Detroit Clubbing

notzuckerberggive me all the bacon and eggs you have
I’ve been around to a majority of the clubs in the metro area, but I’m looking to see if I should venture. I mostly visit Bogarts, H8N, FC, Coli. What’s the most underrated club in metro Detroit? (Best “bang” for buck)
last commentLanding Strip, Subi's.
Good advice from Jackslash.
You might also consider BT's Dearborn and Dream Girls, Lincoln Park.
Read the reviews.
@jackslash - thanks, I’ll give them a try.
@Electronman - BT’s has always been in my list, but I’ve always heard so-so things.
@waffle - Sure, and I’ve done that. Just trying to find a better perspective. Anyone can write a review to access the site, so need to take it with a grain of salt. I figured ask the discussion boards, where, if people are taking the time to write and comment on, you’ll find better answers. But thanks!