Anybody know a club where all the dancers are like skinny barbies, with small asses, long thin legs, and tight tummies? Like, 5'5", 100 lbs? IDK what's happened to this country, I go to a club sometimes and it's practically worse than staying at home. At least at home I can avoid seeing chicks so fat that I vomit in my mouth just from lookin at them.
I'll second Mons Venus. Hands down the uniformly hottest dancers I'd seen in a long time. Also, no alcohol and minimal mileage. No private dance area. Everything is a trade off.
_____ Some come here for the legalized weed and the craving for cheetos comes after getting high. Apparently THC-laced Cheetos are available now (Weetos):
OP, I do hope you don't actually get nauseous from seeing an overweight person. That would be taking (your reasonable) preferences too far for your own good. That said, good ol' Simpson Town (Springfield, OR) has plenty of slim or perfectly medium shapely lasses dancing in the club.
PT's in Louisville has a manager (who must weigh 500+ lbs) who doesn't hire anything but skinny and slim girls, and vastly prefers white, light skinned, and girls mixed with white. Not much variety, but what's there is hot.
Some clubs draw young dancers cause of the way the alcohol laws work, or because it is a low mileage show club. They get money without having to get tactile.
last commentBut hey, your fault is my feature.
Some come here for the legalized weed and the craving for cheetos comes after getting high. Apparently THC-laced Cheetos are available now (Weetos):…
That said, good ol' Simpson Town (Springfield, OR) has plenty of slim or perfectly medium shapely lasses dancing in the club.
(Mixed in with all other shapes and sizes...) I don't think you'd be disappointed!
Bare Elegance near LAX, 4Play and Plan B in Los Angeles.
😢 Saturday day is the only time I can’t make it down.