
And just like that freedom was gone...

Monday, April 6, 2020 5:38 PM
WTF is happening lately. Is anyone noticing freedom flying out the window. Jesus people wake up. Dont go hear, dont breath to close to me, dont open this place or that place and no more than 10 people....5 people... etc at a time. WAKE UP!!! The oldest profession is shut down, no whore houses in vegas open, no strip clubs hell no bars or restaurants or anything for that matter are open. This is the new world and if only for a short time does this not feel like a trial run for something bigger and worse.


  • Uprightcitizen
    4 years ago
    Dont read too much into it. Find a lonely old guy with $$$ to shack up with for a few months. Call it a time to self reflect and a vacation from the usual grind.
  • TheeOSU
    4 years ago
    About 3 weeks ago I mentioned to a couple friends of mine that I could see this turning into Martial law so yes I suppose it could be a trial run for the future but then again who really knows other than the people pulling the strings.
  • loper
    4 years ago
    Freedom and millions dead or restrictions for a while and a lot fewer dead? I'll go for the latter. I admit, though, that it is common for authoritarian regimes to consolidate power during pandemics --- stay vigilant.
  • Uprightcitizen
    4 years ago
    Lol I love the paranoid shit people post when they are bored. How many military checkpoints have you passed since this started? It's the honor system and most good citizens comply. It's like a masterbation experience for paranoid freaks who actually revel in the moment.
  • poledancer83
    4 years ago
    how is it paranoid tell that to a non-essential person making no money during all of this
  • twentyfive
    4 years ago
    there is a lot of paranoia going on here, but it is in style these days, so I guess if the shoe fits, Cinderella !
  • Uprightcitizen
    4 years ago
    I actually think that sucks but that has nothing to do with some idea of a grand conspiracy. PD I have allot of sympathy for everyone out of work. The alternative is a catastrophe where there are bodies in the streets. If you are ok with that then it's really a test of moral character.
  • JAprufrock
    4 years ago
    Shirley, you're not serious! You mean to tell me you truly don't know how fucking contagious and deadly this shit is? The dead bodies piling up all over the world weren't your first clue? And mind you, this shit is happening in rapid-fire succession, multiplying by the day. Pro sports leagues, filled with some of the greediest bastards on earth (owners and athletes) shut down. You think they just wanted to lose millions of dollars for shits and giggles? You isolate, you stop the curve, you take some of the burden off swamped hospitals and health-care workers who are literally putting their lives on the line. If you can't fathom that, you're hopeless. And that's a shame, because you have a nice pussy.
  • skibum609
    4 years ago
    If you read and understand Orwell you understand the key to loss of rights is the "party". Ten percent of the population in 1984 were party members. They were controlled, but lived better than the proles. Sort of like proles losing their jobs and income. Anyone hear about government workers being furloughed without pay or losing their jobs? At no time in Germany was more than ten percent of the population members of the Nazi party.
  • gawker
    4 years ago
    Don’t I remember “the right to peaceably assemble”? How about travel from state to state? There are many daily conventions and several constitutional rights where legislative bodies have overridden for times of “emergency”. Even habeas corpus has been suspended. Who determines the emergency? Can the president suspend an election if it’s because of an emergency? We all need to monitor this closely. When is an emergency over? When the president says it is?
  • twentyfive
    4 years ago
    @Gawker The president has not done any of that that’s the problem and the reason we are in this mess. His emergency declaration alone isn’t going to make this go away.
  • skibum609
    4 years ago
    Every state having different rules for out of staters tahn their own citizens, regarding travel, are in violation of the Constitution. Even if this is an "emergency" it does not justify the actions and with any rule, once an exception is made, the rule is over. Its like hearsay. People think its inadmissable, but due to the astounding number of exceptions, the rule we are taught in law school is: "hearsay is inadmissable; except when it is admissable". Those wh can give up essential liberty to purchase a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety. He was right then and even more so now. Just think 10,000 deaths; only another 25,000 to tie this year's number of flu deaths.
  • twentyfive
    4 years ago
    I actually agree that the patchwork of individual states making different rules is not only unconstitutional but unamerican and not worthy of this great country or its citizens As far as seeking safety and giving up freedoms I disagree strongly there are many who are in this hour of need are doing their best to help others, best thing you can do for your country if you aren’t able to help actively is being smart and staying out of harms way in order to not add to the burden of those working to end this crisis.
  • Jascoi
    4 years ago
    this situation sucks in so many ways. hope we all come out better after this.
  • skibum609
    4 years ago
    No way would government ever use a crisis to ensure their own power.
  • Player11
    4 years ago
    It’s destroyed our way of life with no end in sight. At times I need take a Xanax get to sleep. This definitely the worst time of my life. Depression, haunting from past mistakes or missed opportunities, fear of infection / future. The world has totally gone to hell. Online porn is free just google your fav type of video.
  • JamesSD
    4 years ago
    In general please don't breathe too close to me
  • bkkruined
    4 years ago
    If only they would have 2 months ago. Started quarantining anyone from China, and any international flight. 2 weeks. None of this "self isolating" bullshit that people voluntarily DIDN'T comply with. The one thing you'd think this germaphobe, xenophobe, isolationist president could have actually done right? Too little, too late.
  • JamesSD
    4 years ago
    Yeah I'm honestly not sure why they didn't at least start screening passengers from China (including citizens) sooner.
  • Cashman1234
    4 years ago
    This isn’t fun - having to stay home - no going to see family or friends. Watching my investments take a dive. But I believe it’s much better than the alternative - of overwhelming the hospitals - and much higher numbers of folks sick and dead. I’m hopeful things will improve if we stay the course. I don’t think staying at home is a workable long term solution. This spreads too quickly. If this was 100 years ago, this virus would be a plague that would decimate a single country. Now that the world has become so open, it’s a worldwide pandemic. I’m still confused how having NY and NJ stay at home will make the country healthier? It’s a free country and folks move about. I don’t understand the science, but it seems like this is a poor method of fighting a deadly disease. Stay indoors - so you don’t catch it?
  • Jascoi
    4 years ago
    pole dancer . your concerns are real. this is getting bad.
  • bang69
    4 years ago
    I agree with poledancer83. I'm considered a non accentual worker. Even thou I work in the Auto motive industry
  • Huntsman
    4 years ago
    Txt dot’s comment in this thread is absolutely disgusting.
  • Nidan111
    4 years ago
    I only hope that it does not last more than 9 more months. My supplies run out about that time. Then, it will be back to hunting for my food and filtering my drinking water. Haven’t left my fucking house for 21 days. Actually having fun not having to deal with people. Haven’t needed to go to the stores, no need for gasoline, no need for anything really. Other than big nipples poking my eyes out. I do miss that.
  • Player11
    4 years ago
    It is the end of an age. A really terrible situation which will get worse until vaccine / cure. The depression from it and it’s implication can be overwhelming. Deal with it day by day and be glad your still alive. I have found some comfort in GTA online and it’s virtual world. Many nights I need zanex get to sleep. The world we knew is gone.
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