I'll admit it I'm jealous...

Off again on again PL
So there is this guy I know on social media. He's probably late 20s early 30s. I guess right before all of the COVID lockdown stuff started he met this super cute girl in her mid 20s. Apparently they fell head over heels in love with each other and moved in together. He is constantly posting pics of them snuggling in bed, pictures of sketches he is doing of her and in general from the pics he is posting I would surmise they are just fucking like bunnies 10 times a day in between fun leisure activities.
Man that would be a fun way to live through all this lockdown stuff. I am super happy for the guy and I'll admit it I am definitely jealous...
last commentPics or didn’t happen.
Some of us long term happily married people are living the good life too, cuddling every morning, fucking like bunnies 10 times a . . . , ah, every month or two.
Social media at its best, creating illusions for the rest to believe are realities.
One of my friends, who I lost touch with, would post pictures of her skiing, partying, sunbathing at the beach, living the good life and I was genuinely happy for her.
One day she calls (not text) me and tells me her life was crumbling: she cheated on her boyfriend, had to move out of her appartment, and had lost her job.
I was shocked because her social media showed she was having a good time but the reality was far from it.
I do not worry much about other's social media, I consider it entertainment only.
It's what young people in new relationships are supposed to do. I know I did. Shit I had some epic weekends in my late 20s and early 30s where I'd fuck so much that I'd get a headache from the strain that all the ejaculations were putting on me.
Maybe I don't see the jealousy angle because I'm pushing 50 now and wouldn't want to spend a whole days doing nothing but fucking even if the opportunity presented itself. So I can only say good for him. It's his time to live like that.
The people who started a new relationship just before covid and are quarantining together are likely having the time of their lives.
^^ hopefully