Daytime vs Nighttime inside Hong Kong

I just got back from my sixth trip to TJ. I am plum wore out from mucho arribas.
Each time I go, I stay three nights at Cascadas. Because I am an East Coast guy, it takes me a day or two to adjust to the time difference. The first night I am always in bed by 9pm TJ time as that is Midnight on the East Coast. But this makes it very easy for me to get downstairs for the morning sessions.
I had thought that the morning shift got to the club at 10am so I had always waited until then to go down there. I have now found out that the morning shift is supposed to show up at 8am. The reality is that some of those are late and many stay in the dressing room for a while. There are very few customers in Hong Kong in the morning which is probably why I like that time. I get my pick of what is there.
And I really do not think the quality of the girls is that much lower in the mornings. I think many single moms want to assimilate close to a normal working day for their kids. And I think the club puts the newbies on the early shift too. So I have always been able to find a beautiful girl or two or three on that early shift. And they tend to be more willing to spend that extra time with you than the evening girls.
Now on my third night there, I had finally adjusted to the time change so I found myself going down to the club about 10pm on Thursday. Wow, was that place different. There was actually a small line just to get into Hong Kong. And they were charging admission. Luckily I had my VIP card so I still got in free. The place was a Zoo inside. All barstools and booths were taken. Guys standing around everywhere. I go upstairs and find a 4th and 5th floor. I had never been up to those levels before. Even those levels were full then. Beautiful women everywhere. But TONS of guys.
I'm thinking that on this trip inside HK, the ratio was about 60/40 guys to girls. Where in the morning on Thursday it was about 30/70 guys to girls. Yes, there were a lot of really pretty girls that night. Yes, you do see some model quality gems at night that make your tongue wag. But on a % of all girls, I still do not think the quality is any better at night than during the day.
That may just be my opinion though.
last commentall it takes is one. (although two is even better.)
Sounds fun. Wish I’d known you were around. I was in TJ too.
Seems for a lot of vet-custies, they start to enjoy the clubs more and more the slower they are (as long as their is still sufficient talent to one's liking) - e.g. I prefer Follies weekend dayshift past 4pm but the crowds (and type of people) make it that I kinda don't wanna be there
@Warrior15, Thur nite did you stay until pass midnite and see it's more packed? Are the guys mostly local or san diegans? And did you get any construction noise in hotel?
It’s funny that you said it was busy as @oldgringo and I were talking to a BG who left and joined us out because of how slow she said it was.
Phandy, if that was slow, then I don't want to see it when it's busy. It was a little hard to just walk around.
anislee, I probably left before midnight but not long before. By then, I had had 10 arribas in 2 & a half days. I was "spent" by then to put it bluntly. I stayed on the 6th floor. No construction there. They were working on the rooms on the 5th floor but I didn't hear any noise from it. I liked the updates of Azul. It's a lot bigger now.
Anytime is a good time at HK.
The morning shift is more relaxed but there are still plenty of hot BGs and less PLs.
It all depends on what I was in the mood for.
One time I was hanging out at 4am recharging from an arriba when I noticed a BG with a body that had LC wanting to take her arriba but I had to wait, fortunately she was still there when I was ready at about 5am and we had a great time.
Anytime is a good time to visit HK.
FYI, typically if you are staying at the hotel, they waive the cover; it is not necessary to have a VIP card. OTOH, there are a lot of advantages to the VIP card.
Good review.
10 arribas in 2 1/2 days. Ay dios mio. You are a warrior indeed.
OldGringo, I had some "medicinal" help.
Tahoe, Every other time I had stayed as Cascadas, they had given me a wristband to wear that said Cascadas. I assumed that was to get in free but no one ever looked at it. They didn't give me a wristband this time so I needed the VIP card to get in.
For people who would prefer to TLN with a girl on the first meeting, is there as best time for this in the bars like HK?
Anyone get a MG (Massage Girl) outside, like for food and for TLN?
My favourite experience was a day shift, super early on a Tues. The quality is there, you just have to get past a lot of bored looking faces.
SJG It will be tough to get a girl for TLN unless you session with her at least once. Not impossible. Had a HK girl propose a TLN in the elevator up to the room. Told her that I would decide after the session. Did TLN with her three times, but she started raising her price, so I cut her loose.
THanks for that info. Escorts of Mexico talked about TLNing with SG's at first meeting. Only thing is you have to get to them about 4am. I would not do this. But I do see your point.
Curious if anyone has TLNed with an MG (massage girl)
TLN I’ve found depends on the girl, what’s she’s after and if it’s not all about $$ then having a connection and being a guy who treats them right. I have even had BGs who were home in their home towns offer to come meet me when I am on a business trip. It’s really a situational thing and I would say most aren’t planning on it on a given night but If you have fun together and make them feel comfortable and safe with you it goes a long way.
^^^^ Makes perfect sense to me!
Phandy +20