LeRouge Lounge
West 47th Street
New York, NY 10036
How Does the New LeRouge Lounge on W 45 St. Compare to the Old Lido Locations?
New York
Some of our customers feel that the new Le Rouge Lounge is not like the Old Lido which had some great locations at Space Ibiza Nightclub and Union Square Model Lounge. Admittedly, Old Lido was a hard act to follow with 100 hot girls on a Thursday night.
Other customers commented that the newly renovated Le Rouge Lounge is the most beautiful and classy venue and a place where you can bring your clients. Le Rouge Lounge has the additional advantage and security of knowing it's at a fully licensed and properly zoned adult club.
Other customers commented that the newly renovated Le Rouge Lounge is the most beautiful and classy venue and a place where you can bring your clients. Le Rouge Lounge has the additional advantage and security of knowing it's at a fully licensed and properly zoned adult club.
If you have never been to Le Rouge Lounge, you are welcome to come to the Le Rouge Lounge for the first time, Non-Member price of $30. Mention at the Door password "TUSCL Special" and you will also get a free premium drink ticket for the bar.
^^(good footjob)
Buying dances is a chump's game.
Save the back rooms until it is time for your own pants to come down.
In a Membership Club many laws become impractical to enforce.
Instead, we have started a new online community and over 20 dancers have joined and have included links to their social media accounts including Instagram and their personal websites with adult content.
To join our new Le Rouge online community, please make a contribution of $20 or more to our campaign at https://fundrazr.com/LeRougeEntertainers and get the secret password to https://www.lerougelounge.com/entertaine…
Now I’ve been to this old Le Rougie lounge before - and they ain’t open again. Why? Well I dunno. Them drink prices - they were very high. There’s a new place though saying they are more “real Lido” an all. They are operating within the Hustler club and calling themselves “The Lido Room.” The name just has a good ring to it I think.
They say they are the real Lido experience. And the drink prices - very fair. Very affordable. I think the Le Rouge will open once they get them drink prices sorted out and maybe get the dancer roster. But I’d suggest The Lido Room at the Hustler Club ya know.
Nobody knows or cares about Biseggi.
Biseggi is using this forum to put in a plug for Steve's Lido Room which is now at the Hustler Club on 12th Avenue.
We have always been gentlemen and have nothing bad to say about any of our competitors, including Steve, the Lido Room, and the Hustler Club.
Also, Lost_In_Space, don't 'like' your own posts. You'll go blind.
Now I have no objections whatsoever to a club or dancer marketing on here. Indeed I believe that this becomes a better place with those types of interactions. Just don't be disingenuous about it.
Biseggi sounds like a tool - and a wanna be club ad writer.
Lido_mgmt is either a club manager - or another wanna be ad writer.
They even caught the interest of SJG - a wanna be strip club patron!
Note the use of "we" by this strip club's "loyal customer". I mean, it's not like it wasn't already obvious, but now you're really just embarrassing yourself.
Uh huh. So, a strip club regular who uses the "royal we." Though I admire your commitment to this obvious fiction, it remains embarrassing for you.
I liked the 51st Street location because it is a fully licensed strip club and it offers adult entertainment including topless dancing throughout the club, and plenty of private rooms starting at 15 minutes, and a full liquor bar with premium drinks.
There is even a heated outdoor deck with a cigar lounge.
Also on topic... it's pretty obvious to everyone, except you, that you're not actually helping the club you manage/work for.
Red appears to know a bit about this club, yet he’s never reviewed it. Lost is attempting to write more club ads. Lido is a definite club ad too.
The most bizarre thing is they seem to think SJG offers useful club recommendations!
I get it, those guys are promoting this club. It’s fine to push to get more business. It’s best to be upfront and honest.