
Strip Club Social Media

Strip Club Nation
It always amazed me how little effort many strip clubs put into social media marketing. It is as if they have a mantra similar to the movie Field of Dreams: "If you have naked women, the PL's will come." Some clubs have websites that have not been updated in 10+ years. Other clubs will start a Facebook or Twitter account for their club, then just abandon it after a few months or a year. The last posts might be from 2016.

I can understand why strip clubs may not want to pay for a domain name and hosting, but a Facebook page, Instagram, or Twitter account is FREE. Minimal effort is needed to make posts. They could be advertising drinking specials and giving a peek into some of the girls that work there.

I bring this up because social media will be the perfect method for clubs, dancers, and patrons to reconnect after the Covid 19 pandemic is over. Not all clubs will reopen right away. Some will take time to get back up to speed. Instead of having to waste time driving from place to place seeing who is back up and who is not, a glance at social media would save a lot of time and effort.


  • Papi_Chulo
    4 years ago
    Either they are too lazy and/or incompetent; or they wanna keeps things on the down-low - I think it's the former b/c some clubs seem to maintain their website and/or at least have useful info on them.

    Many of the dives I hit you can never even get anyone on the phone.
  • jackslash
    4 years ago
    Social media are a good marketing tool. But strip club owners and managers are not computer literate. They may not be literate at all.
  • Papi_Chulo
    4 years ago
  • rockie
    4 years ago
    Most owner’s of club’s are not under 40, and don’t have some semblance of social media savvy. Usually the best use of social media for a strip club is a hobby of some individuals employed at the club in supporting capacities (dancer, dj, doorman, bouncer, etc). When their employment comes to an end, the web presence diminishes due to lack of continuity.
  • Muddy
    4 years ago
    They can definitely do a better job IF they have the talent to show off that is. There's clubs out there, that if I saw what was capable of working inside, I would've never set foot in. So in that case probably better to be low key.
  • goosman
    4 years ago
    problem is, for a strip club social media presence you really need pictures. If you don't have girls that are willing to show their faces, then you are kind of stuck
  • Hoober68
    4 years ago
    It’s because they want to keep things quiet if the club is good or worth going too word will get around on its on social media is good in some ways but not for most strip clubs
  • Papi_Chulo
    4 years ago
    For me, pictures would be nice but I wound't expect most girls to wanna be there - but I still think the club should have a proper website w/ club times, costs (parking; cover; dances; VIP rooms; etc), specials; food; etc.
  • mark94
    4 years ago
    Heroin dealers and liquor stores also do little advertising but their customers find them. Is it possible that Strip Clubs don’t advertise because they don’t need to ?
  • 623
    4 years ago
    Mostly, I think, they don’t spend much on it because it doesn’t work that well for the demographic they target.

    Most clubs are looking for males who are older affluent repeat offenders and generally that is not the Facebook, IG or twitter crowd.
  • gammanu95
    4 years ago
    Managing the social media sites for a business is tough. It is tough to strike the right balance of brevity, wit, and relevance. Standard web sites are much easier. Update relevant info when necessary, refresh the look and layout quarterly or semi-annually. But most strip clubs cannot even properly sweep and mop their floors, so let's not expect too much.
  • Mate27
    4 years ago
    OP brings up a good point, with little effort the advertising can pay off. Hence, most of the business advertising is done through word of mouth, which is why this website prospers.
  • Cristobal
    4 years ago
    The strip clubs in my area under use social media to promote and inform.

    While strip clubs are legit businesses they mostly seemed to be managed without considering their clientele, so it is no surprise they do not use social media to its fullest.

    Strip clubs are about eye candy fantasy, seems like exactly what social media is designed for.

    Other local eye candy businesses (bikini bars and coffee shops) use social media to keep their customers entertained and informed.
  • rattdog
    4 years ago
    a lot of the strip clubs in the northeast are for the most part just showing pics of bartenders twerking and having their followers making it rain on them. i don't pay attention to these girls because they are useless to me-if you're not providing me cum inducing action you're only getting paid to serve me water or soda.
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