
Official Bitcoin FUD thread 2020 Q1

Wednesday, February 12, 2020 4:47 AM
FUD means Fear, Uncertainty, Doubt. FYI-Video of propaganda techniques during a bitcoin conference. The entire 36 minute long video is interesting to watch if you're into seeing how the top people of a MLM scheme behave but I have a link to 7:45 where the true MLM part of bitcoin comes up. Let me know if it gets taken off, I have downloaded a backup and will upload again to youtube. [view link]


  • MackTruck
    4 years ago
    Therebare idiots in every incestment scheme and every business. Stay away from any MLM having to do with crypto currency. Consider them all scams. Investing on your own xan be great. Either buy and hold or learn about trading
  • MackTruck
    4 years ago
  • BitCoinHodler
    4 years ago
    Bitcoin-be your own boss bitch!
  • Uprightcitizen
    4 years ago
    Macktruck has a load of good advice.
  • san_jose_guy
    4 years ago
    Things like Bit-Coin should not exist. We have the legal ability to eradicate it. We should do so. Same for Facebook's Libra. SJG
  • MackTruck
    4 years ago
    ^^ I agree with getting rid of Facebook's Lebra. Facebook already has too much of people's info. They don't need to have people's wallets also... Bitcoin is priced by the free market and does not have your personal info.
  • san_jose_guy
    4 years ago
    We don't want corporations making their own currency. Get rid of BitCoin, and Facebooks Lebra. SJG TJ Street [view link] Steve Winwood and Eric Clapton - Dear Mr. Fantasy (HQ)(Crossroads Guitar Festival 2010) [view link] Little Wing [view link]
  • MackTruck
    4 years ago
    Bitcoin is not a company
  • san_jose_guy
    4 years ago
    Whatever it is, it should not be creating its own currency. SJG
  • BitCoinHodler
    4 years ago
    Easily the worst rap song I've ever heard. It was 900k plus views LOL. [view link]
  • san_jose_guy
    4 years ago
    Ponzi Schemes are illegal. The opinion was written by Chief Justice and former President William Howard Taft. We prosecute people who run ponzi schemes. SJG
  • san_jose_guy
    4 years ago
    Carlo Ponzi spent a decade in federal prison, then his natualized citizenship was revoked and he was expatriated. He did end up working for Mussolini. But even there he got booted. He ended up in South America where he died sick and broke. SJG Think of the muscle control they must have to make this work hands off: [view link] TJ Street [view link] Steve Winwood and Eric Clapton - Dear Mr. Fantasy (HQ)(Crossroads Guitar Festival 2010) [view link] Little Wing [view link] Blues in 'A' [view link]
  • BitCoinHodler
    4 years ago
    Article about bitcoin mixers which basically makes it more difficult to track who's bitcoins are who's. Bitcoiners use this to make illegal purchases on the dark web. Simply using a bitcoin should be a crime. Please write to your congressmen asking for the use of bitcoin mixers to be outlawed. [view link]
  • DenimChicken
    4 years ago
    We should make cash illegal as well because you can do illegal things with it in person.
  • san_jose_guy
    4 years ago
    Bit Coin should be prosecuted and shut down because people have made their own currency, not because one might use it for illegal stuff. SJG Peter Frampton Do You Feel Like We Do (2019, quite interesting) [view link] Creedence Clearwater Revival - I Heard It Through The Grapevine [view link] Amy Winehouse/Paul Weller - I heard it through the grapevine.Hootynanny 2006. [view link] [view link]
  • BitCoinHodler
    4 years ago
    Hilarious bitcoiner gets triggered when someone says there's no reason to use his funny money. [view link]
  • FTS
    4 years ago
    What is this "Bitcoin" thing? Can somebody please explain it to me? What is it, and how does it work? How exactly are bitcoins produced? How do I use it? I don't know ANY of these things because I'm lazy and stupid! ... but at least I don't make judgments about things I know nothing about... hehe :-)
  • BitCoinHodler
    4 years ago
    Excuse me this is the meme page regarding bitcoin. Post funny media regarding bitcoin. I'll even welcome pro-bitcoin media, anything involving crypto is a meme anyways.
  • FTS
    4 years ago
  • FTS
    4 years ago
  • san_jose_guy
    4 years ago
    Whether or not BitCoin is used for money laundering or illicit commerce, it is still a ponzi scheme. Why would obviously intelligent people have any concern over it? SJG
  • FTS
    4 years ago
    CNBC anchors all bullish on Bitcoin: [view link]
  • FTS
    4 years ago
  • FTS
    4 years ago
  • san_jose_guy
    4 years ago
    Are they bullish on roulette wheels? SJG
  • san_jose_guy
    4 years ago
    How about Russian Roulette? SJG
  • BitCoinHodler
    4 years ago
    LOL @ the CNBC article. The comments on r/bitcoin are all saying it's a bearish sign. True comedy godl.
  • BitCoinHodler
    4 years ago
    Also when crypto enthusiasts say but cash is laundered too!!! Well yes, but in terms of primary use cases cash is alot more useful then funbux. All pedo pesos are good for are illegal transactions.
  • san_jose_guy
    4 years ago
    Money it bitcoin, money in the Ponzi Stock Market, these are bearish signs, signs of fatalism at work. SJG
  • FTS
    4 years ago
    What is bitcoin? I have no fucking idea what it is, please explain it to me! How does it work? How do I use it? Where do bitcoins come from? I don't have a clue, please explain it to me! You all know so much about it, please tell me how it works! :-)
  • BitCoinHodler
    4 years ago
    It's a pseudoanonymous tool to make dark web transactions. Backed by comedy godl.
  • BitCoinHodler
    4 years ago
    I find it hilarious how butters always talk about the price when it increases but say they're in it for the tech when it decreases. The truth is butters just want to pitch their (decentralized) ponzi scheme to other people so they can sell for fiat at a higher price. Then there's me who hated pedo pesos since it was at 200 and will continue hating no matter how many poor poor souls are tricked into trading their trusty fiat for imaginary funbucks.
  • BitCoinHodler
    4 years ago
    [view link] Random dude on the internet talking about storing bitcoin in a hole literally in his backyard, talks about the steps he took to secure it. Be your bank! Money of the future! Below is a copy/ paste from the reddit thread. printed paper wallet on a fresh linux install to a laser printer this had both the QR code and a uncompressed WIF key that you can read "laminated" the paper with packing tape made a USB stick the motivation was to make something that could potentially survive the loss of various digital formats - what if in the future nobody knows how to read a JPEG? with 3 partitions ext3 NTFS FAT put the private key on the USB stick in various formats word text file PNG GIF JPEG 3d printed a QR code (public and private key) each of these three things I sealed up with my vacuum foodsealer
  • FTS
    4 years ago
    "It's a pseudoanonymous tool to make dark web transactions. Backed by comedy godl." Welcome back to Who's Bitcoin is it Anyway, where nothing is made up, but it's okay because the points don't matter! BitCoinHodler/CTLennay..... You get 1/2 point for correctly characterizing Bitcoin as pseudoanonymous. However, you lose one point for mischaracterizing Bitcoin as something that is exclusively used for dark web transactions*. You get -1 sillies for the comedy godl bit. Congratulations, your score is -1/2 points and -1 sillies! Thanks for playing. *How did I make an Amazon purchase a couple weeks ago by only spending my bitcoins? Is Amazon part of the dark web? Better luck next time....
  • BitCoinHodler
    4 years ago
    The comedy godl bit always gets a few chuckles at the socialist meetings I go to. Amazon doesn't accept bitcoin no clue what you're talking about. If you did (theoretically) use bitcoin on Amazon it's considered a taxable event. Money of the future! When you do use bitcoin to purchase something online the system actually sells the bitcoin for cash then sends cash to the retailer so the retailer doesn't actually hodl any funbucks.
  • BitCoinHodler
    4 years ago
    [view link] Hilarious person brags about making their first bitcoin transaction. Comments are congratulating her while also stating their first transitions were heroine/shrooms on the silk road. Then there's another comment chain on the fees involved and how easy it would theoretically be for her to scam them paying by bitcoin. Money of the future! I love holding my breath everytime I try to purchase something!!! Also Amazon doesn't accept bitcoin.
  • BitCoinHodler
    4 years ago
    [view link] An exchange loses this dudes money, he basically has recourse. Comedy godl ensues. Amazon doesn't accept bitcoin.
  • BitCoinHodler
    4 years ago
    [view link] In a move of brilliant marketing some redditor adds anime eyes to a bitcoin to make them more appealing to the basement dwellers who purchase crypto. Amazon doesn't accept bitcoin.
  • san_jose_guy
    4 years ago
    People should have more important things to concern themselves with than BitCoin. SJG Daniel Castro - I'll Play The Blues For You [view link] Slow Blues/ Blues Ballads 1 - A two hour long compilation [view link]
  • BitCoinHodler
    4 years ago
    I agree and I don't. The type of people who like bitcoin would probably spend their time trading stock options or penny stocks in an effort to get rich quick without doing any work if bitcoin didn't exist. The other type of people who like bitcoin would spend their time advancing libertarian ideals. Bitcoin is a good way to let undesirables waste their time. Then there's people like me who enjoy reading bitcoin stuff when pooping cause the things these man children post is hilarious, true comedy godl.
  • san_jose_guy
    4 years ago
    But they shouldn't be trading stock options either. No information which they could have has any predictive value. They are just betting against the fund managers. What they should be doing is putting their own money into their own affairs, investing in themselves and building up a brain trust. SJG
  • BitCoinHodler
    4 years ago
    Dude logs into check his coins from Iran, ends up losing them all. Decentralized money of the future everyone! [view link]
  • FTS
    4 years ago
    Some idiots just don't know how Bitcoin works.... ;-)
  • san_jose_guy
    4 years ago
    And some idiots actually put real money into BitCoin. SJG 'Frampton Comes Alive II' 1995, San Francisco [view link] Yardbirds [view link]
  • BitCoinHodler
    4 years ago
    Yeah, can you believe there are people out there who think Amazon accepts bitcoin when they very clearly dont?
  • FTS
    4 years ago
    Really? Seems unlikely. Who thinks Amazon accepts bitcoin?
  • san_jose_guy
    4 years ago
    Who worries whether Amazon accepts bitcoin? SJG
  • BitCoinHodler
    4 years ago
    I think it's the same idiots who dont know how bitcoin works you referenced in an earlier comment.
  • FTS
    4 years ago
    Maybe we should ask one of those idiots.... Oh, btw, BitCoinHodler... does Amazon accept bitcoins?
  • BitCoinHodler
    4 years ago
    Amazon doesn't accept bitcoin. Here's a funny reddit thread about people in a mlm scheme encouraging people not to cash out their funbux [view link]
  • MackTruck
    4 years ago
    I buy all da shitcoins there ano nun left
  • MackTruck
    4 years ago
    Kang of da trolls mane. And still dumpin loads
  • BitCoinHodler
    4 years ago
    Are you sure you're the king of the trolls? Satoshi got a bunch of losers to buy into some imaginary internet coins which turned into some weird cult. Satoshi is the greatest troll ever and creator of some of the best comedy godl. If you told a hodler bitcoin was a scam they'd have the same reaction as someone from ISIS being told Allah wasn't real. Look at this very obvious cult like thread. This is honestly something that's very fascinating to watch in real time. [view link]
  • Newtothislife
    4 years ago
    BSV is the one to jump in ASAP.
  • BitCoinHodler
    4 years ago
    It would have been hilarious if Craig Wright had the keys to the genesis block basically proving he was Satoshi or had close ties to him. I think given his court case if he were Satoshi he'd prove his keys by now so it's safe to say he isn't. Wright simultaneously created a coin more useful than Bitcoin yet more scammy at the same time.
  • BitCoinHodler
    4 years ago
    In the latest episode of you cant make this shit up, Craig Wright claims attorney client privilege and points to the LinkedIn of Kenyan lawyer which reads "I am lawyer" I think I've gotten more enjoyment out of crypto laughing at the people in the space than most have gotten "investing" in it. [view link]
  • BitCoinHodler
    4 years ago
    Reddit user starts to question whether or not bitcoin is a true store of value. This is bitcoins first true test through a global crisis, I hope it doesn't kill it forever, I still have more comedy godl I'd like to mine. I'm kind of stuck in a weird place with bitcoin because when the price goes up the bitcoin manchildren are more likely to actually talk to me, when it goes down they stay in their caves :(. [view link]
  • san_jose_guy
    4 years ago
    Bit coin could have some use for paying long distance bills. But not for anything else, not for storing money in it. SJG
  • BitCoinHodler
    4 years ago
    Bitcoiners see its value plummeting from corona. Still desperately to spin it as bitcoin doing its job. [view link]
  • san_jose_guy
    4 years ago
    Sooner we can terminate bitcoin the better, and the same for facebooks cryto currency. SJG
  • BitCoinHodler
    4 years ago
    Crypto is down during this crisis but holy hell WTF is this meme. [view link]
  • FTS
    4 years ago
    Watch the videos, then make your comments.
  • BitCoinHodler
    4 years ago
    Sir this is not a chain to talk about blockchain fundies this is supposed to be about memes. I'd bite if there could be higher concentration of comedy godl per minute in a video, this is just two crypto "experts" jerking each other off on how "this is good for bitcoin". See my first post on how crypto door to door salesmen are taught that no matter what everything is good is crypto. Now having said all that, amazon doesn't bitcoin.
  • FTS
    4 years ago
    Raoul Pal is not a crypto expert. Why don't you get your facts straight before typing something? Raoul Pal CEO & Co-Founder Real Vision Raoul Pal – A Goldman Sachs alumni and ex-hedge fund manager from GLG Partners, Raoul also writes and publishes an elite macro investor service called Global Macro Investor (GMI) for the world’s leading hedge funds, pension funds, banks and sovereign wealth funds. [view link]
  • BitCoinHodler
    4 years ago
    Omg yes! Some fresh comedy godl! "Creepard references Goldman sachs banker to help validate his life choices." Please read into sarcastic quotation mark usage. [view link]
  • BitCoinHodler
    4 years ago
    Reddit thread celebrating retailers who accept bitcoin, first comment is about how they dont actually accept bitcoin. [view link] Post note, notice how Amazon is NOT one of them on this list. If the door to door bitcoin salesmen lie about buying something on Amazon using bitcoin what else are they lying about? Make sure to do your own research! They're trying to get you into a decentralized ponzi scheme!
  • BitCoinHodler
    4 years ago
    Even more cult like behavior of a bitcoin hodler that calls people who own bitcoin the new global elite. Ponzi scheme and cult in one. [view link]
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