Friday night vs Saturday nights?

avatar for Checkingthisout5
Total rookie question here - in general is there any difference between the quality of talent on a Friday night vs Saturday night?
Obviously it varies per club. But my hypothesis would be that the same "A-team" works both nights.


last comment
avatar for Papi_Chulo
5 years ago
It isn't uncommon for many clubs to offer free complimentary blowjobs on Friday-nights - just sayin'
avatar for sinclair
5 years ago
Generally, Friday and Saturday night will be similar in terms of quality. Your hypothesis is correct.
avatar for PinkSugarDoll
5 years ago
Sometimes girls get too tired or too wasted from working Friday, or too tempted by activities going on with friends, so fewer show up on Saturdays. Sometimes.
avatar for wallanon
5 years ago
Thursday to Saturdays are usually when nightshift dancers try to maximize their volume dollars. Better looking talent is more likely to be there in most clubs, but on dayshift it's not as much of a factor.
avatar for Checkingthisout5
5 years ago
Lol papi. Thanks everyone.
avatar for georgmicrodong
5 years ago
Around here they seem to be mostly the same, though Saturday's are sometimes better, as the girls with "real" jobs who don't work Friday's will sometimes show up on Saturday's.
avatar for nicespice
5 years ago
—>“Sometimes girls get too tired or too wasted from working Friday, or too tempted by activities going on with friends, so fewer show up on Saturdays. Sometimes.”

Huh. In general, I’ve tended to like Saturdays more than Fridays. The I haven’t thought that close as the possible reason why. Insightful post 😁
avatar for PinkSugarDoll
5 years ago
😘 I like saturdays better too, much of the drama has stayed home or went elsewhere.
avatar for mjx01
5 years ago
IME, I find Saturdays to have a little better scenery than Fridays (somewhat more customers and correspondingly somewhat more dancers) (and a slight higher dancer quality level on Saturday but not much). Generally, the Friday and Saturday night crews are mostly the same. I would also say Saturdays have a higher probability of 'moonlighting' dancers who have other work/life commitments.

A better question is day shift vs. Fri/Sat evening. Fri/Sat evening tend to be more customers out to party and lower expectations mileage-wise. Day shift is probably lower dancer quality but a better chance for higher mileage.
avatar for max_starr
5 years ago
once you've been around a club and have a few phone#''ll get reports on the lay of the land!
If friday is busy and girls are making bank, mum's the word.

If a ton of girls were scheduled and its dead...The manager might text me to come in to bring in money...
meanwhile a CF might text me to come in and keep her company OR she's texting me that they let her go home because its dead and how about a little OTC time right now baby!

I don't frequent like I used to...But invariably I didn't have to lift a finger to know what was going on.
avatar for FredFoobaz
5 years ago
Don't know how it is with strip clubs, but when I played in a band, I noticed the crowd was always more laid back on Saturdays. More aggression on Fridays.
avatar for joker44
5 years ago
For a couple of clubs downtown talent more likely to come in IF there was a big event [F or S] at nearby arena; the other nite saw talent drop off.
One club had a very slow/poor Sat dayshift and with a 3AM close most nightshift talent often didn't show up until after 9PM

At the other club if dancers wanted to work prime nights they had to agree to work one dayshift. Often dancers with seniority chose to work a double on Sat. Often resulted in more Sat night shift dancers -- better selection and diversity.
And if a customer came in for lower cover$ dayshift they could leave, get dinner, and return w/o paying higher evening cover.
avatar for Checkingthisout5
5 years ago
So this got way more attention and comments than I thought it would, which is awesome. Thanks everyone.
Although I'm even more divided on the subject now than before haha. My reason for asking about nights is I want to experience the best talent possible. Might just have to go both nights...
Good call on checking for events.
avatar for joker44
5 years ago
Checking - IME it took a year of visits to my favorite clubs to learn the "best shifts" pattern for each club. A year to learn seasonal variations, the impact of nearby 'events', and gauge how frequently the dancer corp changed at each club.

I don't think one can usefully generalize across clubs in your home area let alone across US cities.
avatar for Nidan111
5 years ago
Personally, I prefer Tuesday through Thursday nights. I consistently get FS VIP even in the non extras clubs. Not sure why, but works for me. Friday’s and Saturday’s seem full of young and inexperienced strip Club Patrons who just take up space.
avatar for blahblahblah23
5 years ago
I tend to make more money on Saturdays than Fridays, but generally both are good at most clubs most of the time.
avatar for skibum609
5 years ago
I find the clubs in New England tend to have hotter Friday nights than Saturdays.
avatar for blahblahblah23
5 years ago
^ that's interesting
avatar for SirLapdancealot
5 years ago
In my experience I don't think Fri vs Sat matters. Both are considered a weekend night which to me is strip club prime time. Best strippers and unfortunately the busiest strippers come with this. I only go on these nights if it is a group party night event. As an extreme regular and cheap SOB I prefer slow dayshift visits. It works well out here in Portland because there are so many dive clubs and, with research, you can still find 8-10s working on the slowest days.

avatar for DandyDan
5 years ago
Not much difference. At most clubs, it's the same girls both nights.
avatar for wallanon
5 years ago
"I don't think one can usefully generalize across clubs in your home area let alone across US cities."

If it takes someone a year to figure out a club in your town, I'd pick a different town.
avatar for joker44
5 years ago
Wall LOL
It still only takes just 1 or 2 visits to learn local club differences even here in cowtown.

But it still takes a year to learn *seasonal variations*, the impact of nearby 'events', and gauge how frequently the dancer corp changes at each club.
52 weeks in this universe; perhaps faster in the Twilight Zone.
avatar for Nidan111
5 years ago
^^^ I Love the twilight zones ... AKA backwoods boonies!
avatar for NJBalla
5 years ago
Same girls most of the time. Only advice is to come at beginning of shift. ~8-9 pm. You get the best of both worlds. The women who work nights as usually younger and hotter and you can have a relaxed convo before the club gets packed with the night crowd.
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