Simps are ruining clubs

Degenerate gambler and virgin
I’m currently at Oasis as I type, a guy is tipping girls on stage 20s and 50s, why? Why are u bringing up the price of the Pussy! These are dollar and ten dollar hoes! U guys ruin clubs just get an escort.
@papi_chulo #allPLSmatter
About once a year, there is a story about someone caught embezzling who spent all the money in strip clubs.
They are spending money they don’t have to impress people they don’t know.
The clubs may market to different type of clientele at that end of the say, it is all about the money.
So if some guy goes into a club throwing money at the girls and manipulating most of the talent, so be it, I do not let it ruin my experience.
I find another girl, go to another club, or call it night and save my money to monger another day.
Yeap - one of my biggest gripes about the famous Follies is their practice of selling-tables - as many know, Follies is not very big and due to its popularity it's either busy, or packed - the club is not big enough to have a dedicated VIP seating section especially with the large crowds it gets - so if someone shows up and wants a table, they tip the staff to kick someone out of a table - the tipper may think "the staff is just making a table available for them", but the reality is he's paying the staff for his personal comfort of getting a table by getting someone kicked out of it (instead of waiting till one opens up like most people do) - and I'm thinking the staff is probably pocketing that $$$ - I don't mind a club having VIP seating just reserved for VIP as long as they have adequate seating for non VIP - but in a small and busy club that doesn't work and they resort to kicking people out of tables.
I've seen TV documentaries of exactly that - embezzlers that spend big in clubs (was also very popular back in the day/1980's down-here in Miami when drug-dealing was rampant and most didn't hide it - one could see it at night-clubs as well as strip-clubs) - but I assume that's more of the exception and that there are plenty of people that have been very successful and like to spend big in clubs (business owners w/ successful businesses; successful executives; trust-funds/inheritances; etc) - anyway I was watching TV tonight and was watching the series "American Greed" and sure-enough there was an episode of a fat-black-lesbian chick (Keisha Williams) that conned million$ from unsuspecting investors and part of her way to enjoy her ill-gained million$ was going to strip-clubs with her girlfriend (former NFL cheerleader) and making it rain huge stacks at a time the sizes of bricks (why not - it wasn't her $$$) - she would take constant vacations to places like Fiji and Bora Bora where she would stay at the most expensive villa in the resort - she owned a home but when she was home would spend half the time at the Ritz-Carlton (presidential suite mind you) in part b/c it was attached to the upscale Tyson Galleria Mall where she and her GF could go constantly shopping for big ticket items (no remorse w.r.t. this bitch and she left a trail of bodies financially speaking while she was living the life of a sultan) - she eventually got 15-years.
I have a club I go into frequently and when I first started going there I noticed that some girls would get bitchy with girls I paid attention to. I chose to do a Charlie Sheen type thing and pay them a few bucks when they are on stage so that they would "go away". Of course I didn't have to do that but sometimes a few bucks a trip to make people stay away is the most peaceful way to go. At this point, I don't have to do it as they all understand who I like but a few bucks for peace is easy. One of them actually stood up for me when I brought a drink into the club and there was a new bouncer.
so the bouncer who normally would be on duty would always let you in with a drink already in your hand?
... if that’s possible I would like that club!
As far as guys who spend a lot... What im seeing a lot of is convention goers or birthday guys splurging as a one time thing. Then you get like 5 guys getting a $100 bottle each throwing $200 in ones to girls in their section. Its not what it used to be.
The economy and Cubans are making prices go down in clubs that want to survive
The biggest change is the power of any kind of social media clout because so many of these girls basically live on social media