an't stop watching porn?

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Atlanta suburb
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avatar for shadowcat
5 years ago
The sex addicts who don't have a sex life.…
avatar for Tiburon
5 years ago
Huh, and here I thought paying for sex was more destructive than simple masturbation. Would ya look at that.
avatar for Warrior15
5 years ago
I periodically practice it. But that is to get ready for something. If I go to Tijuana, I'll nofap for a week before I go. Then I'm ready for the nine sessions in two and a half days. :-)
avatar for san_jose_guy
5 years ago
Funny Stuff!

But it is real.

Creepy stuff!

avatar for JAprufrock
5 years ago
I bought a lot of porn mags (mostly Hustler) and videotapes and DVDs back in the day. Not sure if I was ever "addicted" to porn. I knew some guys who were more heavily into it and I was glad not to be at their level of spending and time commitment.
Now, I watch occasionally, probably average twice a week for an hour at a time, on Xvideos or Xhamster or a similar site, whenever the mood strikes.
I don't see anything wrong it and don't feel the need to quit. But it's certainly bad if you let it affect your home and family life (for those who are married), job and/or health (go to the gym at least once in a while for crying out loud, preferably several times a week).
I agree with Warrior in that I tend to avoid porn for several days or a week when I'm planning a trip to TJ (where I'm at now) or Toronto.
avatar for san_jose_guy
5 years ago
So reading Hugh Urban in:

Hidden Intercourse: Eros and Sexuality in the History of Western Esotericism
by Wouter J. Hanegraaff and Jeffrey J. Kripal

Aleister Crowley writing about being in South India in the Temple of the Shiva lingam. Then he goes on to quote William Blake.

"I spent a good deal of time in its courts meditating on the mystery of Phallic worship . . . My instinct told me that Blake was right in saying: "The lust of the goat is the glory of God."

From "The Confessions of Aleister Crowley.

A note here, I am still struggling to learn and understand this stuff and make sense of the ideas coming from all the different characters.


Yeah this is really cool:…

The Rolling Stones - Like A Rolling…

Love Is Strong…
avatar for san_jose_guy
5 years ago
^^^^ oops, somehow my intended post got lost.

Found my first copy of Playboy, for some reason up on the roof of a jr. high school. Got it down, water damaged. But it did influence me greatly.

Women dressed sexy, then women showing their stuff, then decades later with the Beloved Latina Escorts, who service all the guys they possibly can.

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