Interesting OTC tactic

avatar for goldmongerATL
The Square Above Charlie Weaver
I went to a club today.

I saw 4 female customers come in that I recognize as dancers. Two came in and immediately sat with a regular. They chatted for 15 minutes, had a couple of drinks and the three left together. The other two girls went straight to guys sitting at the bar. One couple left after only 5 minutes and the other couple was still there when I left.

Most clubs have strict rules about girls leaving with customers and leaving before their shift. But if they come in as customers the club really can't enforce that.

The clubs must be pissed for several reasons. They are not getting tipout from these girls, but the girls are making money. They are removing a customer from the club. In the post-COVID situation, not many girls are willing to work and these girls are adding that situation.


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avatar for shadowcat
5 years ago
Clubs used to not allow unaccompanied females into their clubs to prevent this. Not sure if this is still going on or not. I don't think they can legally keep them out unless they can prove that they are soliciting.
avatar for whodey
5 years ago
I know a lot of clubs won't allow their dancers to be in the club when they aren't working to prevent this. I don't know if there is anything they can do about dancers from other clubs coming in. I guess they can prohibit certain girls (such as girls they suspect of prostitution) from coming in since it is private property and they can refuse entry to anyone they choose as long as it isn't because of a protected class such as race or gender.
avatar for goldmongerATL
5 years ago
This is at the Oasis and they are Oasis dancers, not from other clubs. Who's to say they are not greasing somebody for the privilege, either? Or at least making sure the whale leaves a really big tip.

There was also a table with a couple of solid two's that were obviously legitimate customers. I think it is becoming more common for LGBT women to go to strip clubs, so really hard to enforce that rule. How would that go? "You're too hot to be a customer. You gotta leave!"
avatar for Subraman
5 years ago
I don't know any local clubs that allow strippers who work there, to come in when they're not working
avatar for Salty.Nutz
5 years ago
This might be the new norm: I predicted these and reference this review:
Thats pretty much the norm in latin american clubs. However, the club gets a kick back to pull girls out of the club.
avatar for Salty.Nutz
5 years ago
I have never pulled any girls out of clubs, but in Colombia, the take out fee was about 300 USD. I have never partaked, but these were model type ladys of the night. you still have negotiate with the lady. Total cost was about 1200, thats what i hear. never done any of this just hearsay
avatar for Eve
5 years ago
At my old club, once girls were in their normal clothes, they were not allowed to talk to customers (And vice versa). If they were caught doing so, the bouncer would walk over and promptly separate them.

I never saw my co-workers do this at my current club, so I don't know about there, but it's pretty much assumed that even if the girl is a dancer at that club on the clock, taking to customers on their off the clock time is a BIG no no.

When I monger at a club, I always have a male companion with me. And if there is a customer that I just happen to know that comes up to talk to me, we exchange hellos and how are yous, but that's about it.
avatar for Salty.Nutz
5 years ago
Expect prices to be between 1.5 and 3 k in the US. thats for model type girls that dont use needles to get high
avatar for Eve
5 years ago
Talking** to customers on their off the clock time. Fucking autocorrect.]
avatar for misterorange
5 years ago
Here's a thought: Maybe the club is sanctioning the practice (for a fee) as a way to skirt the Covid restrictions? Most reports I've seen say the clubs that have re-opened are pretty dead. SCs aren't any fun with all the distancing, masks, etc. Maybe they can make more $ by operating as sort of a covert escort service. Given the speed of their departures, it sounds like both the females and the male customers knew of the arrangement in advance. If they had made plans privately among themselves, then why bother meeting at the club? Could be the management set up the meetings for some of their regulars, and the whole "female customer" act is a way for them to deny involvement if LE starts poking around.
avatar for goldmongerATL
5 years ago
@Misterorange yes it makes little sense. If you are in communication enough to set up a meet, why at the club?

Just guessing, but the dancers may have arranged to "party" at the club and quickly suggested they shift elsewhere. This is a bit of an odd club where dancers will party with a big spender and hardly even dance for him. A guy will have 2-3 dancers at his table for hours. The way I understand it, they get well compensated for their time at the end of the party.
avatar for Cashman1234
5 years ago
The meet up at a strip club is definitely odd. If they wanted a neutral meeting spot - they could have just met at a bar. Meeting at a strip club (where they dance), must have been sanctioned by the club. I think MisterOrange is on to something.
avatar for Icey
5 years ago
The manager is definitely getting a cut
avatar for rickdugan
5 years ago
Most clubs that I visit regularly enough to know well don't allow this. Sometimes the girls can sit with a customer for a bit after their shifts and have a couple of drinks, but they can't just stroll in and do this they are not working that day.
avatar for Longball300
5 years ago
Well if the club was smart they would the girls who indulge in such activities to come in on their off shift days and / or after their shift is over to perform such conversations for a fee. It's what they do anyway.
avatar for Eve
5 years ago
^ Sounds awfully pimpy. One of the main points of arranging OTC meets is so that the club can't take money from the girls' earnings.
avatar for Longball300
5 years ago
I agree with your point Eve; just trying to keep everyone open, happy and making money. This happens at some of the clubs in Canada whether the dancer is on her shift or not. Dancers have been known to adjourn to a nearby hotel and then return to the club.
avatar for Cashman1234
5 years ago
Eve - the way you say pimpy gives it such a negative connotation. These clubs are simply helping their independent contractors to increase cash flow during an economic downturn. It seems very charitable to me....
avatar for goldmongerATL
5 years ago
I visited twice since the reopen and there were multiple off-duty dancers each time. I can recall seeing this fairly often pre-COVID. Yesterday was the first time I noticed them leaving with a custy. It may have always been happening and I did not notice, but I do not know. I also noticed there is now only one floor guy and he is not on the floor maybe 1/3 of the time. Maybe the word is out you might not get caught leaving together if you wait for the floor guy to take a frequent break.

It could also be that given the COVID break these girls may have not come back to dancing yet. At what point are they former dancers and not subject to club rules? The stripper world is a strange world that does not always follow real world logic.
avatar for Eve
5 years ago
@Cashman. In a place where worries of being arrested for solicitation or prostitution doesn't exist, it would be charitable (depending on the girl's perspective). And even if club management had the girls best interest in mind by doing that, they're setting themselves up even further for potentially getting raided and in deeper shit.

But I don't want to give the club any money to pretend that I'm just going out with this guy "to get taco bell" because anything outside of just dancing there isn't their business.
And does it sound fair for the dancers on shift that aren't willing to do OTC meets to have girls that aren't working just come in, mingle with customers as custies themselves, and then leave with them and any money they might have spent ITC?
avatar for goldmongerATL
5 years ago
@Eve your points are even more pertinent because this club is under heavy city scrutiny as they have been trying to shut it down for years. To get around some recent law they even have to use a fan or other prop while dancing so they can say it is "burlesque" and not stripping. The whole thing just does not make sense as far as letting it go on from a club perspective.
avatar for rattdog
5 years ago
this was pre corona .
i would be outside the club smoking a marlboro 100. it would be around the time of changing shifts. there's a customer ahead of me heading to his car. then about 10-15 minutes later the dancer he's been having drinks with has her street clothes on and heads to the guy's car and off they go.

one time my fave was in street clothes. i'm bummed as i know she won't be entertaining me that day. she tells me she's at the club to wait for somebody. i['m guessing this is an OTC arrangement. manager comes up and says to her, "if you are not working today then you have to wait by the front entrance area." seems like dancers are not allowed to hang around like that on their off days but waitresses or bartenders can.
avatar for Cashman1234
5 years ago
@Eve I agree with your post. I was joking about pimpy having a negative connotation.

Depending on the club location, it’s possible LE may be looking more closely at dancer interaction - to make sure the virus does not spread due to lax social distancing in clubs - and to make sure dancers don’t offer prostitution (as they are in need of money).
avatar for Papi_Chulo
5 years ago
Most things are pretty-much virus-dependent - hard to say exactly what the economy or most-things related will be like in the future as long as the virus continues to be a threat, and continues to be unpredictable (some areas spiking, some areas holding steady, some areas not affected much).

I "assume" things will get back to normal fairly-quickly once the threat of the virus can be more contained (starts weakening/spreading on its own; or there's treatment; or there's a vaccine; etc) - pretty-much everyone wants to get back to life as it was pre-Covid and I assume there's a good amount of pent-up demand for traveling, vacations, letting-off-steam - I'm not one to constantly socialize/party but I do like having the option of a change-of-scenery from time to time and if Covid was not an issue tomorrow it would not be long b/f I took a little trip (minor vacation) for a change-of-scenery and a little getaway from the same-old same-old.

w.r.t. air-travel, and more specifically business-travel, I assume once the virus-threat diminishes that most of that will come back - yes the lockdown forced many things to be done virtually but IDK how much of that will stick post-Covid and IDK how ready we are at the current-time to significantly change to mostly-virtual vs physical - e.g. yeah telemedicine may have its advantages/efficiencies, but for the most-part I think most folks rather talk to a doc f2f and be examined f2f vs virtually; and the same may apply to other types of services.

The economy was doing well pre-Covid and has done better than expected thru Covid - I think things are mostly in place to "get back at it" per se and for the economy to come back strong if the virus is not in the way - but the longer the virus keeps being in the way, yeah likely the harder/longer it will be to get things back to full-speed; *absent* of the virus-threat I see most things getting back close to full-strength in the short vs long term, with some exceptions perhaps like cruise-travel that seem to be disproportionately affected w.r.t. outbreaks.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
5 years ago
^ wrong thread - LOL (after all that writing)
avatar for Longball300
5 years ago
^ well, at least it was well written.
avatar for Icey
5 years ago
The manager had to be taking a cut. Theres no way that would be allowed
avatar for Mr_O
5 years ago
You mean men and women hook up at a club for sex? Never heard of any such thing. :)
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