Open Arizona Govenor Ducey!
Arizona hasn't been hit hard by the Covid. Weather is heating up.
Our Govenor Ducey has gone silent on plans to reopen.
Peasants are getting restless.
Our Govenor Ducey has gone silent on plans to reopen.
Peasants are getting restless.
Given the numbers, I can't see how he keeps the restaurants closed for another month an a half.
My hopeful prediction - phase 3 before May 20th.
They should count hospitalization and death.……
With only slght modifications, I think he extends for two weeks.
We’re looking at July 1 at the very earliest for lap dances. If we had a pool, I’d buy the Aug 1 square.
If other states see a similar pattern, the pressure will build to open up.
Hospitalization - 1,131
Deaths - 301
> 65 yo deaths - 233
If someone gets sick enough to go to the hospital they have a 27% of death.
Terrible to quander but how many lives are hospitals really saving.