
Photo gallery

The view from the other side of the room
Monday, April 27, 2020 2:12 PM
Waste of server space? Or welcome content, especially when there's not much else?


  • Muddy
    4 years ago
    I like it
  • gSteph
    4 years ago
    You find pics of pretty women boring?
  • MalakingDog
    4 years ago
    not enough details
  • Eve
    4 years ago
    They can't 'advertise' much if their local clubs are closed. I think the photo gallery might go back to the way it was once clubs return to normal business... whenever that will be. The only 'help' they can ask for now is through online platforms, which a number of active/nonlurking members on here don't seem to care for.
  • Papi_Chulo
    4 years ago
    I don't really look at it - doesn't so much for me.
  • Warrior15
    4 years ago
    I do appreciate Longball300's photo gallery.
  • Pistrolla
    4 years ago
    I wish BBBC would put up more hot photos
  • loper
    4 years ago
    Please keep it!
  • Heellover
    4 years ago
    Yes keep it, maybe a separate section for actual entertainers.
  • gSteph
    4 years ago
    No one is suggesting doing away with photo gallery. Scrub went and posted 'waste of server space' on half a dozen pictures because he thinks it should only be for strippers to offer themselves. I like the gallery just to see pretty or interesting pictures.
  • Lone_Wolf
    4 years ago
    Like it.
  • gSteph
    4 years ago
    No problem, just my opinion, I like pics of pretty women, and there's not a lot of other content here till strip clubs return, or people write old stories
  • IfIGottaBeDamned
    4 years ago
    I like the Photo Gallery as a backend resource for dancers’ marketing photos or for photos used to illustrate posts and articles (i.e. Reverend Hornibastard’s excellent articles.) In this case, the Photo Gallery supports original content. And for that reason I hope it continues. But to use it as just a place to drop yet another copy of free and widely available photos. That does seem to be a waste of space. Plus, I don’t know if serving up copyrighted material in this manner exposes Founder to any legal liability.
  • Papi_Chulo
    4 years ago
    I would only be somewhat interested if a certain pic could be linked to a particular dancer's profile
  • BBBC
    4 years ago
    "if it was strippers/dancers it would be great... it has become an extension of doing a search on google for porn.. boring as fuck" ^ hell yeah desertscrub! I will post spme pics soon to liven things up for you. I am sick of seeing those gross boobs and vaginas also, i understand comletely.
  • BBBC
    4 years ago
    [view link] There you go desertscrub. I lovened it up for you.
  • BBBC
    4 years ago
    I got more loven for you anytime you got the Dinero 😍😉
  • Bmobrac
    4 years ago
    I like strippers sharing, or guys sharing their stripper pics, not as big a fan of people posting google search results.
  • skibum609
    4 years ago
    No comment.
  • founder
    4 years ago
    I made a little change to the gallery. It now only shows verified dancer photos.
  • georgebailey
    4 years ago
    Thanks founder.
  • jacej
    4 years ago
    @founder - can we have both? i.e., a link for dancer photos, and a link for the general photo gallery? I actually liked being able have a convenient link to see what TUSCLers have posted. The dancer-photos-only option is a really good add.
  • Clubber
    4 years ago
    Almost never visit there. Like many, if I was planning a visit and I could go there and check out dancers that MIGHT be at a specific club, THAT would be a winner! As it is now, nothing.
  • gSteph
    4 years ago
    Well, founder has spoken, so shalt it be. I do hope the verified dancers on here will find more reason to post more pics of their curves and such - now that they won't be sharing attention and server space with prior year playmates.
  • Cashman1234
    4 years ago
    What happened to the girls in cow body paint? They didn’t make the verified dancer cut? This is awful news! Even the cartoons of women being fucked by dogs are gone. Such a sad day.
  • Muddy
    4 years ago
    Damn I kinda liked it before.
  • gSteph
    4 years ago
    ^^ yeah, me too. Oh well. I did check, everyone's photos are still on site.... ie: looking at longballs profile - all his posted pics are there.
  • founder
    4 years ago
    OK, you can still view the whole gallery . Click on photo gallery on the menu.
  • gSteph
    4 years ago
  • Eve
    4 years ago
    Founder is a man of equal opportunity.
  • Cashman1234
    4 years ago
    Thanks Founder! I enjoy the verified and unverified smut!
  • Papi_Chulo
    4 years ago
    Can you add a section of Founder selfies
  • TFP
    4 years ago
    What was the remedy for not viewing pictures by certain members again? I have BBBC ignored but yet I still see his shitty pictures in the photo gallery.
  • jimmiedean
    4 years ago
    @scrub. nice!!!! winning!!! ahaaaaaa Kinda......Now you can only go to the verified photos and ignore the others. Although must say, for a moment the lack of a large man in woman's thong loving up on a poor tree branch was a welcome relief.
  • Longball300
    4 years ago
    Good move where now we have the "dancer photos" and the general "photo gallery". I like the idea of members being able to post photos. Some are funny, some hot, some informative, some downright gross but, it's all good. Just one additional form of entertainment and insight into the minds of my fellow TUSCL'ers. Sure most or all are available on the Google but, this way I can get a look at some entertaining photos while not having to visit [view link]. I always try to post the best photos I have ran across or taken personally and hope I am not boring the audience. To those who, for some reason, find the gallery superfluous or trivial here's a thought.... don't look at it........ and if for some reason you still have a problem with it, well then just fuck off.
  • BBBC
    4 years ago
    I love you too TFP
  • Musterd21
    4 years ago
    @Founder Hit that Like Button!
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