his anti-American Marxist views that want to tear down America and build a new Marxist utopia a la Cuba, vs it being about "equality".
avatar for Muddy
5 years ago
Your right it’s only a matter of time before the killings start. Always just one more body away. It’s like people forgot the millions that were slaughtered in the name of communism. The left has become a cancer to America. I think it might be it’s undoing.
avatar for MackTruck
5 years ago
Take a boner pill
avatar for BAngus
5 years ago
About that "Destroy all statues of Confederate losers and traitors and replace them with Union heroes."...

The rioters have already gone after Grant and Lincoln, they won't stop until they all are replaced with Marx, Lenin, Guevara and Castro.
avatar for CJKent (Banned)
CJKent (Banned)
5 years ago

Until you start focusing on what needs to be done and do it, rather than what is politically possible there is no hope.
avatar for twentyfive
5 years ago
Someone is suffering from stripclub withdrawal symptoms !
avatar for skibum609
5 years ago
The idea the civil war was the brave North seeking to free the slaves is simply fake history. Not until after Gettysburg and Vicksburg do we get the emancipation proclamation, in 1863. Prior to that it was all about restoring the union. Of course the North had no right to try to force the South to stay, as every State retained the tight to leave, as it was not reserved to the Federal government in the constitution. Anyone who still thinks of America as a country that will be successful in the future is in for a very rude awakening. The young are killing their future and my past lol
Fucking retards.
avatar for misterorange
5 years ago
Just a suggestion - before donating to any charity it's a good idea to research them. The FTC recommends four organizations that evaluate authenticity and rate charities. https://www.consumer.ftc.gov/articles/00…
I didn't find the exact name "First Responders Support Fund" on any of the four vetting organizations. Not saying they're fake or a fraud, but they're not well-known enough to be rated, so I'd be a little cautious before donating.

I did learn that the Gary Sinise Foundation has the highest possible rating from 3 out of the 4 organizations, with the fourth still in the process of rating them. In addition to supporting military veterans and their families, they are heavily involved with first responders. They also have an expense ratio of only $4 per $100 donated.
avatar for Warrior15
5 years ago
What ever happened to the movement of " Blue Lives Matter " ? I support the police. Are there a few bad apples ? Sure, but dont' overthrow the system because of a handful of bad cops.
avatar for TheeOSU
5 years ago
It's not just about confederate statues. As has already been said they tried tearing down U S Grant's statue. Those morons probably don't even know who Grant was, they just want to destroy. He's probably the man most responsible for the confederate defeat.
Those punks remind me of the Taliban who blew up Buddhist statues because they didn't represent what the Taliban stood for.
avatar for SanchoRG
5 years ago
A few bad apples will literally spoil the whole barrel. That’s the folk saying and it is rooted in absolute truth
avatar for gammanu95
5 years ago
The fault lies squarely with a corrupt, complicit, agenda-driven mainstream media, and an immoral democrat party- who is so frightened by their own loony progressive wing- that casts aside all pretense of law and justice and lusts after nothing but power and control.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
5 years ago
"... Just a suggestion - before donating to any charity it's a good idea to research them ..."

Absolutely - lots of poorly ran "charities" that are not worth giving to - IDK much about the one I posted; I heard about it on the Hannity TV show where he was interviewing former NYC police Commissioner Bernard Kerick, Kerick was in Atlanta supporting the cops there at a first-responders gathering - it doesn't appear Kerick is affiliated with the charity bc he got the name wrong and someone at the gathering corrected him - seems it's something just recently created based on recent issues in ATL.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
5 years ago
They are now starting to go after FaceBook.

Some brands have stated they will no longer place ads on FB b/c of the "hate speech" allowed on FB - of course a post like "kill all black people" should be considered hate-speech - but in the current climate just saying "all lives matter" or just asking "does Black Live Matters movement have Marxist intentions?", will likely be considered "hate speech" - the anti "hate speech" campaign will soon be the silencing of any opinion not considered woke.
avatar for gammanu95
5 years ago
It's cancel culture, papi. Allowing equal access to all opinions is no longer acceptable. If you do not enforce policies as dictated to you by them or behave in the manner they want you to (regardless of law or legitimacy) then they will try to kill your reputation, your business, and even your family. They ttied to invade Chris Tucker's home and attack his family. It's been happening in the CHOP. It's happening in Atlanta. And right now, if I woke up to an intruder in my kitchen -even if he was armed- and I shot him, I am reasonable concerned that I would be prosecuted for a felony. Law, order, justice, logic have all seemed to be right out the window. This is a dangerous new world.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
5 years ago
^ it's a 21st-century Bolshevik revolution - it's what the instigators want but most of America is blind to it and just calls it woke.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
5 years ago
FYI - if the "woke" crowd gets into power via the Dems, it stands to reason the U.S.A. will get a new name. Why? Well, America was named after Amerigo Vespucci (early 16th century explorer) - well "rumor has it" Mr Vespucci was a slave-owner thus we can't have the United States of *America* being named after a slave-owner can we; so if we're are gonna be "woke" then that name has to go - perhaps we'll get renamed The United States of Venezuela
avatar for Papi_Chulo
5 years ago
America has gone from "you can have/state your opinion even if people don't agree with it and that is what makes America America", to "only opinions the "woke" crowd considers acceptable are the ones acceptable in the current America" - and IMO the problem is not where we are, but where we might be headed.
avatar for joker44
5 years ago
⬆ Here's some provocative counterpoint framed in the same language used by alt-right
"For Trump and his man-baby fans, "free speech" means they get to act out with no consequences"


"It's always been obvious that for Trump and other conservatives who whine about "political correctness," the entire concept of freedom of speech had nothing to do with the constitutional bar on government censorship. It was always about asserting their presumed privilege to say bigoted, stupid or false things with no pushback or correction from other people using their own free-speech rights.

[...]"So when you hear conservatives waxing poetic about "free speech" and the supposed evils of "political correctness," know this: It's total bullshit. They're asserting a made-up special right to spew noxious lies and hate speech, totally free of criticism or consequences, while everyone else is obliged to shut the hell up."
avatar for Papi_Chulo
5 years ago
^ problem is up to now one has been able to freely criticize no-matter what side one is on - in the current-normal, criticism means the woke mob will come after you and destroy you vs just criticize you - right now, depending on your position, you *could* lose your job/business if you criticize the woke movement, in a few years, you could lose your actual physical freedom b/c the woke crowd will consider it as an illegal act against the woke-state to criticize their view of things.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
5 years ago
When I recently started hearing about Killer Hornets - I didn't know it was actually gonna be a euphemism for the current woke movement
avatar for gammanu95
5 years ago
and joker44 lapses back into "orange man bad" rhetoric using... wait for it... "Salon" as his reference!!LOL!! Total Trump Derangement Syndrome. So pathetic. Worse than just being pathetic, it does nothing to address the point that Papi has made about how unreal our current domestic political situation has become. Cities are doing nothing to stop arson, armed occupiers, vandals, looting and rioting, not to mention MURDER. When a cop does defend himself and the crook loses his life, said cop is arrested and charged with 11 felonies. I will not expect a cop to show up to defend my life, my family, or my property. If I were a cop, I probably would be spending a lot of time just cruising and listening to tunes with the windows up. I'm armed and ready; and if I can, the perp's body is getting fed to the gators. Otherwise, I risk getting arrested and charged with 11 felonies for defending myself.
avatar for joker44
5 years ago
Trump Derangement Syndrome
The mental derangement manifesting in right-wing supporters of Donald Trump who reject rational discussions of Trump's undeniable unfitness for the office he currently holds. Like Trump, TDS sufferers have a severe break with reality (that he is incompetent and unfit) and use various psychological coping mechanisms in pathological ways to avoid dealing with it. These include:

denial where TDS sufferers simply refuse to admit to facts

regression where TDS sufferers fall back on name-calling (i.e. libtards, the far, far left, communists, facists, radicals, America-haters, man-haters, white-haters ect.)

projection where TDS sufferers accuse rational folks of the maladies they and Trump suffer from (instability, poor work ethic, low curiosity, abject knowledge, pathological dishonesty, corruption, narcissism, unpopularity, racism, bias, prejudice, criminality, indecision, timidity and general poor mental and physical health)

whataboutism where TDS sufferers refuse to deal with facts about Trump's unacceptable behavior by switching the topic

deflection where TDS sufferers attempt to switch the focus to something other than themselves and Trump

equivalence where TDS sufferers attempt to claim that Trump and themselves are well within norms

exaggeration where TDS sufferers attempt to portray opponents as far outside norms

conspiracy groupies where TDS sufferers imbibe preposterous conspiracy theories that have been thoroughly debunked
avatar for MackTruck
5 years ago
I got a boner pill
avatar for anthony6613
5 years ago
I agree with you Papi. Most of law and order types aren’t going to be out protesting with the coronavirus threat.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
5 years ago

After a 15-man-deep FBI investigation, the famous "noose" in Bubba Wallace's garage is apparently a "misunderstanding" - they showed a vid of it today, actually a still-pic of a vid, and it was obvious it was just a rope with a loop used a handle to pull down the garage door - video surfaced that the loop (aka "racist noose") was in that garage since 2019 even b/f that garage was assigned to Wallace - not only that, but other garages also had it and have had it b/c it's used as a door-handle to pull down the garage doors (and it was obvious from the pic it was a loop vs a noose since it was just big enough to be grabbed by a hand).

But - NASCAR and Wallace still insist it was a noose and "the investigation shall go on" - NASCAR now wants to be one of the super-wokers in a race to see who's the king of being the most non-racist - it's now a corporate arms-race to see who's the most non-racist and anyone that dares to get in the way will be dealt with swiftly - a few people had the courage, or perhaps gall, to actually question this so-called "racist noose" and ask we should not rush to judgement till an investigation was completed, but almost immediately they were labeled racists and demagogues merely for having the gall to wait till an investigation was completed b/f rushing-to-judgement. Wallace has been a driver for a long-time, it' doesn't take a genius to realize he should have known what that loop was used for; I think he thought he was now untouchable and anything he said everyone would just bow-down to his claims (and he was right b/c that's exactly what happened w/o question for the most-part) - and you know what would've happened to anyone that dared to question if it was actually a noose; that would have been *put* in a woke-noose). There's lawlessness all over the country including people taking over public streets; yet there is a supposed "noose" found in a garage and right-away there is a team of 15-fucking FBI-agents descending on the scene. This is what one calls hysteria w.r.t. racism by the mainstream which is actually counter-productive when many immediately cry out "RACISM" while having zero facts.

And if that wasn't enough - there was the mayor of Oakland that wanted to win browny-points as a "woke freedom fighter" by claiming an exercise loop placed in a park for exercising resembled a noose and it was a clear symbol of white-supremacy (https://valorguardians.com/blog/?p=10127… ).

I must be living in an alternate universe or this is just all a bad-dream and I'll wake up soon enough - I thought I had left Cuba and its Marxism behind 40 years ago and never dreamed I'd be seeing it again with my own eyes especially on American soil - #Sad (and the sad part about it is not the Marxists, but that a seemingly big-chunk of mainstream America seemingly giving these Marxists an attaboy which is not only sad but actually dangerous).
avatar for BigDickSammy_
5 years ago
I have never had an impotent problem. I did get a black eye once when i got a sudden hard on
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