@poledancer: feminism is not destroying us, "fake feminists" are.

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future POTUS and Senator in training
Dear Poledancer,

point #1: Please do not conflate feminism and the war on masculinity as the same concepts.
point #2: The war on masculinity is a huge issue in this country, but it is not the result of feminism. It is the result of fake feminism.
point #3: We need to call out fake feminism, not feminism.

Thank you for reading. Would love to meet for coffee one day to discuss, don't know if I have time to discuss everything on here since I'm rarely on here, other forums, or on social media to begin with.


last comment
I agree with Nicole. Feminism is good.

But there is fake femimism, or reactionary feminism. Moralistic, puritanical. A new universal prescription, taking the place of what feminism took down.

It is always like this, Counter Culture gets turned into its opposite.

Deleuze and Guattari call it:

Territorialization -> Deterritorialization -> Reterritorialization.


Great Book, Faludi was with the LA Times.



Electric Blues
Nicole, of those concerned about this new Nordic Model, is that part of a broader Right Wing political project which is at core just misogyny, guys who believe that liberalizing the prostitution laws should deliver a segment of the female population up to them in a subordinated capacity?



Nobody gives a fuck about Norway and Denmark, kick rocks.
Some people here seem really agitated about this Nordic Model, when in fact it is a clear liberalization of the laws against prostitution.

Why are they so bothered by it?

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